It was a yearly procession, celebrated across the civilised world as being the end of winter and the start of spring. Wealth flowed through the continent again, people went about their daily lives and the cold winds, rains and snows that plagued the regions abated. As always, it was reasoned, there was safety in numbers. The caravan itself was its' own sprawling city, mobile and ever travelling. In pursuit of riches, mercenaries came too - eager to accept the ample coin that came from protecting such a tantalising target. Those in search of better lives, equally, tagged along in hopes that Alliria - or any of the countless stops along the way - would deal them a better hand in life.
Such was the vastness of scale of this ritual journey, Elbion almost seemed depleted in the weeks following the departure - or so it was said at least. In the distance calls were heard and, slowly, the shouts were repeated down the length of the parade. The great hulking mass of tents, pavilions, beasts, humans, caravans and everything in between shuddered and shivered in response and the migration began - glacial in pace. The caravan master, a senior member of the Elbion merchant council, had issued the signal. The trading season had officially begun.
Glasha wasn't quite sure where she fits in the grand scheme of things. A mundane mercenary job had seen her stuck in Elbion over the winter doing a few odd tasks and apprenticing at a few smitheries to earn some coin. As spring reared its' head she found it hard to escape the constant talk of the migration. That is to say, she was aware of the migration. Her people were travellers, gipsies, caravaners themselves, it was only natural that a few families joined in on this yearly occasion. Interestingly, it served as one of the few occasions that her people were actually welcomed. Merchants, noting the value in having armoured behemoths as travelling companions, were eager to recruit as many of her kin as possible - they were great deterrents against violence.
Glasha wasn't here because her kin were here.
Glasha had been enjoying her job within the smithing district. She found safety and comfort in the simple life and had finally gained some acceptance from her peers. But she missed the travelling, she missed the violence, she missed the adventure. A noble, ready to stake his fortune on the great migration, had sought her out. He'd plied her with free alcohol, free weapons, free clothes, whatever she wanted, just so that she could be his guard.
In reality, he wanted her for status reasons. He had an experienced retinue of soldiers and she quickly found out her services weren't necessarily required, she was a trophy for him. Glasha didn't really care, she'd been worse things for less. In fact, it would give her lots of time to appreciate the long journey she had just set upon.
As the caravan began its departure along the great roads between them and their destination, Glasha walked calmly alongside some nondescript mounted nobles. Her eyes scanning the beautiful mountains and hills that stretched endlessly into the horizon.
"Glasha could get used to this." She said, to no one in particular.
((OOC: Just thought I'd do a nice, chill thread. No particular story or agenda, feel free to duck in/out and do whatever you want really. P.S. Don't be put off by the giant post, everyone's welcome - I just wanted to set the scene.))
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