Yoko is a criminal, specifically an assassin and thief, often found within a band of thugs, bandit clan, or simply on her own moving from place to place. Her past is largely unknown and her motives seem to be simply explained as 'because she can, so she does'. For the moment, she is content to wander and do as she pleases, but who knows how long until such things bore her into new pastures.
Slight and slender, Yoko wears her hair in a ponytail or bun most of the time, though she has been known to wear it loose over her shoulders. She dresses in practical clothing and often wears the common garb of the region she's in, though she prefers the traditional garb of her homeland (though no one can quite place where that is despite its similarities to other locations). When she knows battle is imminent, she often dons light armor, but usually trusts her speed and agility over physical protection.
Skills and Abilities
Yoko is a skilled assassin as well as being highly proficient with melee and thrown weapons. Where she lacks formal training, she makes up for it with practically learned tricks and tactics. As a two-tailed Kitsune she holds a natural talent and skill for water and wind magic, both selected when each tail was grown.
Yoko is often perceived as distant and reserved, often preferring her own company to strangers even among other criminals or thieves, even though she is often more comfortable in their presence than others'. She tends to think out her next moves as she goes, often planning things out beforehand where possible, though she has shown the ability to think on her feet on more than one occasion. She prefers to avoid conflict and will often hide or run rather than fight if possible, though this is not due to a lack of skill or fighting prowess. In situations where she has the tactical or numerical advantage, she is more than happy to fight given there's a good reason to do so.