Private Tales A Sizzling Egg Across a Hot Wok

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Cool was the wind, and lighter was the ship.

One less soul aboard the Star. One less heap of troubles there to weigh it down. Make it all the faster, come the real trouble. Like a wave, danger crested as it threatened to turn them all over into the drink.

Dieder let out a huff. "Fake name, huh?" he thought aloud as the gulls called over head. And got to making away. Coin enough to supply them well through the trip. And more if he moused the money right.

"Here kid," he said as he worked a rope end over end in a tidy loop as he worked it free of a cleat. "Gather up this here line, while I-"

With a quick set of knocks, Izzy announced her arrival.

Eyes big and quick, hair on end, and every fiber of her pretty body, tense as a string wound to bust.

Dieder gave his best and dumbest smile. "Got ourselves a job," he tried to play it away. But none of his light made it to the eyes. A fool's glitter across his teeth.
