Fable - Ask Beneath the Gleaming of Gold

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Acteon Cass

Character Biography
A knock on the door. A human male near middle age in officer's armor didn't even look up. He didn't even answer. The knocker just walked in after a moment's pause. A young human male in guard armor entered.

"Sorry for the intrusion Vice Captain." The newcomer said as he stood at attention.

"At ease." The Vice Captain responded finishing whatever writing he was doing and looked up. The other man relaxed his stance. "What did you want Detective?"

"I am here concerning a case I would like to pursue." The Detective said. The Vice Captain held out a hand and the other man handed over some papers from a satchel on his side. As the older man looked over them the young one went on. "There has been some strange movements of late from a few of the more organized gangs."

"Strange how?"

"They were targeting ledgers and papers rather than coins and valuables."

The Vice Captain frowned while making a "hmm" sound. He set the papers down on his desk then looked up to the Detective. "I do not grant permission to investigate this case."

The Detective frowned as well. "Why not sir?"

"It is a waste of time and resources. We will inform the local merchants and property owners of this trend and they can just take more measures. That will solve the issue." The Vice Captain said before getting back to his writing. After a moment he said in a slightly annoyed voice, "You are dismissed Detective."

The young man nodded and promptly left.


Acteon walked into a local tea shop and looked around. A letter had been given to him earlier that day. A letter that was in his right hand. He looked down at it and read the hastily scribbled words once again. Falwood Nectar & Sweets at evening meal. I have a job for you. -E.

The Allirian just sighed a bit as he folded it in half and walked over to the table he knew held the sender.

A man in common clothing sat with a cup of mint lavender tea and some flower shaped pastries in front of him as Acteon sat down. Before the man had a chance to speak Acteon did first. "Evander. You are looking rather poor."

"As are you Acteon."

Acteon just smirked a bit. "A lot richer now as a sellsword than some detective."

"Of course. My pay is more in knowing justice is served and people feel safe to walk the streets rather than the gleam of some worthless gold." Evander said as he looked to his fellow Allirian.

"Gold makes me feel plenty safe when walking the streets with what it allows me to buy." Acteon responded as he stole one of the pastries. "Now why don't you tell me what job a detective from the Allirian guard would have for me when a captain or at least vice captain are the ones who hand out work to outsiders."

Evander had a look of annoyance as his pastry was popped into Acteon's mouth. But it quickly faded into seriousness. "I need you to work a case for me."

Acteon raised a brow.
The younger Cass leaned back as his eyes took on a predatory look. It was a look directed entirely upon Evander. Silence sat between them for a moment before a waitress showed up. Before she could say a word however Acteon said, "Black tea with light cream and lots of honey."

His eyes never once having left the man in front of him, Acteon waited for the girl to be gone. "A case. What kind of case and why am I hearing about it from you rather than Vice Captain Lurcian?"

"Vice Captain Lurcian denied my request to investigate the case. He barely asked any questions even though it involves the more competent gangs going after ledgers and documents of various merchants and wealthy individuals all over Alliria. Said having guards inform them of the trend was good enough to resolve the issue."

"Hmmm. Rather odd for a man with a stick so firmly up his ass you can see the tip of it when he speaks to just drop an unusual issue like this." Acteon said as his mind began to race over the possibilities and details. His thoughts eventually began to spill out. "Why bring it to me though? Did you try going up the chain of command with it?"

The waitress was back so both men stopped speaking. A cup with a black, hot liquid was placed in front of the Cass. A little saucer with cream and a jar containing honey were then placed near by. She gave a slight bow and left the table once more. Acteon began to pour the cream into his cup as he stirred it slowly as Evander focused his attention back onto him.

"No I did not."

"I see...." Acteon said as he moved onto mixing in his honey. "That means you suspect corruption is at play. Perhaps even one of the merchant lord councilors. Am I correct?"

"Yes. Not sure who or why yet. Not enough information yet since I can't start building a case without drawing attention to me." Evander responded before he took a drink of his tea.

