Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Blackshield Captain
Character Biography
"Just do what you can," Cato said to the cohort's smith. "I'll be back round shortly. Gotta make a trip 'cross the way first." He tossed the forger a lazy wave and headed out the makeshift shop. His blades had been nicked to the hells and back, which meant business had been good as of late. Lots of dumb bastards eager to be relieved of their coin. A mercenary couldn't ask for much more. Well, Cato could, but he was also a greedy cunt. Know yourself and something or the other. He'd never been much for rote.

All this to say, business was actually a bit too good. Most of his lot were tied up on other contracts and a new job just came in. Those lads still about were just as likely to kill the client as protect them. The Third was admittedly a bit of mixed bag; a bag full of cutthroats, degenerates, and the questionably sane. Good at some things, pretty shit at the rest.

So the mercenary captain found himself in the Second's garrison. He got a few wary glances but that was about it. The two cohorts had worked closely together in these last few years. They always got the job done even if the results were a bit...messy. Cato asked around and eventually arrived at the Second's training ground. Didn't take long for him to spot who he was looking for.

"If you want to swing that at something other than air, got some work for you," the mercenary captain stated casually. "Celestine right? Got a job and could use an extra hand, and Aggs says yours is as steady as they come. Interested?"

There were some things you could not be rid of.

She had been taken as a child and made a weapon to serve Vel Anir, had been pitted against her peers and even encouraged to take the kill shot if it presented itself. There had been plenty of times blood covered her hands, for she did not always need a weapon to kill someone. Special attention had been paid to her, pulling her away from her classmates and forcing her to not become distracted, not be deterred from the path set for her.

And so Celestine had always trained alone since then. If the others wanted to train with her, they soon learned why that had been a bad choice. The Anirian did not know how to train with others, did not know when to stop, and that feral bloodlust erupted from her when her sparring partner would yield. Not even her Captain could help her.

Celestine was alone, making quick work in cutting up a wooden post. It chipped right away, as if the ex Dreadlord knew just where to hit to carve and ruin the post. It held her focus for only a few minutes before she took a deep breath and began to slow and cool down by striking the air.

"If you want to swing that at something other than air, got some work for you,"

She heard that voice before.

Not sparing him a glance, Celestine began to move swiftly and let her swings and lunges carry her forward, back to the wooden post. With a final crashing swing, her sword cut clean through the post, using the carved edges she gave it moments before and watched the top half topple from it's height. Still, Celestine did not turn to Cato even if his rank demanded such a respect.

"Alright." Her arms fell to her sides, sword dragging in the dirt as she turned to finally address the other Captain. "I've got time now."
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  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Agatha
"Those don't come free you know," he said looking down at the training post. The other mercenary didn't seem all that concerned with any potential costs incurred. It wasn't Cato's fucking problem in any case. Gods only knew his lads had him scraping the bottom of the coffers when it came time to make accounts. The Third did work that no one else did and it paid good. Problem was that only truly half-brained fools took those contracts. He worried about them on the job but it was when they got bored that real, expensive, trouble happened.

"Didn't even ask what the work was, either makes you an idiot or a proper 'Shield." A small smirk crossed his face as he motioned for the other mercenary to follow him.

The two walked back the way Cato had come not moments ago. "Heard you've a knack for dealing with spellslingers," the mercenary eventually began. "Not all that different from myself." One of the reasons Cato'd held his grasp on the Third. There were a handful of mages and magekillers among his lot, and the captain dealt with his share of both. He could sense his own ilk. Damned shame that Aggs got her hands on Celestine first.

He paused mid-stride, running a hand through unkempt hair. "Don't think it's like to be too heavy. Got ourselves an Elbion prim, real wet under the ears. Think he got himself on the wrong of some 'Lirian noble. Wants some cover back to the Stone. Nice little stroll through Reach and we're back 'fore the month's out." Cato kept the explanation simple and light on details. Just the way any good sellsword wanted it.

"Heard you've a knack for dealing with spellslingers,"

Cel pursed her lips for one brief moment before relaxing them. She knew in her early days in the Company, Agatha had suggested she should work with the Third as she would be amongst kin there, but the Anirian exile refused and decided to stay put. She did not need to be reminded what it was like to work with other mages, to be reminded of what she used to be back home and how dark and twisted it had altered her mind to be.

And so she offered no comment to the Captain of the Third, letting him continue talking and explaining their mission.

