Dieder Jan Strietz
A smooth talker, better at slipping in than crashing through.
Lean and lanky, he's got long limbs that make for a long stride and good reach. A fashionable sort, a good deal of his coin goes to frivlous things, like coats he doesn't need, or a new pair of boots, on account of his old pair loosing their sheen.
Skills and Abilities
Back-alley Duelist - Due to his upbringing, Dieder can keep his cool in a fight. A capable scrapper, but no warrior. If things get too tough, he's more likely to cut and run, than stand and fight.
Get-away artist - He has a knack for getting out of sticky situations.
Cat burglar - A practiced sneak thief, good at picking locks, and forging documents, his connections help with the rest.
Magic- Shapeshifting mimicry- He has the ability to turn into things he has seen before. The more complex the object or being he is trying to shapeshift into, the more likely he is to break his concentration and fail. So, he prefers to use this gift for disguising himself as something innocuous. Like a crate, or a vase.
Planner- He likes to do his homework before a gig. Good at reading maps, gathering information, and scribe work.
Fence - He knows some people, who might be able to move some stuff.
Horrible haggler - While capable at finding people who want to buy from him, he has no chill when it comes to buying things he thinks he wants.
Get-away artist - He has a knack for getting out of sticky situations.
Cat burglar - A practiced sneak thief, good at picking locks, and forging documents, his connections help with the rest.
Magic- Shapeshifting mimicry- He has the ability to turn into things he has seen before. The more complex the object or being he is trying to shapeshift into, the more likely he is to break his concentration and fail. So, he prefers to use this gift for disguising himself as something innocuous. Like a crate, or a vase.
Planner- He likes to do his homework before a gig. Good at reading maps, gathering information, and scribe work.
Fence - He knows some people, who might be able to move some stuff.
Horrible haggler - While capable at finding people who want to buy from him, he has no chill when it comes to buying things he thinks he wants.
Biography & Lore
Fate is a fickle thing.
With magic in the blood, being born in Vel Ehn was a fast track to misery. Not keen on their child being placed in the merciless regiment of the Dreadlords, his mother, Socorro, and father, Oliver, pulled what strings they could to smuggle their boy far and away from the reach of the Proctors and the designs of the Academy. But their gambit came at a great cost.
The once prosperous mercantile family, Streitz, soon fell to ruin. Rumor had gotten out that they were non-human sympathizers. Whispers that they had aided elven rebels in the Falwood, and helped free prisoners from the gallows. Traitors to the glory of Vel Anir. Traitors to the Great Houses, and to the glorious Hold of Humanity. But, the Great Houses would show mercy. Their necks would not snap neath the hangman's noose. Instead, their holdings would be under the eye of house Urahil, and heavy penalties would be paid. Such was the price for robbing Anir of one of her sons.
Truthfully, Deider should probably be dead in the training yards of the academy, or strung up in some tree after an ambush. But he lives. Raised by his uncle Villem and aunt Orta in Alliria, he was taught well. Even granted a magical tutor. But, with their connection to Vel Ehn severed, their trading business struggled to stay afloat.
So, Dieder got creative. Turns out, he's pretty good at finding things that well, don't quite belong to him. His aunt and uncle don't ask questions though, and Dieder? Well, he tries not to think too hard about it. All of it. Better to just, kick back, relax, and enjoy the living while it's good.
And life on the Star? Well, fate can be funny too.
With magic in the blood, being born in Vel Ehn was a fast track to misery. Not keen on their child being placed in the merciless regiment of the Dreadlords, his mother, Socorro, and father, Oliver, pulled what strings they could to smuggle their boy far and away from the reach of the Proctors and the designs of the Academy. But their gambit came at a great cost.
The once prosperous mercantile family, Streitz, soon fell to ruin. Rumor had gotten out that they were non-human sympathizers. Whispers that they had aided elven rebels in the Falwood, and helped free prisoners from the gallows. Traitors to the glory of Vel Anir. Traitors to the Great Houses, and to the glorious Hold of Humanity. But, the Great Houses would show mercy. Their necks would not snap neath the hangman's noose. Instead, their holdings would be under the eye of house Urahil, and heavy penalties would be paid. Such was the price for robbing Anir of one of her sons.
Truthfully, Deider should probably be dead in the training yards of the academy, or strung up in some tree after an ambush. But he lives. Raised by his uncle Villem and aunt Orta in Alliria, he was taught well. Even granted a magical tutor. But, with their connection to Vel Ehn severed, their trading business struggled to stay afloat.
So, Dieder got creative. Turns out, he's pretty good at finding things that well, don't quite belong to him. His aunt and uncle don't ask questions though, and Dieder? Well, he tries not to think too hard about it. All of it. Better to just, kick back, relax, and enjoy the living while it's good.
And life on the Star? Well, fate can be funny too.
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