
  1. Maridis Va Dori

    LFG - Quest Travel Across the Steppe

    Dearest Maridis, I was hoping you could aid me in finding a family relic, I believe it too have made it's way too Eagelehead, although the last time it was spotted was many years ago, and so it could be anywhere in the Steppe. About the relic itself, it is a small clay vase, with my family name...
  2. J

    Open Chronicles Sands of Glory

    Amol-Kalit Joane wasn't even sure of the name of this town. It was one of the countless towns like it, ruled by its own small-king, managing its own affairs, and trying to ally itself with the most powerful of the seven cities. She wasn't sure which one of those was the most powerful either...
  3. Muirse Ro-Bann

    Muirse Ro-Bann Biographical information Birthplace Somewhere in the Spine Born Half a century ago Died Not yet Age Home ...
  4. The Company of the Moon

    The Company of the Moon are one of the better known mercenary groups to emerge in the last period of widespread warmongering. In the years since the fragile peace holds among the recuperating states, they have faded in number and reputation, but many b