Open Chronicles A Story of Twins

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Smokey tilted itself up slightly on its short legs to regard Sol. It was difficult to tell how something without eyes could look at anything, but Sol might have had this odd feeling that the oven was indeed watching him. Its front grate even unlatched and yawned open for a few moments before shutting again. It seemed - as far as a stove could be - quite content to sit at his feet until Pim called it into the kitchen.

Pim was agreeable to leaving her bag there in the small kitchen. She wasn't worried about anyone getting into her things, as Smokey's presence usually deterred folk from wayward curiosity.

"Stay! There's a good boy!" she chirped as Smokey took up a position near her bag. She patted it again on its top before heading off. Standing absolutely still, it was as if the stove was no more mobile or possessing of thought than any normal appliance.

"All right, I am ready to go!" she called to Luna while she was handing some supplies to her brother. "So, there is the question of savory ingredients versus sweet ingredients. What are your preferences?" Pim asked her as they walked, getting into dizzying details about the types of meats, vegetables or fruits that might be appropriate for the pies she was to bake for them.

She nearly bumped into someone who had entered the door. Caught in the whirlwind of her conversation with Luna, she mumbled an apology that probably made no sense at all:

"Strawberries are pretty good right now - sorry! - blueberries are probably not in season..."

Luna Eclipse

Sol noticed the look of pain, connecting it with his foot after the second time. The boy was hurt, but Sol could barely do anything medical outside of searing a wound shut.

Luna would take a small detour to their new visitor, kneeling near him and speaking before rejoining her new friend at the door. "Stay here, and I will take a look at that foot. I have some experience in healing. Meanwhile, Sol, make a new friend. Answer his questions while we are gone. Maybe you could learn some new skills from the young man." She then stood up and waved to them before leaving with Pim.

Sol would let out another sigh, this one more embarrassed than anything else. "Yeah, yeah. I'll keep an eye on the... stove... and the boy."

He then turns his attention back to the boy, realizing he probably wouldn't be able to focus enough to write anything down. He closed the leather journal and set it to the side, setting his gloves on top of them before pointing to the tapestries.

"Luna made them. As for your question, well... best I can answer right now is, we were born exactly as you say; opposites."

Percy Slayer
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The rabbit perked up, ears standing tall. He brought out a small black notebook from his satchel, and looked at Sol curiously after taking out a small stick of charcoal as well. He leaned forward slightly, and at the top of the page put the date and the title "Opposite Siblings."

"Fascinating. What is your species, if you don't mind me asking such a question?" he asked, and tried to scan Sol for his change of demeanor. He then waited, nose twitching slightly and wide blue-green eyes focused on Sol.

"I apologize, different people intrigue me, and I write down things about my journeys." Percy explained, and smoothed out any wrinkles in his nice clothing, the navy blue in his tight fitting button-up making his eyes look bluer than usual.
Sol waved to his sister as she walked out before turning back to their new visitor. Seemed anyone who wasn't aware of their race wanted to know. He didn't sense any hostile intentions from the boy, and so saw no issue with giving him what little info he had asked for.

"No need to apologize. Nothing wrong with asking a question. We're known as Anomalous Gemini. Bit of a rare race, we have barely even met any other Gemini ourselves."

The city seemed quite full of researcher types. First Pim and now this young rabbit folk. He wondered if there were any who could tell them more about their race.
Pim would lead Luna through the great Inner City gates and into the grandeur of Alliria's wealthiest district. The halfling seemed to know exactly where she was going; in fact, the grocery market was probably the only area of the city Pim was actually familiar with.

Between the bustling docks and a fenced neighborhood of tidy flower gardens and imposing manors, a crowd of market stalls occupied an open festival square. It almost seemed like a festival of sorts: a flurry of colors and patterns fluttered all around them from canvas canopies, banners and flags meant to draw a customer's eye - even the fancy fabrics of the well-to-do citizens perusing the wares. Cheerful music, too, drifted across the district from a band setup on a small stage.

Pim paused at the edge of a cluster of stalls, where a plump noblewoman in a beautiful purple dress was haggling with a vendor of cheeses.

"Let's get started!" She grinned up at Luna before looking across the various offerings of foodstuffs like a monarch inspecting her kingdom. She opened her mouth to ask something but her attention was quickly caught by a stand selling exotic fruits. "Ooh, I wonder if they have any of those little green chewy fruits..."

