Fae Courts A Faceless Lie

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Princess of the Day Court
Character Biography

"Patrols have made multiple accounts of activity amongst known rebel leaders, and our spies confirm that a great number of meetings have —"

"Any of this intelligence, perhaps, worthy of sharing at this meeting of the council?" Yvoire's voice, a sweet and golden honey cadence that commanded many heads to turn her way. She sat to the right of the Queen, her cousin, and yet her icy stare was cast out to the window where the picture of perfect gardens and sprawling greens could be glimpsed. That part, at least, was no illusion.

The Commander stared after her, scoffing lightly. "I beg your pardon, Your Highness?"

Yvoire turned her eyes to cut across the table, to Fionn Adamou seated to the left of the Queen. "It is a hot and sweltering day, if you are to keep js here, then it better be something more than the report you are giving similar to yesterday's reportings. Do we have enough grounds to root out these leaders?"

The Commander looked to Gwynevere, the Queen, and also his betrothed. She had not called off the engagement, only the joining. Yvoire believed she should have put an end to his entitlement. After all, he had been plucked from the Elderglen.

"No..." Fionn said through gritted teeth. "We are close."

Elliant Castle, Fainraeth
The two of them gave her nothing but headaches. Always seated with one on either side of her, they often spoke through her, discussing their business with all the hostility of two animals fighting. It was a tiresome affair, and one she found herself stuck in between increasingly more often since the death of her father. She wondered often how he would have dealt with such incompatible members of his court.

She sighed, turning her head to listen as each one spoke.

Gwynevere had never been prepared to deal with 'rebels' and whatever else they argued about. She was not meant to be their Queen for most of her life. Only a short few years between her coming of age and her father's death did they ever truly consider that she would be compatible with their illusionary magic. What she had to learn would never have fit within that timeframe.

So she let them argue, fanning her face as the sun's rays bounced off the sparkling floors and made the room much more unbearably hot than usual. Only when she felt both looking at her did she speak.

"Close to what, exactly?" She addressed her betrothed, a man she'd grown up with but never fancied. Not that feelings played any role when it came to her family. He was skilled, good for breeding stronger heirs, they told her. Admittedly, she was quite relieved that her father passed before they were wed. Perhaps now that she was queen, she could force that betrothal on Yvoire if she stepped out of line. What an entertaining couple they would be, indeed!

"If the rebel leaders are known, then why have you not brought me one?" She made no attempt to hide her irritation. "Is it really that hard to catch one or are your people that incompetent? Catch one for me. Bring them to me. Let us deal with them when we have one in cuffs or in a cell. Until then, don't waste my time with such pointless meetings." She huffed, crossing her arms and leaning back to let them continue their arguments.
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His stare meets the cold cut gaze of the Princess, next in line for the throne. She had always tested him, even as he grew up alongside the two princesses in their younger years, but he always suspected Yvoire to be jealous of his betrothal to the future queen, and that did not seem to change now he was appointed a legitimate position that would keep him here in this court.

"It is not that simple, Your Majesty. We have combed through the court tooth and nail and uncovered many details that will lead to a large uprising. I understand you both would like to see results, but if we go in now, we may never uncover the spies in which they have poisoned to their cause." Fionn's gaze hardened seeing the Princess open her mouth, and he cuts in before she could give complaint. "All present in this room are cleared, those outside this room are being watched. As we convene here, a team is questioning a rebel in the cells."

Yvoire pursed her lips, stared him a moment, before looking to her left to the Queen. "Well then, suppose we should finish for the day and get the Queen back to her quarters to cool." And with one last withering stare, she narrowed her icy eyes at the Commander.

Fionn knew what he was doing. By trusting no one, he weeded out the disloyal from the council, had fed planted intel with suspected staff, and now he waited for the ripple effect to begin.
Gwynevere pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing heavily. "Is it not that simple? Truly?" She eyed her betrothed, the man her father dragged from a tiny stretch of land bordering the Spring and Summer Courts. A man who showed little interest in her beyond serving as her commander. She was grateful he agreed to put an indefinite halt to their arrangement. As far as she was concerned, he was free to mess around with any woman he wished. Even her ill-tempered cousin. She, of course, was free to do the same however she was not interested in any of that nonsense.

Her cousin cut in, suggesting they part ways for now and she smiled. A smile that did not seem to reach her tired eyes. "Very well then, be gone. But I expect a better report next time you call for a meeting with me. I'm starting to think you might fancy one of us when you come so often with so little news." She stood from the table, inviting them to do the same.

"The rebel in the cells..." She turned to her commander. "You are approved to use whatever force necessary to obtain the information we seek. So I expect you to use that to your advantage, Fionn." She bowed her head to him, and turned to leave with her cousin in tow.

The windows had been opened, letting the hot summer breeze flow through her room. It was unbearable, choosing between stagnant hot air or being hit by a gust of the burning wind. She could not burn, not with her innate talent for fire. But her discomfort was palpable, with her chambermaids scurrying about to find some way to make the place more pleasant.

"I hate the summer." She grumbled under her breath, taking a seat in front of a small round table which had been filled with iced drinks and snacks for the Princess and the Queen. "I should have sent him to find someone who could control the weather. Rebels be damned, what point is there to rebel if this whole place melts under the scorching sun? Tell me, cousin, what is new with you? Is Syndril doing well?"
  • Frog Sip
  • Cthulu Knife
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