Desmond Creed
Write a summary paragraph about your character here
Desmond is a force of nature. He easily stands over most, and his body is well toned and muscular. He has bright blue eyes that most girls would envy, but terrifying when angry. He holds himself with confidence, and can be quite intimidating when provoked.
Skills and Abilities
He is skilled at hand to hand combat, and is absolutely fueled by blood being shed. He's very much a berserker type, and can be hard to keep contained when riled. He is skilled in two handed weapons, but will choose his fists one hundred percent if he can get away with it.
Desmond is a brawler, and loves the thrill of a fight. Revels in it really. It doesn't take much to push him into a fight, and he loves to put the common man in his place.(Face first in the dirt.) He is not a big talker, and when he does speak it typically has a good reason to be said. That being said, he has a short fuse and even his friends may have a hard time calming the big guy down. When riled enough, it's best stay out of the way, tunnel vision tends to not distinguish friend or foe. He's a nice guy regularly though, as long as you don't piss him off.