Recent content by Snowstorm

  1. Desmond Creed

  2. Alice Saella

  3. Amalthea Marsh

  4. Nargula

  5. S

    Smol break

    Hey friends, I just need too take a little break from things. I have a lot of turmoil in my personal life, and I just need some time to sort through it. I still may do some posts here and there, but I really need to take some time to process things. I'll still be in and out, and you'll see me in...
  6. Leida Caliar

  7. Karn

  8. Enderathil

  9. Larkin

  10. Mercer

  11. Kaida

  12. Margot Triss

  13. S

    Extended Break

    I will be taking an extended break from Chronicles. In fact, not sure if I will be able to come back. Feel free to add me as a friend in discord if you'd like to keep in touch. I will be leaving the server in 24 hours to give people time to add me. I love you all, and I hope that a break will...
  14. Azaezel Wulf

  15. Alaric Wulf