Luna Eclipse
Luna follows Pim through the streets, keeping pace with her. It wasn't her first time going to the market, though she usually waited until less busy hours. Sure, the best produce was gone by then, but there was always something good left.

She always loved the colors of the market and those walking about. In her eyes, the market was the best place to go if you wanted to see the city show it's best side. She hadn't been to the gardens yet, though she had made plans to go.

"Hmm... so many choices. It's hard to decide. Maybe we could try to make a pie put of something neither of us has tried?"

She turned to see her new friend seemingly drawn to a stall that Luna had never really visited before, stepping closer to inspect the various strange fruits as she answered Pim. "Let's find out. If you like them that much, maybe I'll try one."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Pim
The dark-skinned woman running the exotic fruit stand was a human of about seventy years old. White-haired, with almost parchment-thin skin, she looked frail as she stood there behind the stand. Yet there was a light of life behind her eyes, and a friendly smile set into the wrinkles in her face.

"Oh, here she comes again," the shopkeeper chuckled with feigned annoyance as Pim came up to the stand. "Come to poke and prod my poor fruit again, have you? You know they don't get riper the more you harass them?"

Pim was already looking through the array of strange shapes and hues on display.

"Really? So then it's not ambient heat or life-force that makes fruit ripen? Maybe it has to be the life-force of the mother tree...." Pim thought aloud more than replied. She nodded thoughtfully at Luna's suggestion.

"Hmm... something I haven't tried before..." She raised an eyebrow and studied the produce, hard-pressed to find something that she hadn't yet tried to make into a pie of some sort. Mostly, she was still occupied with trying to figure out what exactly made fruit ripen.

"I wouldn't tell her that, dear," the old shopkeeper warned Luna with a cheerful laugh. "I think the only thing she hasn't bought from me is the azure starfruit, and that's only because it's the most expensive. Here, try this. It cooks up nicely and has a wonderful flavor." She reached down into one of the bins and produced a pink fruit with dainty yellow-orange 'teeth' all over it. Pim took the fruit, weighing it in both hands and putting her nose to the top to smell it. Deeming it to be good, she smiled and nodded.

"Dragonfruit it is!" She grabbed a handful of fuzzy, oblong fruits about the size of chicken eggs. "I think these will add a nice sweetness. Let's experiment with it! Ooh, and my friend would like to try one of these!" she added, picking up two greenish objects that looked like a lumpy, thick-skinned grape.

Pim handed a couple of copper coins to the merchant before popping one of the little blobs into her mouth. She didn't know if Luna would enjoy the chewy texture and sour-sweet flavor she found oddly pleasant, but she handed one to Luna anyways.

Luna Eclipse

Luna's curiosity was peaked at the name of the expensive fruit, though she didn't want to spend the money the siblings had been given from their previous home. They had spent a good amount of those savings on her shop, but still had enough that if anyone knew it could cause questions to be asked.

"Azure starfruit? And dragonfruit?" She can't help but giggle as she examined the variety of goods. "I believe I have been missing the most interesting produce stall in the market this whole time. I've never heard of these."

She takes the blob fruit from Pim and looks at it for a second. She wasn't sure if she would like it based off the feeling alone, however she had promised she would try it, taking a bite out of it and taking a few seconds to decide.

"Mmm, it's... an interesting fruit. Not sure about the texture, but the flavor is unlike anything I've tried. Rather enjoyable, actually."

Pim nodded enthusiastically as she finished her morsel. "It is so odd at first, but the taste really grows on you." She frowned and closed her mouth, one cheek puffed out as she tried to dislodge something with her tongue. "Ets uk in your eeth ough!"

Once the fruit had been paid for, Pim slipped them into one of the linen bags she'd brought with her and waved farewell to the kindly shopkeeper.

Pim was efficient in her ingredient shopping despite the afternoon crowd, although she wasn't always the easiest companion to shop with - darting to a bin of carrots one moment, slipping with smallfolk grace past other shoppers to get to some celery the next. Always she returned to Luna's side to explain how her new find would be put to use in her 'experiment'. The way she spoke about the ingredients and baking process, it was sometimes difficult to tell whether she was describing cooking food or creating a complicated spell.

