The dwarf sat at a table drinking wine in The Golden Goblet, a tavern in the docks district of the City of Kortes, home of the
Radiant Church.
Across from him sat an elf in a dark cloak. She was not drinking. Her face was partly hidden by the hood she had never removed after entering. Her mouth could be seen however. And it twitched in a frustrated fashion.
"That's not the price we agreed on." She muttered indignantly.
Zulgrid took a drink. He paused as if considering her words. In fact, he predicted them last week. Maybe even a fortnight ago. He began his well rehearsed response.
"I know" he sighed. "Believe me, I know. But that's after I talked them down... You have no idea how much they value this kelp. They know about it's healing properties. But they also know that they're the only free city which can produce it."
The hooded elf stood and began to turn as if she was leaving. Zulgrid figured it was a bluff. She wanted this relic of peaceful negotiations to be secured almost as much as she didn't want anyone in this tavern that stunk of shrimp and vomit to find out that she was a Bishop in the Radiant Church.
"I know you have the gold. Our mutual friends know it too. Why so reluctant to share? The kelp will be worth it. Especially in light of this." The dwarf, who had spoken calmly and indifferently this whole time then produced a small parcel and shoved it across the table.
The elf turned and looked down at the parcel unimpressed. She opened it and withdrew a letter. Reading it, she again sat down.
"Sunfather...” she said breathlessly. She withdrew another letter and read it with desperation. And then another. They were military correspondences from Tychos, the suppliers of the kelp she had been negotiating for, which revealed intelligence that Feiara was planning a series of stealth raids and guerilla attacks on Kortes and her holdings and suburbs.
"...But..." The elf paused suspiciously "How can I be certain this information is accurate?"
"You can't" shrugged the eternally nonplussed dwarf, before taking another drink "You can only be certain they didn't want me to find it."
Jeriah Thackett