Private Tales A Name From The Past

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
A head tilt there.

"No, thrones are incredibly uncomfortable. They poke you every time you try and shift." Bemused there at how she was keeping his drink out of reach. "A nice and comfortable pillow pile. You can really relax in those, we should get one for the throne room."


"You can have the throne and I will casually lounge in the pillow pile."

He waited patiently for her to actually give him his drink.
That... got a curious look out of her. Definitely not remotely what she had been expecting. Lorelei's gaze shifted off in momentary disbelief of the words, then her brow furrowed in uncertain thought.

Her lips parted for a response, but nothing manifested. There were no words for such absurdity. No, instead she lifted his glass and took a sip of the rum. Lips pursed at the flavor, a wince as she swallowed, her nose wrinkled as she remembered why she didn't drink the stuff.

No. Absolutely not.

She stepped forward and deposited his drink on the table beside him, face still held in that scowl of absurdity.
He chuckled softly at both her initial expression and then the shift when the alcohol hit her taste buds.

"Yeah, it's not exactly tasty alright."

But when his hand reached out, it didn't take the glass. Instead Fane took advantage of her momentary confusion by wrapping his fingers around her thin wrist and out of nowhere pull her straight into his lap where she belonged.

An arm going around her waist.

"My lap equally makes a better seat." He whispered in her ear with a satisfied smile.
Suddenly she was seated rather haphazardly across his lap. Rigid was her posture out of surprise and impropriety - trouble. Her free hand gripped his knee while her other the armrest.

The chair groaned in protest of the additional weight.

This man was nothing but trouble.

She supposed this was something she was going to have to get used to, or at least learn to tolerate. His uncouth ways could maybe be trained out of him, but she had her doubts.

"You are tempting fate with this chair," she was hesitant to move at all and risk the entire thing collapsing beneath the both of them.
But she'd notice that he didn't try and grope her or escalate the situation even more than he already had.

Fane seemed to be satisfied with just having her in his lap.

At least for now.

"Isn't that what living life well is about? Temptation... And fate... Otherwise it gets a bit boring, no?"

And his lips slowly ran along her neck again.

This was a much better angle than before. Much more comfortable.

Except for the chair.
"Hm," she eyed him, brow faintly raised as he pulled her in snug and began to nuzzle at her neck.

"If not for the boring parts we would not appreciate all the rest..." at least that was how she justified spending so much time on the boring stuff. The work. The study. The preparations. Everything required to carry out her goals. All tedium lead to gain in the end.

With some confidence that a small adjustment wouldn't send them crashing to the ground, she moved to loop an arm over his shoulder and back around his neck, giving her better ease of access to his hair once more where her fingers immediately sought to occupy themselves.

"The work before is important, you know," Lorelei intoned to him while he busied himself beneath her jaw.
It kind of amused him how much his hair seemed to attract her.

Like a cat playing with something shiny. But Fane didn't mind. If she only wanted him for his hair, then that was a funny change from the usual reasons women were attracted to him. "Mm, that is valid, I suppose. But I have never been about the boring parts... I have always done my best to skip past them as soon as possible..."

His lips got a bit more insistent on her neck.

Clearly this was not boring to him whatsoever.

"It might be important... but you also need to learn how to relax." But what Fane did next... was probably not going to relax her whatsoever.

His teeth? Slowly pressed into her skin. Not quite a bite... just an application of pressure with promise of more.
Feeling stuck in a state between wanting to enjoy the attention he was giving her neck and being hyper-aware of the impropriety of it when the staff could walk in with their dinner at any moment, Lorelei did not, in fact, relax.

The bite, however, did bring her eyelids to fold close and fingers to curl more tightly in his hair.

"Do you also-" her voice hitched slightly as his teeth pinched a bit more, "always skip dinner and go straight to dessert?"
She could practically feel his smirk against her flesh.

"Not always... but sometimes... I want a little taste... to know what comes after dinner." But then Fane drew away from her neck and looked up at her with a pleasant smile.

"I haven't forgotten that massage I promised you by the way." His hand slowly squeezed her hip now. "I do believe you will like that..."
Lore's head tilted against the hip squeeze. He was really trying to push her buttons tonight, wasn't he? She cleared her throat, gently, and shifted forward in an effort to vacate his lap and put some much-needed space between her resolve and the man's wandering lips and hands.

The chair creaked threateningly.

Lore hit resistance in the arm around her and she could feel his eyes on her and his body tense for just a moment. As if challenging her with the possibility that he wouldn't let her go. Then he found a sliver of smarts and released her from his hold.

Woe be to the fool who try to hold the flame lest it become an inferno.

She eyed him and then began carefully collecting her papers and scrolls from the table just before a knock sounded at the main chamber door.

"My Lady, dinner is served."

"Come," she called back to them as she set the stack of notes on a side table before retaking her original seat.
And there they were.

Sitting comfortably in their original seats like nothing untoward had happened whatsoever while their food was being served.

But even as the servants worked around them they kept locking gazes every once in a while.

Just a gaze.

Yet it reminded to the brush of his lips against her neck, his hands on her shoulders, curled into hip.

He wasn't making it easy for her whatsoever.

"To your health, darling." Fane murmured with a little smirk as he took the first bite.
She was doing well to avoid (ignore) him up until one of the servants asked if her meal had been prepared to her liking. This one veal, only lightly seared, sliced in thin strips and drizzled with a wine sauce. After brief inspection she nodded, smiled kindly to the servant with a yes, thank you, and thereupon returning her gaze back to her plate to take up fork and knife, met his across the table.

Her brow twitched. Lorelei picked up her glass of what appeared to be wine but was, in fact, her own decanted blodwyne to take a much-needed drink as he cheers'd her health.