"Right. Best we avoid that." Acteon said before he took a sip of his own. He made a bit of a face then added in a bit more honey to his tea. Another sip was followed by satisfaction. "I suppose now that the detail of the job is finished we should discuss my payment. I am not cheap Evander. It is not a boast when I say I got a city's defenders to surrender peacefully before a siege or battle even started."

A clink of pottery against pottery lightly sounded as the detective began to think over the topic. Acteon just drank his tea and stole another pastry as he waited.

"I can't offer much in the way of coin. You know how much I make." Evander said with a slight frown seeing another of his snacks was stolen. "Any chance you would do it out of respect for your brothers at the Guard?"

"None." Acteon immediately replied. "But I do take favors and information as currency. If I work this case in your stead are you willing to owe me a big favor and pass on me any information you might come across regarding certain councilors in the future? Oh and I am free to anything I come across in this investigation. Do we have a deal?"

The younger Cass held his hand across the table towards the man to shake. A devilish grin was on his face as he waited. The detective thought it over. He thought it over for a good bit of time, but with a hefty sigh he put his hand across the table. The deal was made as the two shook hands.

Acteon finished off his tea and stood up from his seat. "I will get to work straight away, boss." He fished out a gold coin from his bag and placed it on the table. "The bill is on me and feel free to treat yourself after. A little favor for my brother from the Guards."

The detective sneered at the man which only caused him to smirk back. "Just do your damned job for the city Acteon."

The Cass waved as he walked away. His mind was already at work. Criminals had little use for ledgers and documents from merchants. Holding a ransom or a bit of blackmail usually, but that was always very specific in the target and rare. This was vague. It was more akin to an open bounty you sometimes saw. Usually those were after jewelry or gems to impact the market. Clearly someone was plotting something and Evander was likely correct. This reached of corruption and he prayed to Alliria that it led him to the council.
The Shallows was the place to go if one wanted to find the organized gangs of Alliria. It was a place the Guard and sellswords were far too familiar with as well. So for Acteon it was an all too common site for him to be. But if he wanted to get to the bottom of this case for Evander concerning the stolen ledgers and paperwork it was the place he needed to be.

Wearing some light clothing that covered his armor, weapons, and face, Acteon entered a local alehouse. There was no taverns or inns in the Shallows. People didn't have coin for bed here, only drinks. It was free to curl up just off the street or in some random building after all so why waste coin?

The place was busy. Thieves, thugs, and gamblers were all boasting as serving girls and brothel workers roamed the room. No hands stayed were they should, be it on someone's behind or on their coinpurse. A real den of scum and Acteon fit in all too easily. The Allirian just swaggered his way up to the counter and rested on it as if he owned the place, just like everyone else in the place was doing.

An older man with more scars than skin standing behind the counter said not looking at Acteon as he spoke, "Wut ya need friend?"

Acteon grinned showing off all his sharp teeth. "Found a merchant's book. Wanted ta know who could help me return it."

The barkeep stopped what he was doing and looked over. He was frowning when he did and the moment his eyes settled onto Acteon it turned into a sneer. "No. Git out. Now."

"Now, now. No need fer that. Just give me a name and I'll be off."

The barkeep was still sneering as he remained silent. Eventually he growled, "Redtail." Then he motioned for Acteon to leave. He did.


Acteon stood before a run down building still in the Shallows. The place was owned not by an individual but by a group. Redtail was the name of a lous gang and one who had been having a rough time of late thanks to the rise of this Lord Skavius Drytail. If this little scheming involving ledgers and papers from merchants was part of some Merchant Councilor's plan then it made sense why they would get involved. It would buy them the leverage they needed to get back on top.

Still dressed as before, Acteon pounded on the door to the place. They already knew he was there even before this action. Their lookouts had been following him since a block before, but he did not want them to know that he knew that. So he waited. And waited.... And waited. No response.

Frowning a bit he pounded on the door a second time harder and faster this time around. A squeaky voice yelled out shortly after, "Coming! Coming!"

A panel in the door slide back to reveal a furry mouse face glaring at him. The same voice from before angrily squeaked, "What want?"

Acteon gave the little lous a toothy smile. "Got book and paper. Want book and paper?"

"No mock!" The furry mouse person was clearly not very happy. After a second though they added, "Want book and paper."

