Private Tales A new place

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
He had been wandering the continents for a while now. He had survived an assassin, a number of ambushes from various organizations, Master hunters, mercenaries and brigands alike. And his not inconsiderable skill with edged weapons had seen him through it all. It was his most recent confrontation with a vengeful ghost that was truly harrowing, his magic skill being very limited. So now that he saw his glaring weakness, he decided to strengthen it, and had gone to the College of Elbion for magic instruction.

He’d been there for a few weeks now, and he had gotten settled. He’d met a delightful young lady named Selina Altas who he had spoken with on occasion. He had been asking her for assistance with his studies every now and then. She was a sweet lady, a nice person to be around even though he was usually only up studying at night. And he had been very careful to protect himself from the sun when he attended lectures.

It was a typical night at the collage, save for one thing, he needed to feed. And so, he found one of his fellow students of similar age, and after gaining some confidence and giving promises of a wonderful night, he sank his fangs into her neck in one of the less travelled hallways. His strain was unique among vampires, one of the unique traits was that his saliva contained absurd levels of dopamine, which triggered overwhelming euphoria when it got into the bloodstream. He drank, he had her head in his shoulder to stifle her moans, and he heard footsteps. With blinding speed he left the girl there, weak and panting from blood loss and her high alike, to be found by the one who had been coming down the other hallway. She’d be found, and the bite marks in her neck would be seen quickly, and what had happened would swiftly be realized.
  • Devil
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
Classes were back in full swing and Selina was excited to be back. She was a naturally friendly and engaging person and tried to be friends with everyone she met.
This muscular half orc was a strange sight in the college, the strict enrollment process was difficult and expensive and often very prejudiced against non or half humans. So seeing one of his kind attending classes was a privilege and she couldn't help but to want to become acquainted with him.

A class on lunar magic had just concluded, it was also an informational course on werewolves and other creatures and rituals influenced by the phases of the moon.
She had a floating light illuminating her way as she made some last minute notes and observations on the class when she rounded a corner and looked up abruptly when she heard the sounds of passion.
She closed her spellbook and caught the glimpse of a large shadow fleeing the scene.
She found the student slumped against the wall, her body jerking and quivering in pleasure.

"Dale, watch over her and keep me updated on her condition, I'm going to follow whatever did this."
A little spotted margay cat jumped out of her bag and used mage hand to tear a piece of cloth to put over the wound.
"Right. Are you sure you want to chase that thing? This girl stinks of her arousal."
She didn't pay any attention as she bolted down the hall, she didn't have her staff but her wand would have to do.
She ran in the direction the shadow vanished with the floating globe lighting her way.

She should alert the gargoyles immediately, but those brainwashed masked men had a tendency to treat any minor infraction of the rules like a full-blown crime.
She rounded a corner and looked desperately about for any sign of her target, if she lost him she might need to use her clairvoyance spell to track him down.
  • Yay
Reactions: Conrad
Classes were back in full swing and Selina was excited to be back. She was a naturally friendly and engaging person and tried to be friends with everyone she met.
This muscular half orc was a strange sight in the college, the strict enrollment process was difficult and expensive and often very prejudiced against non or half humans. So seeing one of his kind attending classes was a privilege and she couldn't help but to want to become acquainted with him.

The reason he had gotten into the college was largely due to the fact that the only physical sign of him having orcish heritage was his size. He towered over most if not all other people in the college teachers included, despite his young age. But other than that he appeared to be just a really pale human, some even mistook him for Khavosh, but that was quickly disproven because of his unusual eye color, a wine red with a soft glow, almost unnoticeable in the well lit classrooms and library, even at night. But easily seen in the dim hallways and corridors.

A class on lunar magic had just concluded, it was also an informational course on werewolves and other creatures and rituals influenced by the phases of the moon.
She had a floating light illuminating her way as she made some last minute notes and observations on the class when she rounded a corner and looked up abruptly when she heard the sounds of passion.
She closed her spellbook and caught the glimpse of a large shadow fleeing the scene.
She found the student slumped against the wall, her body jerking and quivering in pleasure.

