vel ehn

  1. Zaire

    Fate - First Reply The Pit Inside Olives

    It had been a long time since Zaire Glaive had been back home. Vel Ehn wasn’t close to the Academy whatsoever, and he knew it had been both his mother and father that had pulled all the strings they had to get their son back home, if only for a few days to participate in the Olive Festival. The...
  2. Kavaros Tal'deneshaar

    Private Tales To Start an Adventure

    VEL S'AGARA (Home of Caer Tal'deneshaar, main keep of the Wardens) Kavaros would make his way through the halls of Caer Tal'deneshaar, a modest fortress built by Dwarves in the rolling hills of Vel Ehn. Home of House Tal'deneshaar, home of the Wardens. Portraits lined the walls of the key...