They left the market with a couple bags of fruit and vegetables in hand. Pim grew quiet on the way back, apparently lost in some train of thought, though she would occasionally point out some detail about the city's architecture or history that she found interesting, and try to answer Luna if she had anything she wanted to say.

Pim was a halfling on a mission as she and Luna came in the door of the tapestry shop. She made a beeline for the kitchen, not pausing for hellos. Already calculations and preparations were occurring in her head. She washed the ingredients and set them on the table beside her rather impressive array of cooking equipment. The stacks and piles would all look haphazard to the outside observer, but Pim found everything to be in order. Her order. On one side of her workspace, Smokey chomped its grate-mouth eagerly as a fire flickered to life in the stove.

With her tools set out and her cooking apron and cap equipped, the halfling set to work.

Luna Eclipse

Luna laughs behind her hand as her new friend struggles with the fruit, making sure to chew carefully so she didn't have the same issues. "I see what you mean. I would say let's bring one for my brother, but I fear Sol would absolutely hate these."

She finished her fruit as Pim pays with only a little bit getting stuck in her teeth, not quite enough to bug her or be seen as she talks though. She leta Pim lead the way back through the market, stopping occasionally to get a few extra supplies herself.

She found herself becoming rather intrigued by Pim as she spoke of her experiments and cooking, taking in as much as she could from the halfling before they made it back to the shop.

Upon entering she would wave to her brother before heading to the kitchen with Pim to take care of her own goods, speaking as the two of them kept busy.

"So, I believe the deal was we give you info on what we are, yes? I can answer some questions for you now, if you like."

Pim hummed something slightly off-tune as she picked up a chef's knife and starting chopping potatoes, ending her tiny aria with a drawn out, "Potatooooo!" When she was done, she turned around to answer Luna. Behind her, the knife continued working away on its own.

"It would be very helpful if both you and your brother were to finish my survey. You two would definitely be the first Gemini to do so! You could make great contributions to the field of pieromancy!" (It should be noted that Pieromancy, a term created by a very niche group of baker-wizards, did not actually have anything at all to do with the much more popular pyromancy; and despite a lot of confusion and numerous arguments, not one of them could see a good reason to change it).

Pim was constantly in motion, even while speaking. As the industrious knife hovered in the air over the pile of potatoes, its owner moved onto a floured section of the table and started mixing the dry ingredients for the dough in a large bowl.

"Although..." she admitted, almost sheepishly, "No. I don't think it's relevant. But maybe it is!" She argued with herself about whatever was supposedly related or not before she got around to actually asking:

"Your brother knows some magic - at least some fire magic. What about you?"

Her eyes went wide as she pondered something. The knife dropped from the air and clattered to the table briefly before floating back to its work. "Are your tapestries woven out of magic thread? Do they fly?! Or - ooh! Do the pictures on them move when you're not looking?!"

Luna Eclipse

Luna stepped over to the knife, keeping a respectful distance as she leaned down a little to inspect it. She could make things float, but that was all, as it was only because she shrouded those things in her own arcane magic to do so.

"I believe I already answered one of your questions, if I've had a pie. I'd be more than happy to finish the rest of them. How many questions are there?"

While she felt that the word she used sounded close to something Sol had been called a few times, she also felt that it meant something completely different. Before she could ask about it Pim had popped off another question, one she could answer.

At least she would have if the knife hadn't suddenly clattered down, giving her a bit of a start as she jumped. Once she calmed herself a little, she answered the both questions.

"Sol's magic is sunfire, specifically. Meanwhile, as for me... " She holds her hand up, palm open as a small orb of soft, silvery light materializes. "My magic reflects the moon. It's more of a... support magic than anything else. But no, my tapestries are all just normal tapestries. None of them can fly or move on their own, though that would be fun to try."

"The current version has forty-two questions in total - excluding some necessary follow-up questions of course," Pim replied proudly as she finished rolling out the dough and set it in a pan, ready for the filling. Looking at her flour-coated hands and apron with a frown, she quickly decided against conducting an interview right here in the kitchen. "Maybe during or after supper would be best? Well, maybe not after. That is officially when I will be heading to bed!"

"Sorry..." she said in regards to the falling knife. She pointed at her head with a shrug. "Distracted. That happens sometimes."

