cerak at'thul

  1. Taima

    Fate - First Reply Dead Men Tell No Tales

    Cerak At'Thul Irons chaffed against the warm skin of her wrists. She shuffled forward within the lines of the other prisoners. The other slaves. Her head was ducked low. Dark hair was greasy and unwashed, clung to the curves of her jaw. Ragged clothing hung to her form. It was a long...
  2. Mulcar Reldev

  3. Letta

    Fable - Ask Shrouded & Foreboding

    She never had been the type to enjoy tea, no matter the amount of milk or sugar mixed in with it, it still held a bad taste on her tongue. Everything seemed to taste a lot different since Misandra fixed her up after mutilating her to the brink of death, but Letta could feel strength and raw...
  4. Roul

    Fable - Ask Slash and Burn (Wardens)

    He swore to whichever fucking god haunted his footsteps that if he had to do one more chore for these blasted, egotistical maniacs he would let his wolf out in the middle of the feast hall. Compared to the previous jobs, Roul supposed rooting out a Naga encampment was actually fairly...
  5. Shrike

    Private Tales A Caged Griffin

    "Let me out of this tower, just tell Vel Anir and they will ransom me." "We've sent many letters to House Urahil, Amalric. None of have been answered. We are losing patience. What value-" "Value?" Amalric slammed a fist against the stone wall of his room. "Value?!" He stared in disbelief at...
  6. Shrike

    Private Tales A Bloodied Griffin

    A pox upon every denizen of Cerak At'Thul. If the earth opened up and swallowed every last stone of this wretched slave town, Amalric Urahil would shed no tears. The Anirian knight hung from chains in a cell, deep within the bowels of the fortress. The air stank, the ceiling leaked, and the...
  7. Nicomo

    Private Tales A Warden and Her Sword

    The Warden Gwyddion’s dungeon, or playpen as it’s known on the streets of Cerak, is decorated with what one might expect. Jars filled with viscous suspensions containing various body parts and organs belonged to several different species lined the shelves. Tomes and scrolls are organized on a...
  8. Iskra

    Fable - Ask Along These Godless Streets

    The Wardens of Cerak At'Thul were some of the worst, but Iskra never thought one of them would make such a spectacle like this. Misandra was an exceptional archer, and in the days leading up to the Warden's Hunt, whispers spoke of the incredible shots she had made in the past. Each year since...
  9. Roul

    Private Tales Hunger: Flesh and Blood

    The door to Iren's room in the fortress of Cerak At'Thul flew open and heavy boots thudded on the wooden floor. "Get up, we've got a jo- what the fuck?" Roul stared around at the furnishings. A rich bear fur decorated the dark wood floor in front of an immense four-poster bed, the sheets in...
  10. Iskra

    Private Tales Let Us Bare Our Teeth

    She regretted telling those with her on the ship where she was staying, but even more so Roul as she opened the door to the her room above the apothecary shop. To see his face this early in the day warranted a deep scowl. Iskra opened the door fully and wandered back into the room, pouring...
  11. Roul

    Open Chronicles Urduk’s Grog House (Pirates)

    The roar of the conversation in the tavern called Urduk’s Grog House held a steady undercurrent of violence weaving through drunken debauchery. Roul stood near the door and eyed the dozens of sailors, exiles, and general knaves lining the benches and chairs of nearly every table. They all...
  12. Roul

    Private Tales Howls of the Damned

    The dungeon stank of piss, shit, and mildew. This deep within the black stone fortress of Cerak At'Thul the temperatures dipped uncomfortably cold. No windows here and normally pitch black, Roul guessed, but they lit a few guttering torches for him. He shifted and the heavy, enchanted chains...
  13. Roul

    Open Chronicles Shipwrecked at Cerak

    CERAK AT'THUL He awoke to the sound of crashing breakers and the cries of circling gulls. Waves lapped the black sands and washed across him. He lay sprawled, bleary-eyed, lungs waterlogged. He tried to push himself up as the memories came racing back. Keres, the Eye, and that damned...
  14. Borr

    Open Chronicles A fresh hell

    The sun entered. A warm guests as ever creeping along the cold stone and stained straw of his cell. The bars on his window, little more than a square hole, were the same as on his door and the round portal on the ceiling that gave unfiltered access to whatever he was doing from the platform...
  15. Erendriel Lutris

    Fable - Ask Freedom Through Blood

    Argul Atoll Just after Sundown... It was a hard day of labor for Erendrial, sweat dripping down his back like it always did after days like this. Even when there was no planting or harvesting to do, the Master continued their efforts - dreams of being a Pirate Lord ever constant on the greed...
  16. Everleigh Ebersol

    Fable - Ask Odds and Ends

    The man known as the One-Eyed Devil of the Sea was really named Emil Hazelhurst. Hardly a terrifying name, it was no wonder that he preferred for everyone to call him One-Eyed Devil although in a few seedy brothels, he would let slip his first name. Tracking Emil hadn’t been too difficult...
  17. Talia Frost

    Open Chronicles Recruitment Drive

    The tavern at Cerak-AtThul was an absolute mess, drunkards strewn on the floors and passed out on tables. Talia found herself in a corner, and she was picking at her teeth with a fishbone. Toothless Bill was talking to potential recruits to come sail aboard her ship The Salty Bitch, and he was...
  18. Jane

  19. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Open Chronicles The Ash on the Breeze

    They sent forth men to battle, But the men are put to rest in the seas; And home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes on the breeze. _____________________________________________ It had been 2 weeks since they began to sail down the Baal-Asha river, and towards Cerak. Even he was amazed at...
  20. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Private Tales The silent 14 Years.

    23 Years Ago. Cerak At'Thul. The Town of Cerak. ___________________________________ It was dark. It seemed, come day or night, the shanty town of Cerak that cowered below the dark tower sat in eternal twilight. The town itself wouldn't have been complimented by the sunshine anyhow. Every home...