He had applied for Lunar Magics, as well as stellar, illusion and mind spells, though as of right then he was still working towards mastering the basics of magic, and had yet to qualify for any of his requested courses. But he knew a more forbidden kind of magic, that being blood based magic, though he was hardly a master and he didn’t dare preform such things in this place.

"Dale, watch over her and keep me updated on her condition, I'm going to follow whatever did this."
A little spotted margay cat jumped out of her bag and used mage hand to tear a piece of cloth to put over the wound.
"Right. Are you sure you want to chase that thing? This girl stinks of her arousal."
She didn't pay any attention as she bolted down the hall, she didn't have her staff but her wand would have to do.
She ran in the direction the shadow vanished with the floating globe lighting her way.

She should alert the gargoyles immediately, but those brainwashed masked men had a tendency to treat any minor infraction of the rules like a full-blown crime.
She rounded a corner and looked desperately about for any sign of her target, if she lost him she might need to use her clairvoyance spell to track him down.

She’d have to use a clairvoyance spell. He wasn’t an accomplished mage but he was certainly no idiot. He had listened for a moment so that he might identify her voice later, then fled back to his dorm room, where if she’d did use a clairvoyance spell, she’d find him reading over a few tomes and books that had similar topics, and he seemed, at least outwardly, to be studying.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
She had lost him, so she flipped her spellbook open right to the page she desired and began the brief ritual.
After muttering a few words in her own arcane dialect and focusing the power through her wand the spell came into effect.
To her eyes a glowing path appeared and traveled after in the direction of the most recent person who passed through here.

Her and her familiar possessed a telepathic link, so she contacted him and instructed him to alert the gargoyles of the girl so she can be brought to the nurse.
"Alright, Selina. But be careful, the bite on her neck is decisively from a vampire. Make sure you're wards are up!"
She sent a mental nod while she followed the trail through the college to the dorms wing. She passed by room after room, lost the path and had to cast a few more divination spells to pick it up again.

She did all of this till she came to her friends door, she cast the spell again to be sure... The trail ends here...
She thought of the girl in the hall, her breathing full of passion and her legs quivering in ecstasy with a trickle of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth, perhaps it would be better if she called for backup or the gargoyles, but she remembered what level he was at in magical development and she was academically his senior. So she straightened her uniform and knocked lightly on the door. The sound of her own knock nearly made herself jump in fright!

Calm down Selina, you've faced worse than vampires... Right?
She clutched her wand tightly, ready to unleash a hailstorm of magic missiles at the first sign of danger.
  • Yay
Reactions: Conrad
He heard the knock, and standing up he opened the door to see her there. "Hello. Selina right? Are you okay, you look nervous. Did something happen?"

He was decent at acting, but a momentary glance into his eyes would reveal a soft glow. And if she looked carefully, his coat had shifted just far enough to reveal a small red dot on his shirt, recent.

He took notice of her wand and looked up in her face, "I'm not in trouble am I?"
  • Scared
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
"Hello. Selina right? Are you okay, you look nervous. Did something happen?"
She jumped when he answered the door and nearly unleashed a barrage of magic right then!
He spoke and she could only gulp in response.
She noticed the signs. She had seen vampires before and had learned to recognize the symptoms, but she wondered if she simply ignored them before when she met him.

"I'm not in trouble am I?"
She looked down at her wand too and bit her lip.
"Y-yeah... Yeah, you're in trouble... I, I think I followed a monster to your room... I've got to perform a search."
She didn't know why she was so freaking nervous. The state that girl was in, complete ecstasy, did it really feel that good?
She'd been bitten before and it wasn't that special, she hardly noticed they were biting her because they were numbing her as well.

She looked up at him now with determination.
"It's for your safety."
She said that, yet she could reasonably say she was the one in danger... And she was inviting herself into his room.
  • Devil
Reactions: Conrad
She jumped when he answered the door and nearly unleashed a barrage of magic right then!
He spoke and she could only gulp in response.
She noticed the signs. She had seen vampires before and had learned to recognize the symptoms, but she wondered if she simply ignored them

Her jumpiness was most amusing. He grinned mischievously when he saw her jump and heard her gulp. She'd be a fun person.

