Across the great seas of Arethil, sequestered on an isle of Sheketh, the slumbering magma of a volcano served as crucible for a lone blacksmith’s forge.
Tall was he, beyond the height of men, and his thickset frame bore many scars and nicks of battles past. Tattoos webbed across his chest in...
No more words passed from his lips. He was not sure he could have found them if pressed.
It had felt like a lifetime since he'd allowed himself the tranquillity of peace. Since he has truly let himself relax. Yet as Trista shifted, the weight and heat of her body slowly sidling up...
Tyr - Cities Edge
Twelve slaves, two Ogre's formerly of the Death Watch Guard, half a dozen mercenaries and scholars, a gaggle of hanger-ons, and one Prince.
That was who would be stepping into the ashen wastes of Sheketh.
Chewing on his cigar Talmanes surveyed...
In the night, a beckon resonated within the brood of the great blue. That same resonance that was felt when they were still young and within the embrace of the spine. Was that there, that massive skeleton protecting them from the two vile titan dragons truly my mother? What a dreadful day that...
(open now)
5th of Afterglow, midday. East of mount kemuri, the lush forests.
It is raining.
Jaaku stood on a perch under the mighty trees. Beneath the thick folliage the water would dribble still all over the mighty birds.
It was so much warmer, so much warmer and it created rivers from...
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