Gaheris raised an eyebrow at Rob Yew. What happened now? The same thing that always happened at the end of a long day of doing hard, criminal business. "We get paid," he said, scratching his nose nonchalantly.
It was the single underlying motivation for just about anything he did. Usually. Occasionally there was an exception where women were concerned, but that was neither here nor there. It was no secret that the
Elbion city watch offered bounties on anyone caught dabbling in forbidden arts.
Ripping people's souls apart to put them into vegetables and merging them with chickens was certainly a forbidden art. Gaheris suspected a necromancer. It was generally that lot of men who so relentlessly pursued soul manipulation as part of their trade.
He turned up his nose at Steve and sneered, quite derisively. "Because
you afflicted her. You disgust me, your practice disgusts me. You cannot be allowed to carry on."
Gaheris might have continued, were it not for what transpired next. At that very moment, the doors to the stable burst open, and an
undead horse came riding through. It galloped straight past them, leaving Gaheris and the lone guardswoman who held him to gawp foolishly, even as it unfurled its wings and took to the skies.
Lieutenant Gullhorn came briskly marching out of the stable after it, electricity cackling in his gauntlets. He muttered incantations under his breath, firing lightning off into the sky after Buttercup. Once. Twice. He missed both times. The horse, it seemed, would get off scott-free, and unlive to serve another day.
"Fuck me, I'm losing my aim," Gullhorn cursed, shaking his hands as if drying them off.
The other guards came slinking out of the stables not long after. One of them holding a dead and rather badly crushed rodent by the tail. "I got the rat."
"Don't sound too impressed with yourself. Someone give this guy his money, we're done here."
The other guard that came out of the stables rudely tossed a small pouch of silver to Gaheris. He caught it easily enough and withdrew a few pieces, which he handed off to Yew.
All in a day's work.