She looked down at her wand too and bit her lip.
"Y-yeah... Yeah, you're in trouble... I, I think I followed a monster to your room... I've got to perform a search."
She didn't know why she was so freaking nervous. The state that girl was in, complete ecstasy, did it really feel that good?
She'd been bitten before and it wasn't that special, she hardly noticed they were biting her because they were numbing her as well.

She looked up at him now with determination.
"It's for your safety."
She said that, yet she could reasonably say she was the one in danger... And she was inviting herself into his room.

"Well then by all means come in. Don't allow me to get in the way of my own safety." He said his grin of Mischa getting broader. He stood to the side and held the door open for her. Once she was inside, he shut the door and locked it.

Then turning around and leaning on the locked door he said. “Before you reduce me to ash, allow me to say that subtlety is not your strong suit. When you suspect someone, dont confront them alone. Lucky for you, the monster you seek may not be as monstrous as you think.”
  • Scared
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
"Well then by all means come in. Don't allow me to get in the way of my own safety."
Like an idiot she walked into his room. She really didn't think any of this through and was just flying by the seat of her pants now. She wasn't even a staff member of the college yet, she had no authority to search students rooms even if she was grades above him!
Why was she even here anyways? She should have just left the entire matter up to the gargoyles and gone to bed!

The lock clicked in the door as if it were agreeing with her thoughts. She froze at the sound while her adrenaline pumped out of control.

“Before you reduce me to ash, allow me to say that subtlety is not your strong suit. When you suspect someone, dont confront them alone. Lucky for you, the monster you seek may not be as monstrous as you think.”
Even HE agreed with her rational mind! That made him, her own logical reasoning, Dale, and even the fricken DOOR that agreed she was an absolute dunce!
She whirled with her wand pointed at him as soon as she forced her muscles to unlock from the panic induced paralysis.

"What did you do to that student in the hall?"

... And could you please do it to me...

... Was the unbidden and unspoken thought that came to her mind!
Goodness knows that studying for a year non-stop with minimal mortal interaction left a girl with needs... But did she have to be jealous of another girl for getting off from a bite?!
  • Haha
Reactions: Conrad
Like an idiot she walked into his room. She really didn't think any of this through and was just flying by the seat of her pants now. She wasn't even a staff member of the college yet, she had no authority to search students rooms even if she was grades above him!
Why was she even here anyways? She should have just left the entire matter up to the gargoyles and gone to bed!

The lock clicked in the door as if it were agreeing with her thoughts. She froze at the sound while her adrenaline pumped out of control.

He saw her freeze in absolute terror as she realised what had happened. His face split into a grin and he barely held back laughter. She was so fun, bordering on adorable, already. He'd definitely enjoy screwing with her, in the messing with sense, not the other thing. Not yet at least.

Even HE agreed with her rational mind! That made him, her own logical reasoning, Dale, and even the fricken DOOR that agreed she was an absolute dunce!
She whirled with her wand pointed at him as soon as she forced her muscles to unlock from the panic induced paralysis.

"What did you do to that student in the hall?"

... And could you please do it to me...

... Was the unbidden and unspoken thought that came to her mind!
Goodness knows that studying for a year non-stop with minimal mortal interaction left a girl with needs... But did she have to be jealous of another girl for getting off from a bite?!

He put a knuckle to his chin as if trying to remember, his smile giving away exactly how much fun he was having. "Well, I spoke with her, used some choice words and made a few promises. Made good on those promises, or tried to anyway. Had you not happened along, she'd probably find herself, and some rope, in a very comprising position in her bed, with no sign of any fangs having been involved. Do I need to provide more details? I'd be happy to."

He still had his wicked grin and crossed arms. He clearly was not concerned about her wand, either he was arrogant, or she was in over her head, possibly both.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
"Well, I spoke with her, used some choice words and made a few promises. Made good on those promises, or tried to anyway. Had you not happened along, she'd probably find herself, and some rope, in a very comprising position in her bed, with no sign of any fangs having been involved. Do I need to provide more details? I'd be happy to."
How dare he!
How dare he say exactly what she wanted to hear!
Ropes were kinda kinky for her tastes, but also kinda hot...
She almost shuddered just thinking about it but shook her head, reflecting on how easily one gave in to bodily desires after being deprived for so long.