Then the panel was swiftly shut in his face. The sound of jingling keys was followed by the clicking of thick locks. The door was pulled open. A brown furred lous stood with a ring of keys in one hand and a cane in the other. Several larger lous stood around wearing cheap armor and holding clubs, daggers, and hatchets. They did their best to look threatening by casually swinging their weapons around or tossing them from hand to hand. It might be enough to scare a street thug but it just reminded Acteon of kids playing with toys.

The cane wielding lous motioned for Acteon to follow so he did. Along the way he made sure to give each of the "intimidating" guards a predatory smile. Some of them flinched. Some of them scowled back. One of them shrank back and tried their best to busy themself with something else.

Acteon hoped this got him somewhere. The place reached of rodents and cheap ambitions.
The lous lead Acteon into a room in the back of the warehouse. Inside he found the place was full of parchments, ledgers, and scrolls. And sitting in an oversized chair near throne like behind a large table was a tiny female lous. She wore makeup and was in a slightly faded dress with cheap gems adornments on it. In all likelihood she saw herself as some kind of noblewoman but to him she just looked like a pale, ratty imitation.

But he could use that against her.

As the Allirian approached he made sure to smile to the tiny lous woman. She gave him a look like the kind of child from the country might make when pretending to be a lady from the big castle on the hill. So he gave her a little bow. This action appeased her and she held out her paw. He took it and gave a gentle kiss. A high pitch giggle escaped her for a second before she went back to acting serious and regal.

The pretend noble waved off her associate and left herself alone with Acteon. Not very smart of her. He was not afraid of her goons outside the office nor her. He was just playing along with her little delusion because it suited his current objective more than cutting his way through them all.

The female lous squeaked up, "Rise human. You honor Lady Redtail." She flicked her tail up and revealed how it had been wrapped up in red ribbons.

"The honor is mine Lady Redtail." Acteon said back still bent over in a bow.

Lady Redtail squeaked in approval. "You have papers and book for me?"

Acteon straightened back up and looked her directly in the eyes. His smile shifted a bit. "Actually I do not."

The Lady frowned and flicked her tail in a show of irritation. "Do not? Why not?"

"I do not because I am figuring out who it is that wants these papers and books." Acteon said to her in a polite tone. His eyes got a serious look to them. "Are you the one who wants them?"

Lady Redtail straightened herself up and tried to be as "big" as she could. In a tone not hiding her annoyance she squeaked. "No tell. Leave."

The Allirian walked over to her office door. There was several bolt locks on it to turn it into a safe room. He slide them all locked. The click of it made Lady Redtail flinch. He turned around and began to swagger his way over to her. Slow and purposeful like a stalking beast he approached her. His gaze and smile direct her way grew predatory. She began to back up more and more into her little throne. Soft, quiet squeaks escaped her at each of his steps.

Acteon leaned in close to her with his eyes locked onto her eyes. He so close to her that she could not ignore him or look away. In a calm, quiet voice he said to her, "Lady Redtail, I am not your enemy. Not yet. But I am not your friend either. I would like to change that. Tell me what you know and mayb, just maybe, we could work out a favorable deal for us both. You would like that yes?"


Lady Redtail just stared back at him. This was no human. She knew humans. They were greedy, strange creatures. They looked down on the lous as lessers. But humans never felt like they would devour her whole. This beast before her was different. He had the teeth and eyes of a predator. She was for sure if she crossed him that he would gobble her up just for fun.

So the tiny lous woman did the only thing she could do. She nodded as she shivered in her throne with her tail curled up around her. The beast smiled happily back at her as he leaned away. Then he uttered these words to her, "Excellent Lady Redtail. Looks like we can be friends after all."
Things were going his way. This pleased Acteon. The little lous had learned why real nobles and wealthy merchants kept guards in the room with them. The first of many lessons he would end up teaching her no doubt. If this little mouse wanted to be a Lady then he could find a way to turn that to his advantage. They were friends now after all.

Acteon pulled up a chair big enough for him to sit up in front of her desk and sat himself down. Her terrified gaze never once left him. He just smiled her for in turn. Not the predatory one he had been using to intimidate her before but one more friendly.

