Tharu was just as awkward about Maeve's embrace as Lorcan and Hyacinth, if only because he was so unused to the gesture. The harrowing ordeal they'd been through had served to bring them close as friends, and despite the danger they'd been in, the Prince did look upon that day in a generally...
Unfortunately, Tharu had been equally truthful towards Hyacinth when he told her there was work to be done. The Wild Hunt Festival loomed, one The Prince knew would be a key point in the approaching hostilities between Spring and Summer. Being placed in charge of their defenses was a daunting...
The Prince wasn't entirely certain what concerned him more, that Hyacinth felt she needed to dress merely for his sake, or that he wasn't entirely against her remaining as she was. Another light flush found his cheeks as he found his mind wandering places again, and he quickly returned the...
It was in situations such as these that Tharu's rather shy and reserved nature subsided to make room for the responsibilities that his title of Prince entailed. Hyacinth was his friend, and one he'd greatly enjoyed the company of in the past, but in this moment she was first a member of his...
The Prince again found himself flushing, and this time not simply because of the lack of clothing on Hyacinth's shapely form. As introverted as he could be, thanks in no small part due to his troubled upbringing, these one-on-one conversations with his fellow Fae were a rare treat for Tharu...
A small laugh escaped him as Hyacinth so eagerly took his hands in hers. Tharu was happy to soo her as well, but perhaps he was only the second most awkward feeling Fae of his court in attendance here today. He paid a thought to her already quiet and demure nature, and momentarily scolded...
Tharu's smile widened to that of a bright and shining grin. Initial awkwardness aside, he found himself quite happy he'd followed Hyacinth all the way up here. "You certainly have said blessing. Thank you, for treating the flowers so kindly." Perhaps his Father would be willing to offer the...
Nairth San' Seya had already made his position on the inevitable clash between Summer and Autumn expressly clear to Midir. The Spring Court had pledged its allegiance to The Erlking long before Lorcan had made his preemptive strike against the Queen's Castle, and The Spring King had already had...
Tharu couldn't help but give a lighthearted laugh at her downplaying of her deeds. In a way, she sounded much like he had, before he'd allowed himself to stand outside the vast shadow cast by his Father. The lesson he'd learned to help him escape that cloud was one he would waste no time...
Tharu listened to the words of the strange and admittedly captivating girl, his brow furrowing at the idea of a covert gardener that was so agile as to not be detected by him nor his father up until now. Still... The Prince supposed there wasn't any harm to her actions.
Looking back over his...
It was difficult to appreciate the beauty of the castle when his blood simmered with anger. Even as the birdsong and sunbeams did their utmost to embrace the young Duanann, to ease his troubled thoughts, the heat of his skin repelled such comforts. Thraru San'Seya took pride in his composure...
In the span of a few minutes, Tharu had gone from happily working on one of his first major responsibilities for the Spring Court while avoiding the wrath of their temperamental guest, to being barged in upon and ordered to use his magic by said guest, and now both his room and the important...
Tharu had been doing his very best to stay out of their 'esteemed guest's' way. He was fascinated with her work, based on what little he'd heard by word of mouth, but Olyssa seemed to perhaps not be the most personable of types. If he were to jeopardize Spring and Autumn's partnership with his...
Conversation didn't seem to be a particularly comfortable thing for Curcurbita, and Tharu couldn't claim that he blamed the strange fellow for that; After all, he'd been alone for who knows how long, and with his appearance... he doubted many approached him for casual conversation. The Prince...
Tharu couldn't hide his amusement at the stranger's odd mannerisms and humorous words. Even though he implied that he had once been considered a criminal, Curcurbita didn't seem like an unsavory type and certainly didn't exude any ill-intent.
"Quite an unusual punishment, isn't it? I do wonder...
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