Her will was obviously weakening, as well as her case against him. If it was consensual did she have any grounds to report it? Simply reporting him because he's a vampire and therefore classified as a monster simply wasn't her style, she had joined a witches coven at one point and while she didn't make that common knowledge she would want grace given to her had her secrets ever got out.

But she was being stubborn now... Which totally explained why she wanted to hear more...
"I... I need more details if I'm to make an accurate report..."
She kept the wand pointed at him but her hands were far from steady.
  • Devil
Reactions: Conrad
How dare he!
How dare he say exactly what she wanted to hear!
Ropes were kinda kinky for her tastes, but also kinda hot...
She almost shuddered just thinking about it but shook her head, reflecting on how easily one gave in to bodily desires after being deprived for so long.

His grin turned into a predatory smirk, he knew that she was already on the hook, he simply needed to reel her in. He took a few calm, slow, menacing steps forward, and with a single finger pushed her wand down. “No need for confrontation sweetheart. You’re in no danger here. At least no more danger than you want to be in. I never take more than I simply offered.”

But she was being stubborn now... Which totally explained why she wanted to hear more...
"I... I need more details if I'm to make an accurate report..."
She kept the wand pointed at him but her hands were far from steady.

He tsked at her with a shake of his head, “is that really why you want more details? If so, I’m afraid I can’t give it to you. I can’t allow you to file a report. People tend to dislike vampires as a rule, no matter the actual intentions or morals of the individual vampire. So I’m afraid that I cannot let you do that. I can give you more details if you’re interested for entertainment purposes. If that’s the case, I might even be able to demonstrate.”
He took a few calm, slow, menacing steps forward, and with a single finger pushed her wand down. “No need for confrontation sweetheart. You’re in no danger here. At least no more danger than you want to be in. I never take more than I simply offered.”
When he stepped forward she stepped back, and kept doing so like an idiot till her back met the wall and she had nowhere left to go and only the wand held in front of her with both hands to keep it steady, though somehow still failing that.
This was getting out of hand... Why wasn't she leaving!
He was too close... Between her and the locked door that she didn't want to get to.

He certainly toyed with her like a vampire, not like her aroused mind could complain.

“is that really why you want more details? If so, I’m afraid I can’t give it to you. I can’t allow you to file a report. People tend to dislike vampires as a rule, no matter the actual intentions or morals of the individual vampire. So I’m afraid that I cannot let you do that. I can give you more details if you’re interested for entertainment purposes. If that’s the case, I might even be able to demonstrate.”
She took a deep breath, this wasn't anything like the powerful wizard that blasted a manticore to a pulp, nothing like the witch that cut out animal hearts for pagan rituals. She was stressed from all of her work, but she was never this pathetic.
Her rational mind finally caught up, having been buried under the stresses of puzzling out literal mysteries of the universe.

She lowered her wand and sighed, letting out the breath she took, running a hand through her hair and rubbing the fatigue from her eyes.
"I'm sorry... I really shouldn't be here... My familiar says the girl is fine, and I don't want you to get in trouble."
She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Please excuse me, I need more sleep."
She tried to move around him to the door.
  • Sip
Reactions: Conrad
When he stepped forward she stepped back, and kept doing so like an idiot till her back met the wall and she had nowhere left to go and only the wand held in front of her with both hands to keep it steady, though somehow still failing that.
This was getting out of hand... Why wasn't she leaving!
He was too close... Between her and the locked door that she didn't want to get to.

He certainly toyed with her like a vampire, not like her aroused mind could complain.

Her fear and arousal were definitely fun to watch. And the fact that she backed away with shaking steps and with two vibrating hands on her wand was even more entertaining. She was definitely going to be a nice little mouse to play with.

She lowered her wand and sighed, letting out the breath she took, running a hand through her hair and rubbing the fatigue from her eyes.
"I'm sorry... I really shouldn't be here... My familiar says the girl is fine, and I don't want you to get in trouble."
She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Please excuse me, I need more sleep."
She tried to move around him to the door.

