cortosi coast

  1. Dario Aragonés

    Private Tales Under the Pale Moonlight

    "I assure you, I only need the room for two nights at the most." Dario happily explained to the old tavern mistress who looked to be having none of the young handsome man smiling before her. The tavern itself was nearly barren except for a scattering of patrons who were more involved in their...
  2. Zara Soltanis

    Fate - First Reply The Searing Sun

    Along the Cortosi Coast Piercing sunlight stabbed at her eye blinding Zara to the small armies lined before her. She grunted in annoyance as she moved her face to see the glare come from one of the many shining pieces of armor that dotted the field. Scores of men aligned themselves into...
  3. Vida

    Fable - Ask Not Much Room for Decent Hearts

    The town of Marseyelle looked far more majestic than it had any right to be, blanketed by the hues of an autumn's setting sun. From the open road Vida had watched as the irrelevant little trading port slowly, ever so slowly mushroomed into view. She thought it an apt descriptor: A little...
  4. J

    Fate - First Reply Hubris

    Unsinkable, they said. Safest vessel of the whole Cortosi Coast, they said. Captain Logrash was just so damn skilled, they said. And you know what? Jane believed them. Hell, she loved to hear some good gloating from time to time; words that just oozed with confidence dripped into her ears like...
  5. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales Children of the Sky and Sea

    The small boat from Vel Luin was one of the few that ever went to one of the archipelagos from the Cortosi Coast and sailed South along the shore of the Falwood. The Captain was from Asturias, the same island that couldn't boast more than two hundred inhabitants, and he had made his living from...
  6. Kristen Pirian

    Dreadlords Incursion

    (Credit: Best Wallpaper) The bright blue sky, the radiant sunshine, the tropical shores of the Baal-Asha River's eastern delta all served to belie the harrowing situation before the Initiates. "Listen, she's gone," said Flavien. "Only if we leave her!" Kristen protested. An unlikely ally...
  7. Aelita

    Private Tales Sailing West

    An Anirian ship sailed west. The typhoon season had ended, and travel past the Cortosi coast became reliable once more. The ship, dubbed the Dragon Prize, proudly flew the flag of Vel Anir above the House Strand standard. Its destination: a small island on a map with supposedly some treasure...
  8. Jeriah Thackett

    Quest Bad Omen

    Four Feather Inn, Cortosi Coast "The plan is sound, but there's a small window of opportunity," Jeriah explained. "The prisoner is being held at Rough Shore Spire, but he'll be sent to the Black Bay on a Red Reaver ship within a few weeks. If they find out who he is, suddenly the Reavers know...
  9. Edgar Attwater

    Open Chronicles The Sturdy and the Stubborn

    The Editorial, from the outside, did not appear to be anything exceptional. It was sturdy and maintained, stone and plaster and hickory. There was space to put up horses and wagons for the night and a few wooden balconies for anyone wanting a spot of fresh air. It also looked fairly typical from...
  10. Volker

    Private Tales The Old Man and the...Owl?

    Volker was settled quietly onto a small shaft of dry land. He had built a decent bed from sticks, and had dried moss by his fire to make sure it was soft and dry. He laid in it like a dog with a bed, his chin settled on the edge. An oilcloth was pulled over his head and the nest, keeping him dry...
  11. Maeve

    Private Tales Ash and Iron

    A year. She'd been free for a year. Maeve took a deep breathe of the ocean scented air and closed her eyes, savouring the warmth of spring sunshine on her face in the pretty coastal town. She had learnt so much in that one year too. How these lands worked, the different types of people who...
  12. Prince Vanieron

    Open Chronicles Cortosi Cruising

    STRAITS OF CORTOS, 20 LEAGUES FROM ARVALION ON THE BACK OF THE WEST WIND "Heavy away, my lads, round the Spear and back again!" Vanieron's deep voice boomed through the air from where he stood at the tiller, feet spread away, in a deep sing-song voice. From below on the oar-deck and the...
  13. Nathanael McCallister

    Fable - Ask Songs of The Waves

    Waves crashed into the pier's beams and support as the sun sets behind the ocean to the west. The sound of the gulls and the ocean made Nate relax some as he laid back on the pier yawning, listening for the sound of a fish taking a bite of the bait they offered it. A small fire pit was next to...
  14. Sauvan

    Completed Midnight party

    Vedargasians were a people of an affinity to snakes. Their reputation for such was not well known and for most, dismissed as a mere rumour or scare tactic. Yet once one came to their court, beautiful serpents freely slithered across arranged wall fixtures and ceilings. Much to the horror of the...
  15. Nathaira

    Completed A Girl and the Sea

    It was mid-morning when the pair made it to Vel Termos. It was a quiet coastal town, barely more than a hundred people, and it was built almost entirely of blinding white marble. The air was thick with salt and ocean spray and the sky was dotted with gulls, terns, and the occasional pelican...
  16. Acteon Cass

    Private Tales Coasting Along

    The Cortosi coast is one of the highest trafficked trading lanes in the world. Ships laden with goods ranging from exotic spices to rich silks to the most refined of metals and woods. There was nothing you couldn't find with in its waves trying to get from one place to another in this western...
  17. F

    Private Tales Capers in Cortos

    Torch and lamplight illuminated the streets of a bustling Cortosi city. As one would expect from a city flourishing from trade, the nightlife was electric. The city and its impressive port was built on the estuary of The Roaring Brother, where commerce ebbs and flows through the seasons. The...
  18. A

    Open Chronicles Sons of Ill Repute

  19. Gal

    Private Tales My Kingdom for a Smoke

    The fishmarket was loud today. But then the fishmarket was always loud – it was only Gal that was more hungover than usual. Her head pounded as if she’d spent the night cavorting with the akua. Scratch that; with the lawehua. She couldn’t remember a headache this bad since a particularly wild...
  20. Kasim Areth

    Private Tales The Edge of Cortosi

    Anaset - Cortosi Coast @Eirika Esprit Kasim bristled slightly as he stepped onto the docks, his fingers curling into tight fists as he surveyed the port down of Anaset. The last time he'd been here was nearly ten years ago now, when the Anirian Guard had torn down the walls and made it clear...