Journal A Little Dragon's Journey

Private roleplay dedicated to character's personal journal entries.

Lapis The Hidden Dragon

Character Biography
The entries of a dragon taking on a humanoid form. They will update as he interacts with more within the world.
This journal belongs to: Lapis

I'm writing in this little thing called a "journal". The nun wanted me to have it since I don't really talk to many people. She said it will help me control my emotions and allow me to remember things should my mind begin to degrade. I'm always afraid of that happening to me. I don't know what's triggering my draconic form to separate and go berserk, but I think it has something to do with my past. I was in so much pain and I accidentally hurt people. Luckily, what ever helped me come to terms with my past took over and healed those people with my blood. Now the voices in my head are at war. Something is telling me that following that soothing voice is not a good idea, but I feel as though I should. How strange is that? Instinct was the basis for all of my actions. I just did things. I now think about my actions and their consequences. How peculiar. I'm afraid I can't return to Elbion anytime soon. I really thought improving my magical prowess was the best way to learn how to figure out this whole shifting thing. I think I've been exposed to the humans too much. I wish I could find more of my kind somewhere. That stone the old man gave me still smells like him. Who is he, I wonder?
I've been travelling for a while now and the air is beginning to smell very familiar. I'm not sure what to expect.