Belated Return


Just Trying To Stay Alive
Character Biography
G'day all,

It's been a while. Haven't RPed for five years and haven't RPed consistently for close to ten years but now I have the itch. I started off with Star Wars-flavoured RP in 2010-11 where I got around a couple of different communities. A friend got involved in Chronicles back in 2018 and invited me, so I jumped in with the best of intentions. Life got in the way.

Five years later I'm sticking my head with the best of intentions to do something creative again. I've got this character (Adam) who is a young, average man and essentially a blank slate. I'm keen to do some fun stories and maybe a bit of world building, somewhere a bit out of the way.

Where do you suggest I start?

Interested to see if there's any old faces around here that I recognise.
Howdy, and welcome back! Always great to see another collaborative writer return to the hobby.

Lots of folks check out the core groups and LFG forum to get a jump on some action, or check out the core groups to get plugged into some established ideas. Otherwise, going for open or fate threads can always lead to some interesting encounters.

If you are up to it, the Discord is also a great hub to get connected with other writers and see what people are up to!

Happy reading and writing, and looking forward to seeing what adventures you get up to!