...As it did when she caught sight of the shimmering light in Luna's hand. She had a strong desire to poke her hand into the magical orb like a child with a fire, but then she remembered what happened to curious children who stuck their fingers in fires. Instead she muttered thoughtfully:

"Support magic, you say? What is the maximum weight it can sup-" she cut herself off. "No. Concentrate Pim. There are two pies that need your attention right this moment. Other questions can wait!" A bright, tinny squeak came from the oven, somewhat like how a small, agreeable trumpet might sound.

Pim smiled again at Luna. "Right! I promised you both pies and you will get them. As Gremory always says, I've got to get my head out of the clouds and into the oven! Or... something like that..."

Luna Eclipse

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Luna would let the orb disappear as she sat to watch the rest of Pim's process, eager to try these new pies. Pim was the first person she had been able to spend real time with in the city so far, aside from her brother and the occasional hotshot that tried hitting on her after performing a song. The best part was Pim's randomness kept her laughing.

"We can get to the questions later. We might even be able to answer more depending on what we find in that library later. For now, let's get these pies done."

She held a hand out, slowly gesturing as though telling someone to follow her. On cue a cupboard opened, pushed by three plates that were coated in the soft silver energy she had shown before. The plates gracefully floated to the table and set themselves down around the table, one in front of herself and the other two evenly spread out for Sol and Pim.

Sol finished recording his earnings in the journal, closing the book and returning it behind the counter before he takes the gloves off. He kept the records of his past jobs as insurance of sorts, just in case a past employer didn't want to remember the work he did for them.

Though he doubted he would work for anyone he had accepted jobs for already again. Most of then had tried to pay only half, and a few tried to not pay at all. Seemed he wasn't very good at picking out the more honorable types.

He sighs a little before locking the door to the shop and heading into the back to join the other two, taking his own seat just as his plate was set before him.

Peering at Pim's workspace, he eyes what is left of the ingredients going into the pie and tilts his head.

"What kind of pie is this, again?"
Percy looked at the pie curiously, nose twitching fast in an attempt to sniff out the type of pie it was going to be. "The ingredients smell okay..." he said, trailing off to look at Sol. He thumped his foot on the floor, the one that was uninjured, and ears stood alert.

"Fair Lady, I believe you said you had knowledge of healing?" Percy said politely, taking care to not seem like he was rushing her, gripping his satchel tightly.

His foot was throbbing now, and he gave the halfling a nod in their direction, noticing that she was the one that gave the strange apology.
"Mmm hmm!" Pim agreed heartily with Luna, putting herself into her kitchen magic. Rolling pins rolled and spoons mixed and pie plates were filled - though the only other real magic anyone would see was a wooden spoon that turned milk into butter with extreme expedience. Everything else was up to Pim's natural skill.

She held up her index finger to Sol to indicate an answer was coming - just not yet - as she put the readied pies into the oven. Smokey was all too eager to gobble them up; what the oven actually enjoyed about cooking them was as much a mystery as anything else about it.

"One is a hearty vegetable pot pie, and the other is a sweet dragonfruit pie. Without having more information, I couldn't decide whether you two would prefer a sweet or a savory pie - so I'm making both!" She also had a hypothesis about rabbits and carrots, which was why she slipped some into the hearty pie. There would be enough for everyone.

As the smells of cooking pies filled the small kitchen, at least one empty belly grumbled impatiently. Pim busied herself cleaning up the kitchen until - at last - they were finished. Everything was perfect: the kitchen was cleaned up, the table was set, friends were gathered. Smokey, apparently satisfied with its work, laid down on its forged legs in one corner and rested.

"One pie for supper, and one for dessert!"

Two pies sat upon the table - one with a flaky top crust and one with no top crust at all. Pim cut into the first pie and gave everyone a slice of the steaming food. Now was the hard part: waiting for the morsel to cool enough to eat while it tantalized everyone with its delicious scent.

Pim took this time to consider how good of an experience this could be for her. Sure, she spoke with other people from time to time regarding her work and her projects. Yet these siblings were so different from the catering folk she worked with. They had experiences quite different than her own, she suspected. How much could she learn about the world if she opened her mind to the possibility of a different conversation - one outside of the realm of pies?