Her nervousness and arousal faded as her mind cleared, the fun was over. He stepped in her way, his smile gone, replaced with a very serious expression. "No. Not until I can be certain that my nature will remain secret."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
"No. Not until I can be certain that my nature will remain secret."
Her jaw clenched as he blocked her path and her grip tightened on her wand.
She let out a slow and controlled breath as she resisted the urge to blast him away.
"And what nature would that be? Seducing young students in exchange for a snack? How are you NOT dangerous to leave alone? I've met vampires and they've told me how powerful their hunger gets, are you telling me that you are not at risk of losing control and taking too much?"
She was still aroused, he might even be able to smell it on her, but she apparently posed a very real threat as her confidence returned, even at this range with his masculine bulk towering over her and tempting her own natural urge to simply submit to him and let him have his way with her.

Her mind mentally sorted through all the spells she could cast quickly and at a point blank range, even as she simultaneously hoped her will to resist would crumble.
  • Sip
Reactions: Conrad
"And what nature would that be? Seducing young students in exchange for a snack? How are you NOT dangerous to leave alone? I've met vampires and they've told me how powerful their hunger gets, are you telling me that you are not at risk of losing control and taking too much?"

"You mean as humans take too much from the world itself? No. I have two rules, never kill unless absolutely necessary, and the second being only feed from those who are willing. That woman may not know what I was, but I was no threat to her. She would have walked away with only brief dizziness to show for it. So no, I pose no threat, because I feed often enough to keep it sated, and only on those who willingly follow me." He explained, he reached behind his desk and removed a longsword, well made and he clearly knew how to use it. "Put your wand away, and I will put this away. Or will this get ugly? I hate to make anyone a thrall, but I will do what I must."
  • Scared
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
"You mean as humans take too much from the world itself? No. I have two rules, never kill unless absolutely necessary, and the second being only feed from those who are willing. That woman may not know what I was, but I was no threat to her. She would have walked away with only brief dizziness to show for it. So no, I pose no threat, because I feed often enough to keep it sated, and only on those who willingly follow me."
Almost on instinct she responded to an accusation she's heard far too often.
"The world has more than enough resources to support the industriousness of mortal kind. The alternative to taking and storing up more than we need is to live lesser tribal lives of squalor and poverty without dignity or room for higher learning and academics to grow and thrive."
She shook her head, "But that's got nothing to do with right now. While I understand you must do what you do to survive, the question then becomes; What will we do to survive you?"

"Put your wand away, and I will put this away. Or will this get ugly? I hate to make anyone a thrall, but I will do what I must."
She bit her lip as he drew his sword.
"See... This is exactly what I mean... You must survive, so you will do what you must whether you want to or not... Even kill or silence me." She held her wand in front of her again in response to his sword.
"Drop your weapon and let's come to a compromise."
  • Yay
Reactions: Conrad
She shook her head, "But that's got nothing to do with right now. While I understand you must do what you do to survive, the question then becomes; What will we do to survive you?"

"As I've just stated, I kill only those who mean me harm. There is no need to survive me. I do know that there are vampires out there who kill for fun, they are indeed in need of eradication. But not every vampire out there is evil."

Drop your weapon and let's come to a compromise."

He deadpanned, "that is quite literally just what I have said. But the fact remains, I may be faster than you, but you still hold the advantage here. I will put my sword down, when you put your wand down."

While he said this he held the sword out as though to drop it, but also well usable should she prove unreasonable. "Together?"
As if dropping weapons would make things even. He was a vampire, therefor faster, stronger, probably having claws in there, fangs. Whereas she only had her wand and very limited spellcasting without it!
She had no reason to disbelieve him, he was here and obviously kept a low profile till now. But the risks were great...

She mulled it over for a minute before slowly nodding.
"Fine... together."
She held out her wand and counted down.
"Three... Two... One!"
She dropped her wand.
  • Yay
Reactions: Conrad
On one, his sword too was dropped. And the sound of a long metal object clattering to the ground overwhelmed the sound of her little stick. His hand returned to the opposite elbow, his arms now folded across his chest, and his smile returned.