After getting himself comfortable, the Allirian said, "Now Lady Redtail, tell me what you know about the person wanting all of these documents."

The little lous stayed quiet for a moment. Her eyes reflected her expectation that he would leap on top of her at any moment and devour her whole. Slowly but quickly gaining in confidence she finally began to tell him what he wanted to know.

"Tall man, elf man, want. Rich clothes under cheap cloak. Pay coin for papers. Much coin. Tell what want. We fetch. Too slow. Redtails smarter. Pay dumb dumbs for papers. Sell ones Elf man want. Burn ones not want. Other gangs copy. All gangs copy. Elf man meets all gangs."

As the little lous spoke, Acteon's interest was peaked. The little rats might be jittery but they were quick and direct. He learned a lot from what she had to say. The bounties were a product of the gangs while the source of this problem was more discriminate. So this open bounty was a coincidental cover for the directed hits. Someone was being clever and knew the gangs would be impatient.

Lady Redtail was about to say more when Acteon held up a hand to stop her. He said with a smirk, "Thank you Lady Redtail. You have told me exactly what I wanted to know. A true friend you are."

A bit of an apprehensive smile crossed her face. She enjoyed compliments but was very nervous about him still. Such an honest girl. Oh the things he could get such a person to do for him. Knowing this it would be a good idea to plant the seeds for future use now.

"To prove I am your friend as well, perhaps I could help you with something now. Any problem you need some help with my Lady? I could help you with it then after you could introduce me to this Elf man who wants the papers." Acteon said to her as he continued to sit in front of the desk.

This seemed to caught Lady Redtail off guard. Clearly he was going to want to know more about the Elf man, but the offer for helping her was a surprise. She squirmed a bit in her seat as her tiny mind raced. After a bit she straightened up.

"New friend help. Redtails need help. Mean, evil tall men attack Redtails. Steal our shinies and homes. New friend get rid of tall men." Lady Redtail said as she was trying to make herself look big yet again.

The predatory smile resurfaced over Acteon's lips. "Why Lady Redtail, I would be delighted to."
The Allirian stood up. This action was not quick and sudden but it still caused the little lous to flinch in her seat. He walked over to the door and began to hear the banging and chittering coming from the other side of it. Seems he was far more focused on his little game with the little one than he realized. All of this had been instinctively ignored. Of course they would panic about him being in the room with her all alone.

His gaze turned to Lady Redtail. There was one lock left to pull before the door would open. A smile across his lips he said in a far too friendly tone, "When the door opens tell them to show me to these men bullying you my Lady. I will deal with them for you." His eyes took on a hint of that predatory nature. "It is what friends do for each other."

The little lous nodded hesitantly. The lock was pulled back and the door flung open wide. Some bigger rats stumbled into the room and nearly tripped over each other. Acteon watched from the side of the door with a smile. Lady Redtail was sitting up in that "I'm big" fashion of she liked to do.

"Take new friend to mean, evil tall men." The little lous said pointing at the terribly armed but still armed rats that had fallen into the room. They looked confused. They were very confused, but this time specifically at the nature of the order given to them rather than just the in general way the dumber ones lived their lives.

"Show new friend," She pointed to the Allirian. "To the mean, evil tall men stealing shinies and beating Redtails for no reason."

Finally the smartest of the group, one with the intellect of a bag of wheat, suddenly caught onto the situation. He squeaked a bit then turned to Acteon. "New friend come. Show mean, evil tall men."


A group of three rats, including wheat for brains, had taken Acteon further into the Shallows to another one of those abandoned warehouses that screamed criminals lived there. They lived everywhere in the Shallows though so in that regard it was mundane. They pointed and squeaked which told the Allirian that he was at his destination.

Acteon smiled to the Redtails and said in a hushed voice, "Thank you. Tell Lady Redtail I will be back after I have dealt with the mean, evil tall men."

More squeaks and they were gone the moment the plentiful shadows coated them.

The Allirian's attention went back to the warehouse in question. Clearly it was another gang, which he figured it would be. What he did not expect was that the enemy gang in question was made up of former guards and those who could not make it into the guard.

