Kala is a young Tiefling born in the far reaches of the Underdark.
Not much is known about the young woman's past nor her parentage. She does not give a great many details about who she was once, nor how she managed to gather any of the skill she currently carries.
The only things that that are even somewhat commonly known about Kala is her current occupation as a Thief, that her magic entails the use of odd 'summoning' cards, and the fact that she is a member of the gang known as the Reesh Reckoners.
Though there are scant few details of even this, some within the Underdark are aware that the Reesh Reckoners are less of a gang, and more of a loose affiliation.
The people who make up this association are not necessarily friends, allies, or even on good terms with one another. Instead the 'gang' functions almost as a pact of vengeance. Each and every member of the Reesh are branded with a powerful piece of Rune Magic. When someone with the mark dies, each member of the Reesh are compelled to avenge their death.
It was in this way that the Reckoners earned their name.
The mark also prevents any member of the Reesh from attacking or even harming another. These compulsions are so powerful that no member of the gang has been able to break it.
Despite this, the Reesh Reckoners generally do not consider one another friends. They are still thieves and murderers, and though the mark allows for a little more trust...it is still difficult to truly work together.
Though it is unknown when Kala join the Reckoners, she wears the mark more openly than others and uses it to often push her boundaries in the Underdark.
The Cards
Through years of study Kala has created and perfect a magic of her own design. A combination of Rune Magic and enchantment, the Tiefling Thief is capable of investing her magics in a set of thirty two playing cards.
These cards start out as blank and through time and several hours of ritual each one takes on a different effect. The magic within the cards is entirely supplied by Kala herself, and each one can be suited to purpose. Of course the ritual to create these cards is exceptionally difficult. Most of all however it takes time. Given a day Kala can create a set of thirty two new cards, but when she's out, she's out.
Despite this limit, the cards varying use makes them exceptionally helpful in Kala's line of work.
Due to how the process works, Kala often uses her magic sparingly. Keeping the cards as a last resource rather than tossing them out as the first opportunity. With their crafting taking so much time, the young Tiefling also takes careful measure to plan exactly what she might need on any given day.
These cards start out as blank and through time and several hours of ritual each one takes on a different effect. The magic within the cards is entirely supplied by Kala herself, and each one can be suited to purpose. Of course the ritual to create these cards is exceptionally difficult. Most of all however it takes time. Given a day Kala can create a set of thirty two new cards, but when she's out, she's out.
Despite this limit, the cards varying use makes them exceptionally helpful in Kala's line of work.
Due to how the process works, Kala often uses her magic sparingly. Keeping the cards as a last resource rather than tossing them out as the first opportunity. With their crafting taking so much time, the young Tiefling also takes careful measure to plan exactly what she might need on any given day.
The Ways
Discovered by Kala almost a decade ago, the Ways are a timeless maze accessible only through portals crafted by the cards she creates.
Seen by most as a massive abyssal space, the Ways are a labyrinth of thousands upon thousands of doorways connected by thin strips of silver 'bridges'. The doors within the Ways can lead to nearly anywhere in the world of Arethil, though finding where a particular door goes or where it will open is all but impossible without actually opening it first.
To call this place a warren is an understatement. Though Kala has been stepping in and out of the mysterious labyrinth for near a decade, even she is easily lost upon the silvery paths.
The Ways are not like Portal Stones, nor are they a methods of teleportation. Travel through the Ways takes time, one must walk from doorway to doorway and these journeys often vary in their length. An hour within the labyrinth might be days in the world outside, or it might be just a few seconds. There is no telling or controlling how much time a journey in the Ways will take.
Kala has undergone journey's within the Ways which should have been mere minutes that turned out to be months. For obvious reasons this can be disastrous for multiple reasons, though at times it can also offer great advantage.
Though The Ways are great gift, Kala is more often than not weary to step into them.
Seen by most as a massive abyssal space, the Ways are a labyrinth of thousands upon thousands of doorways connected by thin strips of silver 'bridges'. The doors within the Ways can lead to nearly anywhere in the world of Arethil, though finding where a particular door goes or where it will open is all but impossible without actually opening it first.
To call this place a warren is an understatement. Though Kala has been stepping in and out of the mysterious labyrinth for near a decade, even she is easily lost upon the silvery paths.
The Ways are not like Portal Stones, nor are they a methods of teleportation. Travel through the Ways takes time, one must walk from doorway to doorway and these journeys often vary in their length. An hour within the labyrinth might be days in the world outside, or it might be just a few seconds. There is no telling or controlling how much time a journey in the Ways will take.
Kala has undergone journey's within the Ways which should have been mere minutes that turned out to be months. For obvious reasons this can be disastrous for multiple reasons, though at times it can also offer great advantage.
Though The Ways are great gift, Kala is more often than not weary to step into them.