Bloodlust hadn't been much of an issue for her for the last... several hundred years, but regardless of her own self control a fresh drink of blodwyne still offered a satiating indulgence that tempered the inner demons, so to say. It wasn't offering it tonight. There was a different sort of hunger that it would never be able to sate.

Not even the veal was making a dent.

"Once I get word from Zeviir on the warehouses, so long as the deal can be struck I will be spending my time down at the docks to get business in order," yes, back to the boring stuff. Work was a strong distraction for the already distracted mind.
"Back to the boring parts then?" Smiling lightly over his next bite, but knowing that he was distracting her thoroughly.

That was already very satisfying.

"I will have to come visit you. See what you are up to."

But something would tell her that it wasn't for pure reasons Fane was interested in seeing her.

"How's the drink? Is it... Filling your need?"
"Boring work, most likely," she said in response to what she'd be up to. Truth be told, she actually wasn't certain just what work would need to be done if she did manage to acquire all the whaler's warehouses. There were five of them, if she recalled, and should all of them look the way the one they toured did?

There was likely going to be a lot of junk and detritus to clear out. Hell, she was going to have to get her hands dirty, wasn't she?

Her gaze shifted back to Fane now that she'd had a few bites to eat and her stomach was, at the very least, settling. Could make him do it, but that would be more of a distraction than she was sure it was worth.

Why had she done this to herself? Right, for strong children.

"How's the drink? Is it... Filling your need?"

Her eyes narrowed over a level stare. Perhaps she could find some hole in the ground to toss him in until she needed him.

"No," could have lied and said yes but what was the point? "How is your dinner?"
He smiled there, less smirky and more genuine now. "Isn't that a good thing? Distraction only occurs when you are curious... when you want to be drawn into it."

Taking a bite himself but watching her curiously.

"You don't like things that make you feel out of control." Like her blood lust. Taming it with an elixer and magic. But how to tame a man that touched her skin and set it aflame?
"Out of control..."

There was a strong sensation of boiling beneath the surface of her skin. Lorelei took a slow, deep breath and gently set her fork and knife down, "You have not seen me out of control because when I am out of control entire cities burn."

Her hand reached for her glass, delicately lifting it with her fingers clasped around the base, "My entire life has crumbled to ashes and the only things giving me a modicum of continued control despite everything are quickly running out." Her voice strained, her eyes flickered, her fingers squeezed.

The glass shattered in her grasp and she squeeeeeeezed the chunks of glass into her palm until it ground through flesh, sinew, and down to the bone. Lorelei seethed air through her teeth, finding clarity through the pain, and released the breath she'd been holding onto. Her hand dropped to the table, glass shards scattering, blodwyne mixing with her own blood and soaking the tablecloth beneath.

"I just..." her hand trembled, she slumped back into her chair feeling defeated by the weight of emotions, "I want my peace back."
His eyebrows flicked up at that tension in her voice. Perhaps Fane had him home a little too well with his comment, he had been looking to inspire clarity in her, but instead seemingly woke something up that had been slumbering... growing.

"I suppose so." He said calmly, pushing down the excitement at the prospect of seeing her fully out of control.

How beautiful would that tempest be?

But when her blood was spilled Fane got up. Perhaps she assumed he was about to excuse himself and leave. After all, it was quite the spectacle unfolding and not everyone... Or even anyone would be able to handle it.

But perhaps Fane surprised her when instead he circled around the table and gently took her wrist.

"Even us long lived ones need to take care of ourselves." He murmured softly as he began to gently pluck the shades of glass out of her hand.

"Our physical self, yes, but our spiritual one just as well."

Once the glass shards were removed he'd tear off a piece from his sleeve. Nice silk. And wrapped it around her hand to cover the little sounds all across her hand.

"Peace will come with time, darling." Gently tilting her head up with his finger tips so she looked up at him, into his eyes.

"But luckily that is the one thing we have in abundance, yes? Time. To heal, to recover... To build anew."

She had never seen him so thoughtful before.

Not crude or crass or overly hungry or *hungry*.

Just... There in the present for her instead.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
She wanted to be furious with herself for allowing such a scene to unfold. This was so beyond her measure and terribly unbecoming of someone in her stature and tenure of life. To have such a fit, make such a mess, and not only that but spill and waste valuable resources that were quickly dwindling away.

Fane was doing lovely, thoughtful things and speaking lovely, thoughtful words and she watched him tend to her hand with a detachment. As if it wasn't her hand, but some other woeful husk. Felt no further pain as he pulled the glass shards free, but did wince as he tore his shirt.

She just got him that shirt and it was a nice one, too. Gods, she was going to have to send Mavers another order.

Her gaze lifted to his by the chin, Lorelei frowned at his words, "I'm tired, Fane." But she didn't mean it so much in a physical sense as much as the spiritual sense that he spoke of. Her free hand lifted to the one that held her chin, pulling it to her face, "And I've lost my appetite."
And he had torn that sleeve without any hesitation.

Seen her hurt and immediately wanted to help her no matter how that would be.

Fane let Lorelei draw his hand to her face and softly stroked her hair instead with his other hand.

"You woke up in a different world and without your people." He said gently. "I understand the exhaustion that comes from that."

He had experienced it over... And over... And over again.

If anyone knew it was him.

"Of course." Again stroking her hair. "Do you still want that massage?" But now it didn't sound like him hitting in her.

He was trying to figure out what she needed in the moment.
"Yes," she said into his hand as she nuzzled at it, holding the warmth to her face just to hold her own self in the moment. With a sigh, she lifted her eyes to look back up at him, head tilting into the hand that stroked at her hair, "that would be divine, darling."

Echoing the words she'd fed to him earlier in the evening.