How did Acteon know this? Each of them had a tattoo or accessory that had a tattered sail on it. This was the symbol of the rather terribly named Tattered Sail gang. They saw themselves as partly criminals dealing in a bit of everything but trafficking people and partly as vigilantes who's role it was to bring order to the Shallows. It was no surprise the Redtails were having issues with them.

This was a big problem. Generally criminals barely understood which end of their daggers was the pointy end and a few who did not at all. They were easy opponents that relied more on trickery and numbers to win. But not this group. They were trained fighters who followed tried and true tactics. They were closer to a knightly order that was too comfortable with illegal matters than your standard street urchin turned cutpurse gang.

Dealing with this issue was going to take more time and planning than he originally thought.
For two hours Acteon watched the members of the Tattered Sails come and go from their base. Bits of conversation were picked up here and there. In it all he had learned something rather interesting and important. The Tattered Sails operated much like the guard. Being made up of former members it was to be expected, but it was beyond even that. They behaved as if they were still in the guard just having to do those odd criminal jobs to keep themselves funded.

This revelation had possibilities.

So growing tired of watching them, the Allirian decided it was time to say hello.

As he walked up to the hideout, the gang guards on duty placed their hands on their weapons and got into aggressive stances. His hands went up in the air and a smile crossed his face.

"State your name and business or turn and leave." The older of the two called out to Acteon.

"Acteon Cass. Hoped to find out who is in charge and discuss some potential business with them." Acteon called back.

The young one sneered a bit. "Damn it Cass. That is you isn't it?"

Acteon flashed the man a toothy grin. The younger one cursed a bit then removed his hand from his hilt. "I'll stay out here if you want to go see what the captain thinks."

"Know the man?" The older one said still not removing his hand from his hilt.

"Aye. Worked with Cass a bit back in the guard. Man is an ass but if he is here it means he wants something and we can trust him.... For now."

A nod was given then the older one headed off to speak with the "captain." The younger one spit on the ground and resumed his relaxed guard position. "What you after Cass?"

"As I said, might have some business for you. Depends on who your captain is and how things go." Acteon replied back. Best not to move. He recognized the guard, although the name escaped him. It was something very common related to how the rest of his family made their coin.

"No harm in telling who is in charge. Former guard captain Tresser is the one running things." The guard replied back casually.

The sellsword blinked a bit. "Captain Tresser? Surely you must be joking. That old goat is still alive?"

"More than alive. Old goat is thriving. No council preventing him from implementing his reforms or going after who we need to. Parts of the Shallows we have control over are safer now than they have ever been. Sure we got to do what we got to do to fund ourselves, but we got our lines we don't cross."

Acteon had to process this information. Only the greenest of the guard did not know about Captain Tresser and his damn near crusade for justice. He was stripped of his position and forced to retire by the council. Assuming he was still as zealous as before, all of his plans needed to be changed. The time scale could be moved up on his schemes. But only if he could get the old goat on his side. How though?

The younger guard noticed Acteon had things racing through his head. A frown developed. "Slow down there Cass before you get us all killed. Don't know what you are planning but that look has never ended well for the rest of us."

Acteon just gave his former colleague a smirk.
Little time had past since the older guard had left before he returned. A hand was waved indicating for him to follow. As Acteon stepped forward to do just that the younger guard said with his eyes looking for trouble, "Good luck Cass. Don't get yourself or us killed in there."

"No promises." The Allirian replied back casually with an impish smirk on his face.

The inside of the building might as well have been one of the guard barracks and outposts. The traffic through it and general uses of the space was the exact same. The only thing it was lacking was a prison cell. With no authority or incentive to hold a criminal for trial they were likely being beaten or killed then tossed into the waters after instead. The purest kind of vigilante justice, but one welcome in the Shallows by the less criminally inclined inhabitants.

Where Acteon was led was a room with a desk made from a door on top of a pair of barrels covered in papers and ledgers. A cot was set up in one corner with some trunks to act as a bedroom. The perfect merging of a captain's office and apartment. Truly fitting for the man who was behind the impromptu desk reading over a report using a lantern for light.

