
  1. Tanith Mistfall

    Open Chronicles The Wyvern's Nest

    The Wyvern's Nest Safely tucked away in a village in the Vale, not so far from Astenvale Monastery is the Wyvern's Nest. A business made to sate an adventurer's every need, be that for weapons, armor, medicine, or a cup of tea. Though all are welcome there, regardless of their occupation or...
  2. Elida

    Private Tales Goodness is the Only Investment that Never Fails

    Asta tighten the cord around his young daughter’s head, ensuring the mask was secure as they had many miles to walk today as well. He had braided her hair into a pair of French braids, finally getting her black, thick hair under control. It was hot today, and Asta knew the mask often made her...
  3. Elra Mistfall

    Open Chronicles The Dragon's Den

    Elra took a step back and wiped the sweat from her brow. A satisfied smile crossing her face as she admired her work. Perfect, or at least, at close as one could come. She looked up at her patient. “Rest here for now, and don’t touch that bandage. I’ll be back to check on you later.” She offered...
  4. Amelia Rowe

    Open Chronicles The Aspiring Apprentice

    Growing up in such a small town, working for the blacksmith to make fishhooks and doorknobs, Amelia always dreamed of becoming a blacksmith in the city of Alliria. One day, she believes, she'll be selling her crafts to the greatest heroes. But before that, she needs to find a proper blacksmith...
  5. Ser Anya Kinniger

    Private Tales Swords and Hammers

    Anya was an adventurous soul. She was a loyal wife sure, but she also had a passion for fights. She loved fighting, and she loved doing it in places that only a few people had been before. So she was an adventurer at heart, clad in her black armor and carrying her numerous stabbing weapons. And...