Private Tales A Revival

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Questions... Yes, he supposed that if he were to believe the claims she made as to her nature, which he had now seen with his own eyes, there would be questions to be asked. Orion seated himself, somewhat of an amused expression resting on his lips as he watched her dutifully prepare a meal and beam over at him as though the topic they'd just touched upon hadn't been the least bit grim.

"Now that you mention it, I do have to question how a girl who can shift into a Dragon came to be, and why she stumbled upon Trastus, of all places. You claimed to be a member of an Order of Knights. Anathaeum, correct?"

He'd heard the name, encountered one of them before, briefly. That one hadn't been so friendly, he'd needed to insist upon their leave through rather unpleasant means, but he hadn't killed the man.

"I find it difficult to understand why they would let you come alone to such a dangerous ruin." He mused aloud as he accepted the bowl of stew, finding himself momentarily distracted by the tempting scent wafting up from it. "And I also worry that perhaps I will have to meet more of them, once you report back..."

Kaida finished serving them and sat in front of Orion, taking a large bite of the stew. She raised an eyebrow at him, her cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk as he began to ask his questions. She chewed thoughtfully, taking a large gulp as she swallowed. She pointed her spoon at him as she corrected the first phrase, almost offended.

"I'm a dragon that can shift into a girl, I hatched out of an egg and everything!" She huffed, and leaned back as she readied another bite. "A lot of dragons like to hoard things; my hoard is one of knowledge. I like to study things, write them in journals, and submit them into the library at home. I'm intensely proud of it, and I spend a lot of time finding new things to add to it. I like to explore and will go just about anywhere that might have something important to add. Finding Trastus was a happy accident for me."

Everything she said was matter of fact, she had no reason to do anything but provide him with the information he was seeking. She took another, smaller bite before addressing the rest of what he was asking. "I am a member of the Order, a squire in fact. I don't think anyone really ever notices me being gone, and I'd like them to tell a dragon right to its snout that it can't do something." She laughed, her nose crinkling with amusement.

"If you are worried, I can just keep the journals from here in my own personal cache, if you're worried. I'm not sure how much stock anyone would put in me, I don't really have any friends or anyone to talk to at home.." She trailed off, her eyes falling to the floor as she poked at the stew with suddent lack of appetite. Meeting Orion had been the closest thing to a friendship she'd yet experienced.