“Now that that’s out of the way. Please, sit.” He said gesturing to the bed while he sat at the desk chair, facing her and sitting comfortably. “Now that I’m thinking about it, you and I haven’t really talked outside of class, and it’s dawned on me that I don’t actually know you that well. And I see no better opportunity to remedy that than now. So please, ask your questions, and I’ll ask a few of my own. Sound fair?”
  • Wonder
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
“Now that that’s out of the way. Please, sit.” He said gesturing to the bed while he sat at the desk chair, facing her and sitting comfortably. “Now that I’m thinking about it, you and I haven’t really talked outside of class, and it’s dawned on me that I don’t actually know you that well. And I see no better opportunity to remedy that than now. So please, ask your questions, and I’ll ask a few of my own. Sound fair?”
She sat down sullenly on the bed, still feeling very much at his mercy without her wand. Now that it wasn't in her hand he was easily fast enough to keep her from picking it up again.

At the offer for questions she nodded and looked up, careful not to meet his unnatural eyes.
"Alright, first question. Why are you here at the college?"
At the offer for questions she nodded and looked up, careful not to meet his unnatural eyes.
"Alright, first question. Why are you here at the college?"

“Because I realized that not all problems can be solved with a sword, some require magic. Namely phantoms and other forms of physically impervious things. I was taught the basics magic as a child but my main focus was always the sword. And so I was unprepared for the opponent I faced and decided to remedy the then and now glaring weakness.” He said simply, while she was indeed at his mercy, he had no intention of taking advantage of it. “How long have you been here? And what have you been studying most?”
  • Sip
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
“Because I realized that not all problems can be solved with a sword, some require magic. Namely phantoms and other forms of physically impervious things. I was taught the basics magic as a child but my main focus was always the sword. And so I was unprepared for the opponent I faced and decided to remedy the then and now glaring weakness.”
She brushed a lock of hair from her eyes and stared at his muscles for a moment, yes he was definitely a swordsman, but being a vampire meant he had plenty of time to learn other things as well. But still...
"Why didn't you just get your sword enchanted? Phantoms and other ethereal creatures can't be harmed by regular means, but they can be damaged by a spell or cut by an enchanted sword."

To his question she was thoughtful for a moment.
"I've studied here almost five years total. I can't really say that I've studied one thing more than another, my attention spans a wide variety of magical schools and disciplines... Some not even taught in the college."
She brushed a lock of hair from her eyes and stared at his muscles for a moment, yes he was definitely a swordsman, but being a vampire meant he had plenty of time to learn other things as well. But still...

He noticed her looking at his muscled arms and grinned. So he decided to give her what she wanted and looked down absentmindedly to see the stain on his shirt. “Oh dear, that will need to be cleaned.”

So he took his shirt of casually and laid it aside, letting his chiseled pecs and abs be seen, and he acted as though it were perfectly normal. Sitting back in his chair again and crossing his legs calmly. He definitely enjoyed toying with this woman.

"Why didn't you just get your sword enchanted? Phantoms and other ethereal creatures can't be harmed by regular means, but they can be damaged by a spell or cut by an enchanted sword."

“Because I figured that learning magic would be overall more beneficial. An enchanted sword is definitely very useful, but learnings magic in general would cover even more bases.”

To his question she was thoughtful for a moment.
"I've studied here almost five years total. I can't really say that I've studied one thing more than another, my attention spans a wide variety of magical schools and disciplines... Some not even taught in the college."

“Wonderful! Perhaps you’d be willing to tutor me? I am in need of assistance after all.” He said with a smile.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Selina Della Altas
“Oh dear, that will need to be cleaned.”
He took off his shirt right in front of her, her cheeks reddened and her eyes went wide.
He's fricken ripped!
She tried looking around the room to avoid staring at his chiseled abs and pecs, but the room was small and he was huge!

“Wonderful! Perhaps you’d be willing to tutor me? I am in need of assistance after all.”
She gulped, still trying to nonchalantly look away but inevitably her eyes kept going back to his hot body.
"Y-yeah... Sure, what *Ahem* What subjects do you need help with?"
  • Haha
Reactions: Conrad