
  1. Trevan Soithiel

    Private Tales The Market of Wonders

    It had been a long arduous journey, as most adventures worth having should start. Or at least, that's how Trevan tried to justify it in his mind. It's been weeks since he last saw the dark caverns of his home, and he was confident he would never see them again. Not willingly, anyway. That was...
  2. Khari

    Fate - First Reply Murky Waters

    Alliria - The Shallows Khari had never left Dornoch before. Most of the time the tasks that were set out for her by the Dynast were in the city or the smaller cities around it. She was kept close, never straying too far and always accomplishing things quickly so that she could return to her...
  3. Lailah

    Private Tales Fallen from grace..

    The light rain gave her just cause to keep her dark hood up over her pearly white hair. It was often recognised, and she was putting her life at risk as it was being in the market. They needed food and she was sick to death of fish. Lailah tried her best to look anything but as paranoid as she...
  4. Sylvian

    Private Tales Snakes in the Garden

    The streetlamps cast a flickering light onto the wet asphalt and stretching ahead was a forlorn road shrouded in darkness and mystery. Rainfall seeped through the layers of fabrics on her body and the night chill tickled her skin. The eerie silence along with the charcoal curtain draping over...
  5. Lyssia D'avore

    Fable - Ask Unintended Consequences

    The lamp offered fitful lighting at best, casting flickering shadows on the walls of the sparsely furnished room. Shapes danced on the walls in a myriad of fantastical things that could play tricks on a mind, especially one as tired as she was. It had been a trying day, merely one among a...
  6. Heike Eisen

    Fable - Ask The Path of Purity

    "Are you sure you still want to do this?" asked Captain Bronmarch of the Allirian Guard. "I have to try," Heike said. "I owe it to my people. To Ferelith. To Maria. To King Rommel. To my father Albrecht and my mother Sieglinde. I owe it to all of them." And she said again, "I have to try." *...
  7. N

    Open Chronicles Deals In The Dark[Alliria]

    The Serpent's Kiss Navaia lay half curled behind the bar of her tavern, chin resting in her hand, eyes fixed on the man in front of her. He was stuttering as he spoke, his hat in hand, sword on his belt, and a purse full of gold on the other side of his hip. The smile plastered on her face was...
  8. Greedy

    Fate - First Reply The Nickelhoff Heist

    Alliria was known as the world's merchant capital Gems, Weapons, and Magics all could be bought for a price Greedy could make an honest living here But instead our Goblin rolled the dice Greedy had joined a crew, lead by an Orc named Haru Who had organized a job to bring in much coin...
  9. Heike Eisen

    Private Tales The Proud Daughter

    His name was Tzuriel Alanthis. And Heike was told that he was once a vampire, and that he had found a cure for his affliction. So she set out to find him. Here, in Alliria. * * * * * She entered the city as she entered all cities: at night, and not through the main gates. Even before the dawn...
  10. Trajan Meng

    Open Chronicles Failing Grasp

    They had come seeking one thing: the liberation of Trajan Meng. And they were prepared to bloody their hands if need be. Khadija Han led them, the fifty Luminari warriors gathered in the camp. They were hidden in the wilds, miles distant from the Western Gates of Alliria. Here they were...
  11. Acteon Cass

    Fable - Ask Beneath the Gleaming of Gold

    A knock on the door. A human male near middle age in officer's armor didn't even look up. He didn't even answer. The knocker just walked in after a moment's pause. A young human male in guard armor entered. "Sorry for the intrusion Vice Captain." The newcomer said as he stood at attention...
  12. revenant

    Private Tales Dreams Do Come True

    The world is full of liars and cheats and charlatans and a number more of people who simply wish to deceive. And while Elianora Ardor would be considered one of them, it did not stop her from angrily adding fortune tellers to her “people I hate and also should not be trusted” list in her head...
  13. Nefieslab

    LFG Prices May Range - The Allirian Heist

    It's time for a heist - Jazat Mar has need of information on the movements and positioning of the Allirian Rangers. To get that he has discovered that he needs to gain access to maps that only Ranger officers are given access to. These are, obviously, top secret and meant to be kept locked...
  14. Jazat Mar

    Open Chronicles Land of Plenty

    Jazat's opinion of Alliria... was that it had an awful lot of wealth on display in places that would have had said wealth been stolen immediately had the city not been so heavily watched. It was odd to see so many different types of fighters in one place and not actually have a fight be ongoing...
  15. Gerald Mercia

    Open Chronicles Out for a Stroll

    Alliria Outer City It was quiet, so much so the knocking of his boots against the cobblestone almost echoed through the street. He could hear rustling down this alley, two men speaking outside an establishment, but he could see little more than vague blurrs of light and shadows in the thick of...
  16. Cauldwin Talson Valfnyr

    Completed Threaded Thieving Thespians

    OOC A small organized crime wave has hit the lower parts of Alliria! Bands of thieves are pulling heists dressed in theatre wear, they speak in quotes, rhymes, and even bloody sing! Now it's up to the Allirian Watch and any deputized individuals to put a stop to these thief theatrics before it...
  17. Cauldwin Talson Valfnyr

    Roleplay OOC No One Breaks the Law ON MY WATCH!

    Looking for people interested in a buddy cop/Cat and Mouse style adventure in Alliria.
  18. Lucius

    Fable - Ask The Gulf and It's Treasure

    The Gulf of Liad - The Blackheart Lucius stood at the stern of his ship, a smile on his face as the wind rushed through his hair. His eyes were closed, but that didn't matter much on the open sea. This was the first time they had sailed The Blackheart under it's new name. Their flag rose high...
  19. Alccarion

    Open Chronicles A Quick Visit

    Air flowed under her wings. It was crisp and cool, kind of like the droplets from the ocean on a hot day. The stars above her were sparkling beautifully, their light complimenting the moon just as well. The huge dragon flapped her dark wings and the air under her would blow down in what is akin...
  20. Trajan Meng

    Completed A Conversation through Bars

    The death of a dream is a terrible thing to endure. Yet Trajan found himself suffering this very fate. Here now in a jail within Alliria, not the prison wherein he was certain to go, but mingled in with the drunks and louts and minor offenders and those likewise awaiting conviction, separated...