Open Chronicles A Hunt in the Woods

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Saul's blade came slicing through the creatures neck just in the nick of time, a heavily armored boot slamming into the beasts side to kick it away.

The creature hissed and screeched, falling against the roughly hewn rock wall. "Pull back!"

He called out loudly to the others.

Saul had absolutely no idea what these creautres were or why they were even here, but he knew that the closer they were together the more easily they could pick off each of the Templar. The fight was small, quick in pace, and it reminded the Commander of battle against a Sproutling.

Another one of the creatures pounced forward, it's claws brandishing directly towards his throat.
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Reactions: Choki
As the Templars began going back, Caen covered with her arrows. She had already let four loose, four remained. Her breath was steady and she began stepping back. Saul saw an arrow hit the creature before him right in the mouth, splitting through its jaws and exiting on the other side of its head.

The battle seemed to turn less chaotic by the moment. Ten corpses of the beasts had scattered across the cave, and few remained that also began to back off. About as many remained, even though at first looked the beasts were twelve. Seems like more had come in the chaos. There was another tunnel that went deeper into the cave, and the creatures were orienting themselves towards it.
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Reactions: Saul Talith
Saul stabbed his blade through one of the creature's chests, impaling it upon the holy blade.

A glimmer of red flashed across the cavern wall behind him as he tore the blade free, blood flicking from wet steel as he took another step back and smacked his armored gauntlet into the dying creatures face. It howled, and then crumpled onto the floor into it's death throes.

"Cut them off!" He barked.

There were more than they had thought.

The villagers hadn't exactly been clear about the numbers, but Saul had never expected this many of the beasts to be here. With the amount of bodies that were piling up it was clearly more than a dozen, perhaps two.