Dreadlords A Cruel Kind of Education

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group

Perrine Urahil

i CaN hEaL hIm !
Character Biography
One last month of being a Proctor, and the sweetness of more freedom was just at the tip of her tongue.

That was if she were left to do as she wished and planned these last four lessons.

It was as if memory came to those higher than her in position here at the Academy suddenly remembered what speciality Perrine was known for other than being one of the strongest and intuitive Healers currently in active duty. A special request, one meant to test the resilience and fortitude of the class a year from graduating. They had someone else teach the lesson to the recent graduates this time last year, but before Proctor Urahil could make leave, she was to test the resolve of her students.

What they asked of her bordered the cruelty and extremities that came before the revolution. This was no etiquette lesson.

No, it was something more important than that.

It was a lesson of not giving up information.

Such a lesson was not being held in her usual classroom. In the cold, dark, and damp cells of the Academy, three Initiates took up space in separated cells where they could not see one another, but hear. This lesson was to be done in groups, and the times varied between them. The morning of their imprisonment saw that each Initiate would be assigned information on a false mission and investigation, and at all costs had to protect key information. Interrogation was no laughing matter. In the past, they had bled Initiates and mutilated them in order to get what they want, but there were ways to attack another without inflicting visible wounds.

Perrine's boots fell heavily in the silence of the hall of cells, coming to a stop once she reached the end and turned back.
"State your names so I know who is present."
"Keel De Reye, Proctor Urahil."
He brushed his large hair away from his face and again reminded himself that he needed a haircut.

Such a training was to be expected of those who could carry information. A Dreadlord had to be an expert of many areas of warfare and subterfuge.
Keel tried to steel his mind for the coming task.
He entertained some vague notion of just, forgetting the information that it could not be taken from him and that gave his thin face a grin.

"Ready when you are, I suppose."
"Oryyn Black, present."

The annoyed voice of the rough initiate came from the next cell. Oryyn had been forced into this lesson, although he had been way more accepting when he had thought it was about torture, that he could deal with.

No, instead, it was about information and mental fortitude, two areas in which the Proctors apparently believed Oryyn needed more practice. That would have been bad enough, but they were also stuck in these dumb cells which Oryyn absolutely hated. Why did he need to be locked up?
Cormund flitted his vision in the dark left and right and left again. He saw nothing new, only visions ranging from painful to inconvenient. They seemed to be even more vibrant in his dark cell. He bounced his leg where he sat, wondering how he was meant to hold out against whatever was to come. He had been given names, places, numbers, lists. There was so much they could ask him about, and it made him wonder if there was an allowance on how much they could give up? A horrible case of wishful thinking.

"Cormund, Proctor"

He looked about some more before realizing his mistake and quickly correcting.

"Cor-Cormund Augur, sorry."

Whoever these two others were, they seemed far more suited to this lesson than him. The whole thing seemed strangely pointed.
Unbeknownst to the three poor souls locked in Academy cages, a fourth initiate entered the dungeon behind Proctor Urahil.
"Initiate D'Amour at the ready, proctor," he announced himself with equal parts smug and professional.

His older sister Evangeline, a proctor herself, had much taken a shine to Miss Perrine in their mutual time at the Academy. While King had no place among the wretches in the cells, Big Sis Eva had offered King up as an aide to Proctor Urahil for the day. While he wasn't sure exactly what the task might entail, he could hardly say "no" to his beloved older sister.

Aiding in the potential suffering of his inferiors was just icing on the proverbial cake.
If this were not already a cruel task at hand, it certainly was now.

"Thank you for the assistance today, D'Amour." She gave polite smile and turned to scan the iron bars to the cells the other boys were in.

When she spoke next, Perrine took in a deep breath.
"You three will go through some quick tests to see how you respond to magic being used in a way to manipulate. Fear, pain, and patience. I have been given an hour to keep you here, and I will use that time constraint to bolster my efforts. That is why I have assistance today, and perhaps if Initiate D'Amour would like to test his magic some more, he may join in the effort of extracting information."

Her gloves came off now. Only by her hand could she heal or break, but she extended her hand to her assistant now. "I will need to feel your magic in order to control my own's growth."

"You have one minute to steel yourselves."
She warned the others.

Keel De Reye Oryyn Black Cormund Augur Fabien 'King' D'Amour
"Oh, King is here."
Keel waved through the bars as he leaned on them playfully.
"Hi King. What's on the lunch menu today, do you know? I had a light breakfast."

He did not wait for a response. He had heard the good Proctors instruction so he took it.
Bounding off the bars and back into the cell he stretched his neck and arms. Readied himself for pain and discomfort. He could protect himself in his armour but that seemed unsporting and he did not believe the good Proctor would truly harm him.

He jumped up and down then to psyche himself and returned to the bars then rolled up his sleeve and stuck his hand out through the bars.

"Go ahead, I'll cry uncle if it gets too much."
His playful demeanor was something he felt little need to help at that time.

Perrine Urahil Oryyn Black Cormund Augur Fabien 'King' D'Amour
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