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With fury and speed did the Gildans descend in ambush upon the convoy. They emerged from their places of hiding among the forested hills, common in the land of Bruttaeum, and Ruslan Gildal, the leader of the Gildan ambush, gave the war cry of "REGELISHAH!" as he and his fellow Gildans ran down the hill. Shock overwhelmed the Bruttites on the path, armed soldiers serving their Tyrant King Brutus, and they scrambled to mount a hasty defense. But daring won the day, as crossbow bolts from shadows unseen assailed the Bruttites before even Ruslan and his men could clash into the melee. The Bruttites, fearing attack from all sides, were thrown into disarray, and the Gildan soldiers cut them down to the last man.
Overcast skies overhead blocked the light of the sun in a thick gray blanket, and, to Ruslan's reckoning, such a thing was apropos for the land of Bruttaeum. Bruttaeum was nothing if not a land of slavery, the wretched practice flaunted and indulged by the Tyrant King. Brutus himself was a formidable sorcerer, and had through his secret arts lived for many centuries. As such, he exclusively preferred his slaves to be of elven heritage, and he engaged in covert trade with slavers from across the world to import fresh "chattel" from afar. Men from Cerak At'Thul, the Empire of Amol-Kalit, and even some Orcs from the Blightlands, all he enticed with profit and power to serve him in his Tyranny, and these men now dead upon the path were of that number.
Ruslan had taken a small number of brave Gildans with him for this mission: only thirty, so as best to keep a low profile, while still having the manpower to overwhelm the Bruttites. His aim was to rescue a captured Gildan elf, who had been kidnapped from the Jemaat, and was believed to be held in this very convoy.
Ruslan cleaned the blood from his axe, and then holstered it on his belt. "Fine work," he said to his soldiers. "Regel watches over us this day." And to this came a round of agreement, Gildans each in their turn replying with "Evet," many with enthusiasm and vigor, some with solemnity (one day, perhaps, all Bruttaeum would be liberated).
The convoy was a small one. Two wagons, the front wagon carrying supplies for the Bruttites, and the second, Ruslan presumed, carrying the prisoner. The Bruttites, scarcely able to be called men for the barbarity they regularly displayed, had been transporting their prisoner in a wooden box, vaguely coffin-shaped, with but a hole here and a hole there such that the prisoner could breathe.
One of the Gildan crossbowmen secured the key from the fallen Bruttite Slavemaster. He tossed it to Ruslan, and Ruslan caught it. He jumped then onto the second wagon. With the key in the lock he gave it a twist and the latch clicked. And then Ruslan threw open the lid.
But who lay inside...was not the Gildan elf Ruslan and his men were looking for.
"Who...are you?"