
  1. Olvir

    Private Tales Sent Sundown

    Eastern Baal-Asha River - Near Saellorahttps://images2.imgbox.com/ef/a4/He6s8Bs9_o.jpg "I know, I know Trik." Olvir said, waving off his oldest friend and bodyguard. The massive ogre-like human followed after the now Captain-Commander, his one step counting for every two of his friends. "It's...
  2. Elspeth Sirl

    Private Tales This Is Not A Request [Wil]

    My dear Elspeth, While I am certain your current endeavors have taken you far from your father and your home, it is with great haste that I require your return to Vel Anir. We are to hold company with the King and Queen in the Capital on the 15th of the month. There is nothing that takes...
  3. Elspeth Sirl

    Letters Noble Tidings

    To the Lady Jiya Luana Our days together as girls at Court seem forever long ago, and I hope that your years have been gentler than the rumors of the Court vines lead me to believe. My deepest condolences to you and yours for the losses of family and friends during and following the revolution...
  4. Elspeth Sirl

    Private Tales What History Holds

    Cortosi Coast Sirl Seaside Estate This journey would have been laboriously long and lonely if not for prudent planning and a bit of luck. Nearly a week spent traveling by sea had gone by like a breezy day on the shore - with remarkable weather, wonderful company, and all too quickly. Elspeth...