
  1. Ermengarde

    Open Chronicles Glory on four legs

    Iridiscent clouds lay over the highest layers of the firmament, while another set of puffs veiled Mount Kemuri as if it were some kind of a hat that graced the majestic presence of the volcano. The rather flat and well organised village underneath was washed clean by a recent storm, with the...
  2. Former and the Foal

    LFG Who is the first to be mine

    Who'd be interested in a rp to go and capture me, this awesome horse that can grow wings and fly. Why not a group that's seeking ey? But personally, I'd prefer to end up in the hands of a character who is relatively active so my story with them is somewhat meaningful before, if even I hop from...
  3. The Steed of Hellet

    Smoldermane Biographical information Birthplace The spine, Crobhear lake Born Died Age Unknown Home Physical descrip...
  4. Aeri

    Open Chronicles The path to the Light

    Deep within the Felwood Aeri followed the hoof prints in front of her. Each step carefully placed to avoid upsetting the debree on the forest floor. The shafts of light penetrating from the branches above reminded her of commitment to the light. To the spirits of those she carried with her. How...