cerak at'thul

  1. Florinthe Othal

    Fate - First Reply The Great Escape.

    The Wild Markets of Cerak were exactly as one would expect of them. Dirty, putrid and full of filth, apt terms to describe both the setting and its inhabitants. Across the uneven square that held this unholy practice, and in no particular order, were numerous ramshackle tents signalling the...
  2. Trahaearn

    Private Tales Rock and a Hard Place

    Trahaearn kicked himself continually as he was drug forward towards the auction block. He had remained compliant for the majority of this trip. Trip may have been the wrong word exactly for the situation that he found himself in. He had truly been a fool for listening to the idle chatter of men...
  3. Muirin

    Private Tales Rapscallions and Assassins

    Same as usual, Muirin was travelling on behalf of a bounty. This time in particular, the call of gold brought him just about as far as he'd ever gone before. He had visited Cerak At'thul thrice during his career as a mercenary, but two of those occasions were more for pleasure. This fourth...
  4. Méchanteau

    LFG - Quest Scum and Villainy

    Méchanteau has had enough with the decrepit and woeful state of Cerak At'Thu, as the prime place for the sale of sentient goods and similar shady ventures it is his plan to overthrow the powers that be and remodel it into a proper city-state where trade and industry can truly flourish without...
  5. Poppy Rowan

    Private Tales “People aren’t cargo, mate.”

    “All in a day’s work. Good job, men.” A smirk on her face and a bloody blade held in her hand, surrounded by several other questionable-looking men. This would typically be quite the shocking scene, but this was a rather common sight in Cerak At’Thul. The place was a haven for the worst type of...
  6. Poppy Rowan

    LFG Ahoy!

    Hello! I've just created my character and am looking for people to interact with! Could be something trivial like finding having a chat in a library, or something more exciting like an excursion into a bandit cave. It could even be a ship battle, or at least a battle involving a ship. I'm open...
  7. Carter

    Open Chronicles The Black Bay Burned

    The water guzzled in his lungs as fought to expel it from his body. A hacking cough wracked the drenched boy as he vomited up what could have been a cup or so of ocean water. The refreshing sea air chilled his throat as he drew in a few desperate breaths, and it was only after a few long second...
  8. LittleBird

    LFG - Quest To Save a Life

    Aurelia has heard news from passing travelers in The Spine that several students from the Elbion college have been captured by slavers and taken to Cerak At'Thul. She fears that one of the students captured is the youngest daughter of her foster family, Eowyn. Her suspicions are confirmed when...
  9. Harrier

    Open Chronicles Been Called Worse By Better

    Cerak At'Thul - the Black Bay. Notorious for slavery, filth, remoteness, and really excellent street meat. I gnawed some kind of fatty lizard off a skewer a chunk at a time. Spices stung my mouth, and I washed it all down with harsh rum. A fine sun rose high as I wandered the crooked roads. The...