
  1. Talus

    Open Chronicles The Lights of the West

    Cortos - Ylara Talus kept his eyes forward as he road through the small mountain gate of Ylara, his gaze fixed on the open square that lay just beyond the open archway. He took careful note not to glance towards the guards, all of whom were surprisingly vigilant. A couple hundred years ago...
  2. Amorea Delarosa

    Private Tales Forastero

    Cortos 2.5 months following the burning of Nagai Minor Summer - Midday Docks seogsa The city of Cortos gleamed under a summer sun, a sea breeze filling the sails of the ships at the harbor as they breezed across the waters. Set against a backdrop of a cloudless, brilliant blue, the bustle of...
  3. F

    Private Tales Capers in Cortos

    Torch and lamplight illuminated the streets of a bustling Cortosi city. As one would expect from a city flourishing from trade, the nightlife was electric. The city and its impressive port was built on the estuary of The Roaring Brother, where commerce ebbs and flows through the seasons. The...
  4. Ferran el Machir

    Open Chronicles Conquest of Paradise

    Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink. THE ASHERAH OCEAN SANTA ROSARIA A month or more at sea. More than a week with no sight of land. The last day in unseasonable calms and cloying mist. Ferran stood in the bow near the...
  5. Azmelqar

    Private Tales The Price of Foolishness

    THE ASHERAH OCEAN SANTA ROSARIA It had been several days of sailing now. Several days since they had finished reloading supplies, several days since they had left Alliria. Several days since Hernan had spent his weight in silver bribing the city watch to stay off his case and chalk up the...
  6. Azmelqar

    Open Chronicles A Treasure Fleet Arrives in Alliria

    ALLIRIA WESTERN DOCKS With great effort and incredible splendor, Hernan Alcantara and his escort disembarked at the port of Alliria. They had chosen the Western side of the city to come ashore, as this was where the Trade Council's chambers were housed, and Hernan had every intention of...
  7. Gaheris

    Private Tales Vultures

    SOMEWHERE WEST OF VEL ANIR AND NORTH OF THE CORTOSI COAST Gaheris prodded the head of the corpse with his cane several times before he got it at the right point. He leveraged it slowly, tilting the corpse’s head this way and that as he examined it for damage. A soldier. Or a conscript, rather...