Private Tales The Goblin, the Horse, and the Hair

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Adjust you line of sight." His head moved as he relaxed his shoulders, but with adjustment, he would have a clear shot. "Try shooting now."

It took many sessions to train one's body to know what to do naturally. Kael's movements will improve the more he became aware of checking his entire stance and position. That was how weapons were made after all.

"You have one breath after you draw to loose. Trust yourself."

Far kinder and gentler words she spoke than the advice Avery had been fed in her own training. Perhaps she was not so cruel as she thought she could be, but there was always a tipping point for everyone...
Kael adjusted as the lady instructed, focusing on the spot for a moment before easing the tension off the bowstring. He repeated the entire motion, fighting through little aches as he tried to match the form Avery described. The tension of the bowstring was gradually released and Kael pulled an arrow from his quiver. He knocked the arrow kept loose, and pulled. A single breath’s time and the arrow was released, in the same path as he shot earlier. It hit at mark, but the motion was significantly quicker. He knew he would need practice to make it habit, but little improvements at form were what separated the professional from the amatuer.

“You’re a good teacher Avery.” Kael said thankfully. A thought ran through his mind. “Do you like tacos?”
  • Derp
Reactions: Avery
Kael looked over at the woman. He really needed to stop dealing with people. Everytime he thought he had an idea of how Anirian culture worked he found something he didn't understand. Or made a mistake.

"It's food." Kael said. Were tacos just a goblin thing? Kress, humans were so uncultured. "It's a collection of meat, vegetables, spices, the like on some unleavened bread. It doesn't seem to be super popular here, but it's one of the few things I know how to cook."
Avery did not look convinced.

The picture painted in her mind was not something she would find edible. Anything that went beyond the simple meals prepared for them at the Academy was not something she found herself interested in. Even cake at Natalis was a luxury she did not participate in.

"Oh... well... I will have to say no. I like dried fruits and nuts. Could never tire of them if we are low on rations on a mission..." Plain, boring, unremarkable.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
Avery cleared her throat, glad he changed the subject she was more comfortable with.

What on earth...

She pushed it aside, taking a deep breath and exhaling as she assessed the field beyond them. "How about you... aim for that hollow in the tree up there." Scorch marks surrounded it, more likely formed from a lightning strike. "Show me the position you would take for such a angled shot."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
Again, as Kael changed subjects to archery her demeanor shifted. Her stance and speech became far more natural, relaxed. It prompted questions in Kael’s mind, but he had asked too many already. There would be no new topics for a while, at least from the goblin.

As Avery pointed out the spot he decided the most useful thing to improve was his instincts, so he didn’t take any time to think about how he would take the shot. Instead he drew an arrow from his quiver, pulled it against the string and raised the bow upwards as the feathers ran across his cheeks. He held the position but didn’t fire, keeping his frame for her to examine. Notably he would lack the loosening of his shoulders Avery had instructed prior, as that wasn’t yet secured nature.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Avery
"Your shoulders, again. Adjust your neck too, your face is leaning too far forward."

Avery held her own bow in the exact manner she was instructing him to follow. No arrow to nock, she swivelled so that he could see her hand and how it held the string taut by her ear. "Training your neck and shoulder muscles to work this way will mean less fatigue to them in the long run." She lowers her bow, using it to point upwards to the new target.

"How about drawing a second arrow in quick succession?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
Kael let out a sigh, not upset at Avery’s instruction but at himself for not remembering the previous instruction. He eased the tension of the drawstring and returned the arrow to its quiver before watching Avery demonstrate the desired form.

“Two shots then.” Kael responded, and took his footing. The first arrow pulled from his quiver, to the string, and took the upward shot at the tree. The second arrow pulled from his quiver, and was released, launching towards the target Avery pointed. While he kept focus on speed of target acquisition and firing, he was much more deliberate in his form. While not perfect he worked to integrate the suggestions at shoulders and neck.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Avery
Avery smiled. "Better. The more you are conscious of your posture, the better. Take the time to realise what feels right, you at least know how to shoot." She complimented.

All Kael needed was to work on his form. A day or two of practice should have him settling into better habits, and perhaps he could be aiming for the bullseye like herself.

She slung her bow over her head and shoulder, resting it alongside the quiver at her back. "Actually... Kael, I might have an idea on how you could repay me for today. If you were still... well, perhaps you would like to hear the idea first before you agree to anything..."
  • Bless
Reactions: Kael
"There is... what I want to ask is..." Avery bristled, blowing out air and frowning before she turned to him before continuing to pace.

"I was thinking, that maybe you could keep an ear out for me? If anyone talks about me, or if someone says they want to come after me for something I did in class... just anything... perhaps even something you hear about say, Bletzin or Pirian... anyone." She paused and turned so that she could see him with a sidelong glance. "I know I keep my distance and there is a reason for it, but I do... feel out of touch that it keeps me from participating in things..."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
Kael looked at the woman a bit quizzically. Understanding more of how people thought about her Kael understood, but the next request confused him. Did she want him to gossip? Or spy on his classmates? Then the sidelong glance came, and she spoke of feeling out of touch. He began to understand a bit more, and his face softened.

