eldyr tree

  1. Shrike

    Open Chronicles A Cardinal Sin

    Two hundred odd soldiers had accompanied Tydeus Twice-Bitten on his march into the depths of the Reach. None remained. Some deserted. Most perished of disease and malnitrution. The rest fell to that Nagai warband, except for five. Five faithful. They were dead now too. Lost somewhere back...
  2. Valkanthrandilax

    Private Tales Where the Sky Ends

    It was such a pity the Spine was infested with orcs and dwarves. Some of the most heavenly sights on Arethil formed in the rise and fall of lofty mounts and deep valleys dotted with glimmering lakes, and the lesser races had to tarnish it. Thank the gods they didn't have wings themselves and the...
  3. Dauner

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Alliria. A thriving city, built upon the greed of many, where wealth is power. This was the same city Dauner had established the Reaper's Den in. With the initial framework for his plans in place, all he needed to do was sit back and wait. Once he'd amassed a suitable army, he would find, or...
  4. Gunnar

    Open Chronicles The Hunt

    Through the forest that flourished underneath The Eldyr Tree a small beast run amuck. It’s small legs rushed quick thick hooves creating a thump with every step, it was not alone… Leaping over logs, boulders and other obstacles was a man in chase, he’d seem to be running both on all four and on...
  5. Solitude

    Private Tales Their Eyes Were Watching God

    [art cred] Cais Vihara | often known as the water temple | located southwest of the spine, at the base of the dark forest that surrounds the Eldyr Tree. Cais Vihara is a temple designated to offer tribute to the old Gods of the Vale and repent for the transgressions of man. The monks here know...
  6. Caliane Ruinë

    Open Chronicles The Shades of Gods

    Jorinn, Trading Village on the edge of the Eldyr Forest "I be tellin' yer -- it were no normal fuckin' moose!" The man's incredulous voice only brought more laughter from the townsfolk who had stopped to hear the ragged traders tales. When he had first rolled into town with his brightly...
  7. Kiros Rahnel

    Fable - Ask The Gods, The Command, and The Great Tree

    With the wind to his front, he trudged through the land leaving behind imprints in the soft snow with each weary step he took. The skies above were clear of both clouds and snowfall, and as he departed the spine the layer of snow coating the earth thinned further Still, it was horribly cold...