Tzuriel Alanthis
Tzuriel is a fine looking specimen of a human adult. He is athletically fit and limber and appears very capable. Sometimes he grows out his beard which he would keep well trimmed and kept, though otherwise he's clean shaven. His eyes are blue, but sometimes in certain lighting they can appear a feral yellow. His perpetually intense expression and disposition is matched only by his love of fun, drink, and women. Not necessarily in that order. He is fair skinned and well groomed.
He dresses well, in fine clothes that only the money of a wealthy man could buy. But when he is on the road he dresses in functional dark travel clothes and probably some light leather armor.
He dresses well, in fine clothes that only the money of a wealthy man could buy. But when he is on the road he dresses in functional dark travel clothes and probably some light leather armor.

Skills, Abilities & Weaknesses
Well Rounded: Tzuriel is an exceptional swordsman, favoring his light rapier. He has also shown skill in the use of ranged weapons and knife throwing.
Watch The Hands: He is talented at a wide variety of slight of hand.
Educated: He has a good head for numbers and economics, as well as other fields that effect the merchant trade.
Linguistics of Trade: Common. Elvin. Dwarven. Orcish.
Watch The Hands: He is talented at a wide variety of slight of hand.
Educated: He has a good head for numbers and economics, as well as other fields that effect the merchant trade.
Linguistics of Trade: Common. Elvin. Dwarven. Orcish.
Once Nocturnal: His eyesight is twice as good as it once was, especially in the dark. But the tradeoff is they sometimes turn yellow, or glow yellow in the dark.
Spatial Awareness: He is very agile and aware of where his body is in the world, able to perform amazing acrobatics and tumbling feats that would normally be attributed to acrobats and circus performers.
Iron Muscles: He is deceptively strong for his build and can hold his own in contests of strength. A small fraction of his inhuman strength still remains in his blood.
He does heal at a slightly faster rate from his prior affliction.
Spatial Awareness: He is very agile and aware of where his body is in the world, able to perform amazing acrobatics and tumbling feats that would normally be attributed to acrobats and circus performers.
Iron Muscles: He is deceptively strong for his build and can hold his own in contests of strength. A small fraction of his inhuman strength still remains in his blood.
He does heal at a slightly faster rate from his prior affliction.
Thick Skinned: He is very durable and enduring under physical and verbal abuse. He can take a beating and he's not an emotional child.
Iron Gut: He can really hold his liquor.
Merchants Mind: Being keenly aware of mind magic and hypnotism, and the dangers of unwillingly revealing information due to such manipulations has caused him to build up a mental discipline that prevents any stealthy information gathering from going beyond his surface thoughts.
Iron Gut: He can really hold his liquor.
Merchants Mind: Being keenly aware of mind magic and hypnotism, and the dangers of unwillingly revealing information due to such manipulations has caused him to build up a mental discipline that prevents any stealthy information gathering from going beyond his surface thoughts.
Lingering Fears: Sometimes he still flinches at the sunlight, fearing that it might burn him to ash if he steps into it.
Once Nocturnal: Bright lights are more dazzling to him now, the flash of a blade in the sun is now more likely to blind him for a few critical seconds if he's not prepared.
Once Nocturnal: Bright lights are more dazzling to him now, the flash of a blade in the sun is now more likely to blind him for a few critical seconds if he's not prepared.
A Pretty Face: He is often too trusting of a pretty face, which lands him in trouble more often than not. (Personal)
Family Troubles: He gets along very poorly with his parents. This can sometimes reveal itself in certain peeves or behaviors that he cannot stand to be reminded of.
Not the Face!: He can take a beating, but he could become distracted if his face gets marked or bruised.
Show Boating: When he sees himself winning a fight he tends start getting fancy in his sword work and do more tricks and use more flare to toy with his opponent, blinding him with overconfidence.
Family Troubles: He gets along very poorly with his parents. This can sometimes reveal itself in certain peeves or behaviors that he cannot stand to be reminded of.
Not the Face!: He can take a beating, but he could become distracted if his face gets marked or bruised.
Show Boating: When he sees himself winning a fight he tends start getting fancy in his sword work and do more tricks and use more flare to toy with his opponent, blinding him with overconfidence.
Tzuriel lives the high life. He parties, he drinks, he sleeps around, he fights, and in general gets into trouble. But he never does anything where someone could be seriously hurt or where the consequences become too steep.
Even in his dealings with women he always made sure they understood what he wanted, never forced himself on them, never left them guessing, and never left them with child.
He loves his lifestyle and doesn't want to be tied down... At least not yet.
He always has an intense look on his face. A look that intimidates many men and attracts even more women. He speaks very fluidly, like a fine oil that could sooth any bad wrinkle. He knows how to calm people down or to bait them into a fight.
High Life: He is very much drawn to social interaction and loves a good party. He can drink, he can dance, and he believes he can woo nearly any woman with his silver tongue.
Big Mouth: He speaks his mind... Usually at the wrong moment.
Merchant: He is eloquent, polite, and has the silver tongue of a man used to selling to the toughest customers.
Even in his dealings with women he always made sure they understood what he wanted, never forced himself on them, never left them guessing, and never left them with child.
He loves his lifestyle and doesn't want to be tied down... At least not yet.
He always has an intense look on his face. A look that intimidates many men and attracts even more women. He speaks very fluidly, like a fine oil that could sooth any bad wrinkle. He knows how to calm people down or to bait them into a fight.
High Life: He is very much drawn to social interaction and loves a good party. He can drink, he can dance, and he believes he can woo nearly any woman with his silver tongue.
Big Mouth: He speaks his mind... Usually at the wrong moment.
Merchant: He is eloquent, polite, and has the silver tongue of a man used to selling to the toughest customers.
Veluthe Ama: An elvish rapier that was gifted to him by one of the elders of the Fal'Addas Elves. It possesses two enchantments; Sharpness, and Spell breaker.