
  1. Nadya

    Completed The Fool You Need

    Nadya let out a sigh as she dropped from the foreleg of Kalyss, bracing herself to land perfectly despite the drop much greater than the average dragon's leg. He had refused to make this easier for her, but Nadya was stubborn as well, and trained her feet and legs to make this drop until it...
  2. Rhory Grimmere

    Private Tales A Cage That Moves With You

    Rhory didn't really need any excuse to sit back during their off time from duty to get a meal and drink, especially when she had the company of a fast friend with her. She had been chuckling lightly at something Everett Ebersol had said, earning their small table many glances. "I know it's not...
  3. Mab

    Private Tales For The First Time In Forever

    Today was a very special day in the Scarlet Hall. The house had been prepared for their special guest in the most mundane ways, but everyone was buzzing with excitement. Flowers had been brought from greenhouses in the Ixchel Wilds. Incense had been burned and the sliding walls opened to air out...