It sounded simple enough. Of course, not something she could exercise her frustrations on with a sword in hand, but one that would take her away from duty for a short while. A change of scenery was healthy for one's heart.

"Escort mission to the Allir Stone?" She asked as they walked astride. Celestine had no interest in crossing into Liadain lands. If she stayed in Alliria, it was always on the Epressa side of the large city. Even travelling towards a Stone filled her with a dread that came only from wishing to avoid any Dreadlords, new or old.

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  • Orc
Reactions: Cato and Agatha
"Yeah, you know, ugly thing with a bunch of nonsense scribbled all over it? No one really knows how they work but still bloody stupid enough to use em anyways," he explained glibly. He didn't trust them and never really wanted to learn how to use them either. Still, being a captain and all that required some logistical flexibility. Cato didn't really consider himself a mage, not in the usual sense anyhow. He tended to leave the normal magery to those who had a mind for it. 'Course he wasn't quite sure he'd ever met a 'normal' spellslinger.

He'd made it a few paces before the other mercenary's words properly registered. Cato stopped and regarded Celestine. His gaze was more curious than threatening. "That going to be a problem?"

Cel sighed and turned to face him. Her face was guarded, even after she saw that his own expression was one of curiosity than to needle into her with testing her capabilities for this mission. Even her hazel eyes darkened.

"Just as long as we keep to this continent, otherwise things might get complicated crossing anywhere near... Liadain." She almost said Dreadlords, which of course, would open up more room for discussion since Celestine's accent was still Anirian. Vel Anir thought her dead, but if anyone were to recognise her, a hunt would ensue. Deserters were always criminals in the eyes of the great Aniria and her territories. "But like you said, only escorting the Elbion to the Stone. Done and easy."

And well clear of Liadain.

"Come on, Captain." It tasted like poison in her mouth and heavy with lead as she called him that. While he was not her true Captain, Celestine was eager to get moving. It was better to not stand still for long, lest she became restless and needed another post to chip and butcher. "Where is this Elbion idiot?"

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Reactions: Agatha
Cato blinked, somewhat nonplussed by the other mercenary's explanation. "Liadain's not exactly the local homestead. Now I've been told I'm a bit of a cunt, by your captain as a matter of fact. Can't imagine what it would take to piss off an entire continent." The mercenary captain was actually impressed. He'd made a few enemies in his time, some with a bit of power. Nobles weren't fond of mercenaries even when the job was done right. Things didn't always go well. Nature of the business and all that. Every so often an arrow hit the wrong fucker and sent the contract sideways. Jilted nobles, rival companies, and all those bloody bastards he owed coin.

"Well, it's not my business." The unspoken rule of the 'Shields and most swordhackers. Everyone had a past, and most times it was fucked. Most preferred to leave it where it was. 'Course there were those that wouldn't stop talking bout their former exploits. Cato supposed it would've been a bit boring otherwise. "I guess just stay clear of the stone's circle once we get there." He added with a small chuckle.

"Here, actually. Lad was so damned scared he came to us. Not that I'm complaining." He led Celestine to the Third's stables where the young scholar was already being helped onto a horse by another 'Shield. "All ready then, Sir Elbion," Cato called out with a cynical smirk.

"It's just the two of you?" the scholar practically mewled.

"You didn't have all that much coin lad, and captains don't come cheap. We'll be fine. Made this run more times than I've made a bad bet. The corporal over there will tell you that's no easy feat," Cato said with a gesture to the mercenary who assisted earlier. "Let's get going while the light is good seeing as how eager you are."

The captain tossed a shrug back to Celestine. It was time to get to work.

"It's just the two of you?"

This made Celestine grin. She could see it in his face that he truly doubted the female, but her whispered words to him allowed her the satisfaction to see his face go white.

Quietly, so that Cato could not tell she passed words to their charge, Celestine said in her Anirian accented voice, "Well, a Captain and a Dreadlord."

And if he were someone that listened to the stories over a decade ago, perhaps he would recognise the name Havelok.

Celestine had been one of the worst Dreadlords produced from the Academy with her use of magic, but it was her strength and cunning with weaponry that made her a great mercenary.

"Thanks," She gruffed as a horse was brought out for her. Little supplies were already packed, and it was lucky that she had been dressed for quick departure when the Captain found her. It meant they could begin their journey without further delay.

"What is the name of this noble you pissed off, hm?" Cel asked, her horse moving to overtake the scholar.

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Reactions: Cato