dreadlord initiates

  1. Marcia

    Private Tales Hate or Glory

    "We're losing light," came the quiet observation from Euan Cawdor. He was an unassuming boy, cursed with a youthful face, narrow frame, and the thick eyelashes of a particularly bashful cow. From a single glance, you wouldn't have guessed that he was a Dreadlord Initiate, trained to be the...
  2. Blake

    Private Tales Flicker Flame

    "Oof!" Blake felt the wind get knocked out of her as her back collided with the ground. A pained laugh escaped her, a combination of genuine amusement and muzzled frustration. She lay on her back, staring skyward within one of the many sparring courtyards within the Academy, watching the clouds...
  3. Marcia

    Completed Pass the Knife

    They had done it; they had found hell. It wasn't an infernal realm on another plane of existence where demons and devils played idle games with the souls of the living. Nor was it some endless chasm deep beneath the earth where one lived their worst fears for eternity, bound by chains of...
  4. Marcia

    Completed Tous les Mêmes

    How? Just... how? Marcia stood in the courtyard, arms folded across her chest and neck craned to the sky as she stared upwards at one of the Academy's tallest turrets. She hadn't taken to suddenly admiring the robust masonry that had stood both the test of time and the Revolution, but instead...
  5. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    This was reckless, she had thought to herself for the umpteenth time this morning. She had only met Ivan Skender for the first time last night, at the party Thraah threw for her. Before he had left, she vaguely remembered him telling her to meet him not too early in the morning, and so she had...
  6. Zephyrine

    Fable - Ask Point the Scythe

    A town devastated by a storm was no small feat of destruction if Initiate Zephyrine Caddel had to be deployed to see to it's recovery efforts. The Recreator en route, along with another Initiate. Worry gnawed at her. The first time she had rebuilt a whole village, her energy levels were depleted...
  7. Perrine Urahil

    Dreadlords Manners To Teach || Part II

    There had been dinner parties, wine tasting, food pairing, and greeting etiquette. The discussion of formal attire, proper etiquette of calling a visit to a home. Etiquette of drinking tea, and how to organise any function found in Vel Anir. Many listened, and a lot more participated...
  8. Rhidian

    Private Tales A Real God-forsaken Rescue

    "Well, we're fucked either way." Rhidian concluded, shrugging as he looked down the cliffside. The forest continued before them, the opposite side of the river that flowed between became a dangerous current as the snow began to melt. Rhidian turned to Orchid, shrugging once again. It couldn't...
  9. Zephyrine

    Fate - First Reply Sharp As Death

    A town devastated by a storm was no small feat of destruction if Initiate Zephyrine Caddel had to be deployed to see to it's recovery efforts. The Recreator en route, along with another Initiate. Worry gnawed at her. The first time she had rebuilt a whole village, her energy levels were depleted...
  10. Rhidian

    Private Tales The Bones Glow As They Break

    "Artesto! Vaughn! Off your arses and get the gear secured into the wagon!" Rhidian suppressed the groan he wished to let out, but he was brought up a soldier. As soon as he got to the Academy, heard Silas' name, he stuck to him like glue. They had shared memories of the Guard growing up, their...
  11. Rhidian

    Private Tales Dusk and the Day to Come

    "Here, take this before those Dreadlords drink up everything before that fire dies." Rhidian handed Mercer Alwin a wooden cup of ale, having been too slow to manage wine. He moved to sit beside the quiet Initiate, not at all here to make company, but to sit with her in silence if that was what...
  12. L

    Dreadlords Advanced Aniria Fair

    "Ah, stone the crows!" He was not off to a good start. Someone had the bright idea of leaving Lachlan in charge of cooking the meat they had prepared, but none thought to check if he really know how to, well, cook. The pieces of boar were well cooked now, having forgotten to turn them around...
  13. Livia Quinnick

    Fable - Ask A Fool's Errand

    "Do you know how to read a compass?" Livia narrowed her eyes and not bother hiding her look of disappointment. Finally, she was tasked with a mission that would have her be lead for the first half; deemed worthy enough to track down a suspected spy within Vel Anir. The only problem was that...
  14. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales A Softer Side

    There was a reason Livia made the request that her family did not make efforts to visit her, not until she had some control on her corrupting magic. That guilt she still bore, the one responsible for the death of her father. Still, it did not lessen the love from her brothers. Even her mother...
  15. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales The Remaining Thorns

    "Bastard." The growl strained in her throat as the crisp air felt like a knife at her neck, the cold seeping in from the opened window to her room. They had all arrived at the inn late last night, covered in dirt and weary from travel. They had been assigned to share rooms, and Quinnick was to...
  16. Thraah

    Completed Pyrokenesis

    It had been three whole days since the Dance and Thraah had taken to spending her spare time in the old ruined chapel. There she would burn things and occasionally sweep the floor, try to make it ready. It helped to keep busy and keep away from the Academy proper. She wasn't typically one to...
  17. Livia Quinnick

    Completed One Last Tango

    Dawn was not too far off, and most of the party that were the last guests to leave the dance had gone their separate ways. In a rare mood to socialise with those in her class, it was a successful night to forget all the troubles gnawing at the back of her mind, but when sweet slumber did not...
  18. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales Magic Steeped in Poison

    “You’ll like her.” Marianne said to Everleigh as they walked down the hall together. Marianne’s stomach was swollen, obviously round from pregnancy. Yet the blonde still moved like there wasn’t another human inside her. Of course, she wasn’t at her third trimester just yet. Even then, Everleigh...
  19. Wilhelm Anireth

    Fable - Ask Voyage of Wrath

    The King looked as though he had just eaten something rotten. "You... volunteered?" his mother asked, clutching at a locket around her throat as though it might bring her some small comfort. Wilhelm kept his face perfectly smooth but his eyes fixed on the figure at the other end of the table...
  20. Raena Mirrsyn

    Dreadlords A Bid for Power

    The Latest Scene - Small Village near Falwood Raena Mirrsyn stood outside the huge circle with her arms crossed and a pensive look on her face. This was the fourth circle and the fourth body. She had not been to any of the other scenes yet since they had just received the request for help...