Captain Tresser had the signs of old age clear on him. His head was bald not from the touch of a razor but the touch of time. He had a curly beard that was more white than gray by this point. Wrinkles and scars covered his rough face. A crook in his nose revealing how it had been broken too many times for a doctor to fix. He was shorter for a human revealing the bit of dwarven blood flowing through his veins. And in stark contrast to that his body was still muscular and fit as a much younger man's.

Without looking up the old man said in a voice like shuffling stones, "What do you want Otter pup?"

"Pleasant to see you alive Old Goat." Acteon responded playfully.

Captain Tresser looked up at him. The guard that had escorted Acteon to the office saluted and left to resume his duty. The younger man walked up to the desk and sat down at it. A self pleased smile was on his face. There was no need for a mask with this man. He was an old friend of his grandfather and the family and knew exactly who Acteon was.

"I have an opportunity that will benefit all of us in Alliria in the form of a job from the guard." Acteon said to the man.

"Cut to the chase boy. I don't have time for games." Tresser said already moving on to reading a different report.

"A plot involving the corruption of the guard and council is happening and I have been asked to investigate it on behalf of a true, loyal detective." Acteon said with that smile still on his face. And as he had hoped, the old man's attention was instantly seized.

Tresser looked up as he slowly set the report down. "No lying. Are you serious?"

Acteon's look grew predatory as his smile slipped away. "Completely. I suspect the ones behind the dismantling of my family's company on false charges and illegal seizing of our property are involved. Or at least one of them. I also suspect that there is a bigger plot going on under our noses that could effect all of Alliria and even the Reach."

Tresser frowned deeply as he held Acteon's gaze. For several moments the pair sat silently staring at each other. An unspoken conversation taking place. Eventually the old man broke the silence. "Your eyes are different now, but that look in them isn't. Give me the details. If it sounds plausible then our true and loyal brothers and sisters in the guard will have our full support in this matter."
No detail was left secret as Acteon told Tresser everything. He told him about the investigation being blocked. About how that got Acteon involved. About the Red Tails. All of it. The old man was not the kind of person you lied or kept secrets from when it involved the safety of Alliria. He was brutish, stubborn, confrontational, and most of all extremely sharp. Many had underestimated or disrespected the man only to end up suffering for it. Acteon was not about to make that mistake.

Tresser had remained silent through it all. His face grew darker with each new detail. When it was all said, he did not respond. He just sat there for a moment then got up. He walked over to one of his trunks and pulled out a bottle. The label revealed to Acteon what it was before the cork was popped. A rich, old whiskey was poured into a pair of wood mugs. One was set before Acteon and the other stayed in the old man's hand.

The old man downed his mug then filled it back up. Then he set the bottle down on the desk and reclaimed his seat.

"Lady Alliria blessed us today." Tresser said as he just looked at his drink. "This is a clear sign of corruption. Sad that the rot has been allowed to spread so deep and so far.... But I'm now in a position to do something about it."

Acteon took a drink from his own mug. To say it was divine would not be strong enough a term to describe such a quality whiskey. "Yes. Sad to see Vice Captain Lurcian is involved. Never struck me as the corrupting type."

"Leave him to me. Got a feeling he is in a spot he doesn't like and a bit of leaning on my part might pop him out of it." Tresser replied back. Already it was clear plans were racing through the man's mind. "For now we should focus on this mysterious person who placed that bounty. I can have the boys round up what was stolen and return it, but I'd rather do that after we know who wants them. My concern now is the Red Tails. Can't exactly leave them be. If it was just some petty crimes I'd be willing to overlook them, but those rats are involved in smuggling drugs and poisons. Also they mug whoever they please. Can't let that be."

"Leave the Red Tails to me. I might be able to recruit them into our, or rather your, efforts. If you are willing to train them and over look petty crimes then I might be able to turn them into spies and informants for you." Acteon replied back after another drink.

"If you can then you have my word. We need that information from them and we could really use that kind of support in the future." Tresser said as he turned his attention towards writing on a blank sheet of paper.

"I have it handled already. Just have your men ready to train some rats." Acteon responded back with a wolfish smile.

The younger man finished off his drink and then stood up. Tresser gave him the kind of nod a captain would to dismiss a guard and off Acteon went. Things were in motion and he needed to hurry.