Mulcar Reldev
Mulcar Reldev is an intimidating pirate for hire living in Cerak, the town at the base of Cerak At'Thul. Despite living in a violent part of the world, Mulcar has not needed to seriously harm anyone yet, as his disheveled appearance shows he does not have much worth stealing, and if he did his large and crude maul has so far discouraged any would-be thieves. He also wears rough hide armor and has a handful of hand axes dangling from his belt.
One glance at Mulcar and most people would be able to immediately identify him as a pirate. His thick blonde hair and bushy beard are always dirty and often matted, while his somewhat leathery skin is covered in wrinkles beyond his age. His sunken blue eyes are surrounded by his thick eyebrows and dark shadows, and his expression always seems to be somewhere between worried and disappointed.
Skills and Abilities
- Fighting (2/5, Capable): Mulcar has been in a handful of small fights, but he lacks the true combat experience that one would expect most pirates to have.
- Athletics (3/5, Intermediate): Mulcar makes a living serving as muscle for pirate crews either at port or sea, spending a lot of time loading and unloading various goods and equipment. He is capable of both great bursts of strength as well as sustained manual labor.
- Insight (2/5, Capable): Mulcar has spent a lot of time around awful people and their victims, making it easier for him to determine when people are being genuine. Although he rarely acts on it and wouldn't admit it to it, he can not help but focus on the suffering of those around him.
- Intimidation (2/5, Capable): Even though he is generally a non-confrontational person, Mulcar is a very rough looking pirate who has spent time with notorious crews. If necessary, he can easily intimidate average people into submission.
- Athletics (3/5, Intermediate): Mulcar makes a living serving as muscle for pirate crews either at port or sea, spending a lot of time loading and unloading various goods and equipment. He is capable of both great bursts of strength as well as sustained manual labor.
- Insight (2/5, Capable): Mulcar has spent a lot of time around awful people and their victims, making it easier for him to determine when people are being genuine. Although he rarely acts on it and wouldn't admit it to it, he can not help but focus on the suffering of those around him.
- Intimidation (2/5, Capable): Even though he is generally a non-confrontational person, Mulcar is a very rough looking pirate who has spent time with notorious crews. If necessary, he can easily intimidate average people into submission.
Largely due to his lonely upbringing in the cruel town of Cerak, Mulcar sees the world as a terrible place full of terrible people. Accordingly, he can best be described as a defeated and broken man. As a largely unskilled freelancer that bounces between various pirate crews, he has become used to being pushed around and does nothing to stop it unless he thinks his life is in danger. He finds small talk to be a waste of breath and sees kindness as either a sign of naivety or a mask used to manipulate. While he avoids being cruel himself, he has become coldly indifferent to the tragedies of the world and each day it becomes easier for him to ignore the various pleas he hears around him. With all this in mind, he is a largely weak-willed person who easily falls into line as long as it isn't his head on the block.
Biography & Lore
Mulcar never met his parents, and given the nature of Cerak At'Thul, has made no attempt to find them. Mulcar was instead raised by a pirate crew, who taught him the basics of life on a ship. One day, this crew went out to sea while he had to stay in Cerak to recover from a sickness, but the crew never came back. He assumes they were sunk, but never discovered the truth.
Since then, Mulcar mostly wanders the docks of Cerak, usually helping different crews unload their goods for whatever small amount of money they'll give him in return, though he has also sailed with other crews for short periods of time. While he does not enjoy the profiting off the terrible things the pirates of Cerak have done, he tells himself there is nothing that can be done to stop it, so he keeps his head down and keeps doing what he thinks is necessary in order to survive.
Mulcar has managed to avoid getting in any real fights or seriously hurting anyone, but this means he is not as skilled as fighting as even the average pirate. He is very slow to trust, living with the belief that everyone only cares for themselves, making him wary of anyone who is friendly towards him as he would think they are trying to take advantage of him. Accordingly, he is a man of few words and prefers trying to silently intimidate anyone who opposes him.
Since then, Mulcar mostly wanders the docks of Cerak, usually helping different crews unload their goods for whatever small amount of money they'll give him in return, though he has also sailed with other crews for short periods of time. While he does not enjoy the profiting off the terrible things the pirates of Cerak have done, he tells himself there is nothing that can be done to stop it, so he keeps his head down and keeps doing what he thinks is necessary in order to survive.
Mulcar has managed to avoid getting in any real fights or seriously hurting anyone, but this means he is not as skilled as fighting as even the average pirate. He is very slow to trust, living with the belief that everyone only cares for themselves, making him wary of anyone who is friendly towards him as he would think they are trying to take advantage of him. Accordingly, he is a man of few words and prefers trying to silently intimidate anyone who opposes him.
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