"So..." she started as she mulled this idea over. "Question four: how do you compare pies to other kinds of baked goods?"

Sol Eclipse
Luna, being the only one of the two who had eaten pie before, was the only one who could answer this new question. She took a few seconds to think over her answer, making sure to take into account the few pies she has had before.

"Well, they are certainly more diverse than other foods. You can use just about anything in them, from fruits to meats and even sweets if you know how. So far I have yet to taste a pie I didn't like, as well."

Then again, she hadn't tasted as many different baked goods as Pim probably has, but she didn't bring up the fact. While Luna ate more than Sol, like him she didn't NEED to eat, and so maybe had one meal a day.
If there was one thing Pim liked more than talking about pie, it was eating pie; so her question to Luna was promptly put aside when the halfling dug into the savory dish in front of her. Whatever else she'd wanted to say was lost in silent scrutiny of her work as calculations of flavor profiles and textures popped into her head.

Such moments of Pim quietly musing were a blessing to the sanity of others, her boss often said.

Luna Eclipse
Sol ate his meal in silence, setting his silverware down once he was finished. After clearing his own dishes and sitting back down he turned to Pim, nodding in thanks as he spoke to her.

"For my first pie, I must say that was pretty good. Thank you."

He turns to Luna, seeing she was taking her time to finish her pie and decided to take the moment to try and get more information. He had yet to come across anyone who gave a lead to the mystery of the Gemini, and wanted to make sure it didn't go anywhere.

"How about once you two are done eating we head for that library? We can answer more of your questions on the way."
Pim was fairly disappointed at Sol's response, though she forced herself, as always, to remain impartial. Pretty good was not close at all to Pim's goal. She had obviously not figured out the types of ingredients the Gemini preferred. Or at least this one. Well, that was what the survey was all about. She'd have to get a written version penned someday for ease of distribution...

"Sure, I can take you to Kin'Kenny's place," she said, now enjoying a slice of the sweet, tropical flavors of the dragonfruit pie. "He brews a very intriguing drink there that would go great with pie!

"If he allowed food..." she finished in a frustrated mumble.

As soon as everyone was finished with their meals and ready to leave, Pim would guide her two new friends to the mysterious and occult library known in weirder circles as Kin'Kenny's Trove.

Sol Eclipse
Once Luna was finished, her reaction to the pie was fairly different than Sol's. She sets her silverware down and sits back in her chair, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"The elders didn't make pie quite like that. You have a talent for these, Pim. You better come over and make more sometime."

She took care of her plate before turning back to the other two as Sol stood up and grabbed his leather gloves from behind the counter.

"Ah, yes. We are going to a library, so that's smart. Wouldn't want to burn down such an intriguing place."

She then turns to Pim as they head out, a burning question on her mind.

"Do you think your friend would allow me to visit more often after this? I like to act as Sol's support when he is on a job, though I need a place to get my information from."
"I'd love to make more pies for you sometime - well, for as long as I'm in Alliria. There's a lot of travel involved with my work, so I'm seldom in one place for very long," Pim said with delight at Luna's request, though her joy faded a little at the gemini’s question.

"My... friend?" She went blank for a confused moment as she tried to comprehend who fit that description. "Oh, you mean Kin'Kenny? I don't know that he considers me a 'friend'. Not since Smokey, well... Kin'Kenny made a new rule just for that. I'm not sure how happy he'll be to see me again.

"But I'm sure he'll let you both in! He's pretty picky about who he lets into the library, but he likes to see new and interesting magic - which you both have!" What purpose hid behind Kin'Kenny's interest, nobody really knew. Pim didn't think there was any motive besides curiosity; although even she had to admit that Kin'Kenny was a tad eccentric.


The middle-city market had fallen into the relative lull of late afternoon. Pim led Sol and Luna through the main thoroughfare at an easy pace, turning down a side short alley between two stalls selling cheap ornamental rugs and practical earthenware. She stopped at a stone wall that stretched across an alley darkened by long shadows cast by a sinking sun against silent two-story apartments.

