Private Tales The Remaining Thorns

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
The next few months began to prove difficult for Livia.

In her typical fashion, she pushed people away as her magic became erratic. It changed her moods, her focus, until it all came together in an explosive few days.

She had not wanted to come to this gathering, but after some insistence and Zephyrine herself welcoming Livia's presence, she decided to stay.

Ivan had kept her some company after she tried to talk to Houri... but soon found the birthday girl more interesting.

And yet the night began to dull after Zinnia had made her leave for the night, growing tired and perhaps a little too drunk after Liv and her seemed to be the only ones partaking in the actual festivities.

The walk back to her room was quiet, something she cherished after an evening with the crowd, but her magic picked up a presence.

Pausing, she turned and frowned.

Larkin had stepped out from the shadows behind her, to which Liv raised a brow.
"The male dorms are not this way."
Larkin had been busy since he and Livia had last interacted. He had been busy, more busy than he cared to let on. Meeting Kor had changed him in so many ways. His mind had collapsed on him, Kor had brought him back from the edge of his own destruction. Then there had been Zephyrine, she had brought breath back into his lungs. She had become the most important person to him after he had contemplated the worst. She might not be sister by blood, but she was his sister nonetheless.

He hadn't forgotten Livia, not in the slightest. She had made it her best effort to become a ghost, and he was doing her best to respect the distance she placed between herself and everyone else. Seeing her at the party, mere feet from him, he wouldn't let her slip away again so easily.

She knew he was there, it was the pivot in her step, the frown that creased her lips. She challenged him, as she loved to do. He did not keep his distance now, moonlight revealing every scar that marred his once flawless face. "I know where the are. You know I'm not lost. That I came to chase you, just like I said I would."

Livia Quinnick
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia scoffed, her arms coming to fold over her chest. She was dressed quite nicely for the evening, her silver hair seemingly brighter against the outfit and the light from the moons. She was tired, ready to return to her room before she felt someone in close proximity that her magic picked them up.

"Now? You are going to chase me now?"

After all that time, he chooses the moment he crossed paths with her again.

"You have impeccable timing."
She bristled turning around and continue walking away from him.
She was pissed, that was evident. She turned from him, immediately stalking away with her arms folded, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Instead, he grabbed her, firmly yet with gentleness, pulling her towards him. She was adorable when she was mad.

"My Princess." He released her, his fingers playing with the ends of her silver hair. "You're so pretty, do you know that?" He was lost in her for a moment, and he had to shake his head gently to regain his senses. "You've been quite elusive, since last I had been able to lay my eyes upon you. You know you've kept your distance, and not just from me."

Livia Quinnick
  • Angry
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
"Your's?" She hissed, trying to wrench herself from him. "I am nobody's."

Successful in pulling herself from his grasp, Liv took several steps back and scowled at him. "Shit happened. I cannot be thinking of all the boys that felt something for me when my own life is in disrepair. I do not need your bullshit now, Larkin. Go away, or I will make you."

Energy crackled around her, ready to strike.
Livia tore herself from his grip, and he did not make attempts to hold her once more. She was well past angry, though he felt that not all of it was because of him. He stood calmly as she threatened him, the spikes of energy wafting off her, tangible in the air.

"Livia, if you want to strike me down, then do so. I wouldn't be the first time a girl I cared about struck me. Maybe this time, you'll put me from my misery. Go on, if it'll make you feel better. Threatening me won't make me care any less, or rid me of the desire to just be near you. It's a risk I'm willing to take. How would I know of your despair, when you ran from all that cared about you?"

Livia Quinnick
  • Angry
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
She laughed, pausing to turn to face him as she continued her derisive laugh.

"You think I would be that cruel?" Livia shook her head, unbelieving of this situation. "You care about me but you do not know what it is you are asking of me. Strike you down? Just as I did with my father when I killed him?"

That energy only crackled louder, and she swore she could hear Henk warning her at the back of her mind, but a fury, a maelstrom of emotion deafened her to those words.

"Gods, I am glad I pushed you away."
She sneered.
Larkin arched a brow, as she spoke, the energy only got more malevolent. The things she was saying had no merit to the power that she was presenting. He stepped towards her again. "You're angry, and you're hurting Livia. I understand. The distance between us, was partially my fault. I saw how you were with Silas, and my love and care didn't matte so long as you were happy. But, you're not happy. As much as you say you don't want to strike me down, look at what you're doing. Look at the magic pouring out of you."

Her words were cruel. They cut him to the quick. Still, he couldn't give up on her. How could he give up on her? He loved her, after all. Even if she did kill him. He loved her.

Livia Quinnick
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
"I am in control." She seethed.

For however chaotic that magic was, it only emanated from her. It was not wielded to destroy, to hurt, but only reflect her emotions in that moment.

"You need to go. Leave. I do not owe you anything, I do not care what you feel for me, I do not want to see you!" Livia did not need to raise her voice. Not when she had been brought up at home to angered and hushed conversation, had grown up with her mother's stern criticism. No. The fury, the emotion, the terror of her enjoying the power coursing through her. It was all inviting, and it made her feel more alive than any sweet and passionate moment she shared with any boy.