"If bones break, I will break them. If they bleed, I will run them through. Nothing will stop me from ripping my enemies to shreds."
Nargula is tall, and well-muscled. She has green skin, and tattoos cover much of her body. Half of her head is shaved, the other grows long and is often braided.
Skills and Abilities
She wields a warhammer, and wields it well. She is strong, athletic, and agile.
Nargula has a short temper, and is quick to prove her strength rather than her words. She's stubborn as an ox, and likes to prove it as much as she can. That probably stems from her need to prove herself for acceptance. She's brash, and loud, and assertive. As much as she would deny it, she finds herself desiring affection, but doesn't really know how to seek it.