“I’ll tell you anything I hear about you.” He said, without any hesitation in his voice. “As for the rest of our classmates? I can tell you some things, but I don’t track most of the gossip.” A thought crossed his mind. She mentioned Bletzin and Pirian, the confident noble.

“Do you want me to set you up with Colt?”
  • Ooof
Reactions: Avery
Avery stared at him, stunned.

And not in a good way.

"Why would I want to be set up with Colt?"
Her expression turned sour, as if the very thought left a bad taste.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Kael
It didn’t take a weather wizard to feel the shift in the air from Avery.

“There’s a lot of conversation about ‘taming the Pirian’ and ‘landing in a Great House’ that goes around."
Kael explained. "That doesn’t sound like you, but you mentioned him. So I asked. I didn’t mean to offend.” Kael said. He held out a hand to shake.

“Still friends?” The last word came out without Kael thinking over it. She had just mentioned keeping distance from people too.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Avery
Avery gave Kael a look, one that appeared to be assessing him and going over his tricky words.

"If you wanted to be friends, just know I do not care for noble titles." Avery had thought when she was younger that the Cathaior name was noble, but had been the name of Proctor's sister that nursed and raised her until she was able to stand on her two feet and hold a light weapon. The family had been executed by the Archon Zana, the Butcher of Vel Anir, in the times of the Revolution coming to pass.

"Besides," she sighed, "I'm not interested in all that."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
She gave him a look, one that lacked confidence. "I... don't know."

Avery was unused to the idea of someone to talk to regularly, if she was even comfortable with that idea in the first place. It had been several years since she had last had friends, and for the past six years, had kept to herself.

Perhaps it had hindered her development socially, but the Academy had pulled her focus into being a weapon made.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
"That's okay." Kael said. "We'll get together . . . whenever's convenient and if you figure you want a change just let me know. Play it by -" Kael realized he about to make a pun and stopped. The goblin looked over his shoulder at his quiver. Only a couple shafts left.

"Do we have any more shots to take today?"
He asked.
  • Derp
Reactions: Avery
Avery sighed. She disabled the runes, leaving the set up for another day or Initiate to use, but turned to Kael. "Hmm..."

In fact, her energy reserves were nearing exhaustion, and her mind could not think up anything else to challenge him with. "We can call it there... let's collect our arrows. The Armoury will be happy if we return everything." At least they would be happy with her borrowing more equipment in the future.

Boots took her towards the targets, pulling the blue-green shine amongst tawny brown feathers in the fletching, the quiver that had belong to her. Tough at first, Avery slowly prized the arrow points from the wood by sheer force. "At least these arrows were not flaming." She mused.
  • Bless
Reactions: Kael
As Avery huffed it to targets to retrieve arrows, Kael shifted forms to a bird and began to fly upwards towards the lightning-kissed tree. After three wingbeats he began to shift back to human form and drop, but willed himself back to bird and made his way to the skyward arrows. Wing wrapped around the tree and turned to arm, Kael hanging off the tree with one arm and pulling their higher arrows out of the wood. The endeavor was overall unpleasant, but Kael managed before shifting his hanging hand to a more aggressive claw and using it to break his descent.

With the most skyward arrows retrieved he would then walk towards the targets farthest from Avery’s current heading, working his way in to her and trying to divide the task evenly.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Avery
"This would be easier... if I could control wood like a heart." She grunted, leveraging one boot against a post and used her weight to pull on one last arrow. It came free after a few attempts, and Avery fell back onto the grass. At first, it hurt to have landed on her arse, but then a bubble of laughter left her lips.

"This is an awful task."
  • Peek
Reactions: Kael
Kael moved from target to target pulling arrows. While the strength was there, he felt his back complain at every arrow pull. Kael got closer as they pulled more arrows, overhearing the comment of hearts of hearts and wood just before the girl planted on her rump. He went over to her and got to see a smile grace her lips as she let out a laugh.

“Sit a minute. There’s not many more, I’ll take care of the rest.” He said, and left before she could protest. He knew maintaining the course wasn’t free. Nothing was free with the price, not even the hair on Kael’s head. He’d gather up another half dozen arrows and made his way back to Avery.

“How are you feeling?” He asked. If she had stayed on the ground he’d lean over and offer a hand to pull her up.
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery
Avery had laid down on her back against the grass, choosing to be ignorant that all sorts of bugs could be found in the tall grass.

By the time Kael returned, extending a hand and a question of concern, she stared at his hand long enough that he perhaps started to retract the offer. Her own hand shot out and grasped it, using his assistance to stand on both feet.

"I am alright. Just a pain, but..." Nothing she couldn't help with her magic. At least on her own person she didn't have to cast complex gestures to power it, her body simply knew where to mend and heal. Fatal wounds were something she could not master as of yet... "We should head back to the Armoury and return the gear."
  • Bless
Reactions: Kael