Hey there! I’m back again to try an drum up some rp in the Iuk-‘u Delta with the intent of crafting lore. I have a relic Hunter and guide in this place, so whatever strikes your fancy, we can do.
"Oh, you're talking about the swamps of endless torment?" The barkeep told him in a voice that was too matter of fact for the words he just uttered.
Methuselah nodded his head in concern and possible disbelief as he repeated, "The swamps of endless torment?"
"Yeah, the swamps of endless...
Allir Reach - Wetlands
Saul ripped his blade free, the corpse of the ghoul making a loud squelch sound as the rune marked steel pulled away from the half bloated corpse.
Almost as soon as the blade left the body it began to sink into the muck below, the inhuman face contorting as the bog...
It was a dark and cloudless night. The moons both shined. The rain has stopped about 45 minutes ago. Al'Kaliit was in a party of two: she and a mercenary contracted informally while on the road. The young woman used no combat clothes, in her torso a white shirt with many brown mud spots. She...
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