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Wren watched him, unimpressed with the show, and heaved a sigh heavy with irritation. He was really laying it on thick wasn't he? Just trying to find some new way to get under her skin, make them late. The whole playing with chagrin was getting old. How was she supposed-
The train of thought collided with the sight of the book as it flopped out of his hand and onto the edge of the roadway. She blinked, turning a narrowed gaze from it to the man. Wren dismounted and looped her rains over the branch of a nearby bush, heels pivoting over stone as she moved to pick up the discarded journal.
"Bury you?"
The fuck was he playing at? But the more she watched, the more she noticed slight changes taking over him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong. A sensation in her chest like a shard of metal growing hot. What was happening? Wren's gaze dropped to the book in her hand and quickly began to piece things together. Hastily she unwound the leather strings and pulled it open, sifting through the first chapter for information on their kind. Vedymin.
Bury ... bury ... bury. Burial. His hand writing wasn't the easiest to read, but as her eyes skimmed they lost their sheen of bitterness. "Gods above..." the book was promptly shoved into a saddlebag and fingers moved next to work open the latch of her travel cloak. A moment later she threw it over top of him to shield him from the sun and turned to look around their surroundings. Shale and stone - there was nowhere here she could bury him. But if she remembered through should be a small town up ahead called Larkton. Rainer had said something about orchards and Elbion. Where there were orchards, there was fertile ground. Fertile ground was easy to dig.
She turned back to him, lips drawn in a thin line as she bent to wrap her arms around his middle, "Hold on, just hold on." Flinging him sideways over the horse was going to be the easiest task of the morning, she could tell.
The train of thought collided with the sight of the book as it flopped out of his hand and onto the edge of the roadway. She blinked, turning a narrowed gaze from it to the man. Wren dismounted and looped her rains over the branch of a nearby bush, heels pivoting over stone as she moved to pick up the discarded journal.
"Bury you?"
The fuck was he playing at? But the more she watched, the more she noticed slight changes taking over him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong. A sensation in her chest like a shard of metal growing hot. What was happening? Wren's gaze dropped to the book in her hand and quickly began to piece things together. Hastily she unwound the leather strings and pulled it open, sifting through the first chapter for information on their kind. Vedymin.
Bury ... bury ... bury. Burial. His hand writing wasn't the easiest to read, but as her eyes skimmed they lost their sheen of bitterness. "Gods above..." the book was promptly shoved into a saddlebag and fingers moved next to work open the latch of her travel cloak. A moment later she threw it over top of him to shield him from the sun and turned to look around their surroundings. Shale and stone - there was nowhere here she could bury him. But if she remembered through should be a small town up ahead called Larkton. Rainer had said something about orchards and Elbion. Where there were orchards, there was fertile ground. Fertile ground was easy to dig.
She turned back to him, lips drawn in a thin line as she bent to wrap her arms around his middle, "Hold on, just hold on." Flinging him sideways over the horse was going to be the easiest task of the morning, she could tell.