“Here it is!” she declared as she faced the stonework. Not a door was to be seen in either direction. At about her face level, the halfling ran her hands along the wall as if looking for some sort of secret entrance –

- which she found after a bit of hassling with the masonry. She pressed into one brick that looked like any other. It slid into the wall and down to reveal some scrawling beneath. In the dim light, it was difficult to tell what it was supposed to be, though Pim didn’t pause to inspect it. Instead she retrieved from her belt loop a long wooden fork, carved in a similar manner to her other cooking tools, and pointed it at the secret graffiti.

“It takes just a bit of magic to open the door,” Pim explained. A soft light emanated from the area where she was gripping the utensil and spread up towards the tines along inscribed curves and lines that one might have thought was for decoration. The fork’s head alit in white light like a torch. The etching on the wall lit in response - a runic circle in the wall, revealed in burning white light edged with a full spectrum of color – pulsed for only a moment before the brick slid shut again.

A section of the wall slid away from the rest with a gritty rumble, opening a passageway in the stone. It was wide enough for someone’s Pim size to walk through normally, but so narrow that Sol or Luna would have to slip through sideways.

Pim grinned and slipped into the passageway. Her torch-fork’s light was quickly swallowed by the darkness beyond.

“Just do what I did!” Pim’s voice echoed through the gap in the wall just before it slid shut again with a stony sort of blasé.

Luna Eclipse
Sol and Luna both watched, stunned at the display before them. Luna was intrigued by the magic which hid this library from most, barely able to contain her excitement as she got into position before the secret brick. She calmed herself before extending her arm and pointing her finger forward, releasing a stream of her own magic.

She let out a small giggle as the wall began to react, turning to her brother with a smile before she stepped through the opening and followed Pim.

"Here I thought the most exciting thing in the city was the market during rush hour."

The two of them were soon joined by Sol, who had repeated Luna's steps by simply extending his arm. Now that they were past what he thought would be entrance to the library he took out his gloves and put them on.
The trio found themselves in a multi-level structure that stretched out into one enormous room. Every wall held bookshelf upon bookshelf separated by display cases of odds and ends. There were no windows anywhere to be seen, but the place was well lit by magical lights on walls and ceilings; some areas were lit with a warm, cheerful glow. Other spots were illuminated in cool, soothing light. A diverse group of folk milled about, perched on divans or padded chairs in quiet nooks.

Surrounded by tables and chairs, a tall copper machine stood like the library’s centerpiece, emitting a strong but not unpleasant smell of a toasted, bitter quality. Several young people were carrying trays of small cups back and forth from this contraption to the wandering patrons.

A robed figure about Pim’s height scuttled out from behind a bookshelf to greet them. Two yellowed horns poked out of a hooded violet robe, rich and adorned with silver stars similar to the gem atop the figure’s staff.
“Oh… it’s you again,” the figure said flatly on reaching Pim. “I see you did not bring your construct with you today. That is good. Remember to follow the rules this time.” The figure flicked out one arm and a skeletal hand emerged to point at a huge maroon tapestry hung on one wall. It was embroidered with some sort of list. The flawless needlework, stitched out in silvery-white lettering of a cheerful font, declared in no uncertain terms:

Rules of Kin’Kenny

~All rulebreakers will have curses and fees applied~

No books shall be on a table with the coffee

No books shall leave the library

Be quiet and considerate of others

No use of magic unless approved by Kin’Kenny

Do not disturb the quasits when they are on coffee break

No pets, familiars, noble steeds, totem spirits, constructs or summoned creatures

Any damage to books or relics must be reported

Do not open the red door

It was only in Pim’s eyes that another enchanted line shimmered into being, explicitly stating that outside food was also not allowed. The word 'constructs' was also quite a bit bigger than it had any right to be.

Having properly threatened the questionable halfling, the figure turned its attention to the gemini. “Ah, but what is this you bring with you?”

As it looked up at Luna and Sol, they could see the fleshless skull nestled within the hood, a pink gem glinting on its brow. Two tiny silver flames flared in empty eye sockets as it studied them.

“Most curious… I have not seen members of your species in my Trove before. And you are different somehow from others of your race? Yes, curious indeed!” The figure shuffled away in deep thought, apparently not anticipating an answer from either of the gemini even if they did answer.

“Kin’Kenny is an odd fellow,” Pim commented in a low voice one the small robed person had gone on its way. “Anyway, he seemed to approve of your use of the Trove. So where to first?”

Luna Eclipse
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette