Recent content by Rovias

  1. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    Lale was so accustomed to being surrounded by loyal bootlickers to anyone with a title that she wasn't used to people having minds and motives of their own, it seemed. Rovias worked for The Absalon, but that didn't mean he always had Solomon's wants in mind. He was off the clock, and this was...
  2. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    Hook. Line. Sinker. "It has nothing to do with the magic of the Ancients, Miss Carvyre. I would never dare suggest myself as powerful as our forefathers." The smugness that exuded from him as he spoke in such hushed tones to her suggested, though, that he perhaps thought himself closer than he...
  3. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    There it was: That dark thunderstorm was brewing behind those eyes of grey, already bored of him, already looking to move on to something that could entertain her properly. Carvyre was like a panther, roaming freely wherever her want took her, and baring her fangs at anything that dare waste her...
  4. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    Despite Lale's earlier implication that Rovias was lacking in things to keep him busy, the duties of the High Mage nearly made him late. Introducing the first of the new Training Runes to Mikko had gone well enough, but the man had taken longer than expected to recover, at least enough to where...
  5. Rovias

    Private Tales To Bridge Man and God

    Rovias felt a tad less concious of squinting his eyes suspiciously at Mikko, considering he looked to be anything but alert and attentive at the moment. There was a modicum of truth to his claim, but to compare his new stones, and those of the Guardians? It wasn't quite as simple as Cendrillon...
  6. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    Rovias placed a coy hand upon his chest, feigning the utmost innocence. "Perhaps I am, Lady Carvyre. Time permitting, maybe we'll find out together." He sounded so sure of himself, so completely certain of every word he spoke. Even as she relented and offered him her time, he didn't show any...
  7. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    It took measurable effort not to roll his eyes at the villainous portrait that Carvyre attempted to paint of herself. She was a polarizing figure, he wouldn't deny it. But while so many were content to attribute the actions and agendas of her father to her by proxy, Rovias was not so...
  8. Rovias

    Fable - Ask A New Generation (Guardians)

    It was almost amusing to see the wary and unsure expressions worn in uniform throughout the large entrance hall. How many of them had the faintest clue as to why they'd been gathered here before old Ceres told them? Certainly, there were rumors abound regarding the very things neatly piled in...
  9. Rovias

    Open Chronicles To Create is Divine. (Valenntenia)

    Rovias had to admire the Darkness Guardian's leadership abilities: Mabbon's men respected him, and not simply because he was a Guardian. Their voices carried genuine admiration for the half-orc leading them, and such comradery was not a thing so easily forged. Still, his concern for the...
  10. Rovias

    Private Tales To Bridge Man and God

    The High Mage took thorough mental notes of every motion Cendrillon made. Just as much as Mikko had been chosen to wield this stone, he'd also been chosen to test the concept of an artificial stone as a whole. Thorough though his study was, there was never any way for Rovias to guarantee the...
  11. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    There was an element of danger to having Lale Carvyre's undivided attention. It was akin to having the gaze of a hungry predator fixated on your every move, waiting to lash out and make a meal of you should you even twich in the wrong direction. Maybe that was what Rovias felt as she finally...
  12. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    "Only if you deign to sate my boredom." Rovias replied through grinning teeth, eyes still lingering on the lounging noblewoman with a twinkle of amusement behind them. "It's not often I find myself in the company of such a revered woman. You're the talk of the town, you know?" He didn't need to...
  13. Rovias

    Private Tales To Bridge Man and God

    Rovias gave an accrediting nod, not at all offended by the disbelief in his tone. Were he being entirely forthcoming, The High Mage would have admitted his own doubts that they would ever come this far. Even now, the smallest inkling of skepticism clung to his mind, a faint expectation for Mikko...
  14. Rovias

    Private Tales Wither and War

    The texture of warm sand beneath his feet always brought a strange, comforting sense of nostalgia to Rovias. When he closed his eyes and felt every individual grain between his toes with every step, he could nearly picture a place that his mind and spirit called home, though to his body it was...
  15. Rovias

    Private Tales To Bridge Man and God

    Admittedly, Rovias derived some satisfaction from Mikko's confusion. One of the rewards for all of his arduous work had always promised to be the reaction on the face of whoever was lucky enough to be selected first. Cenrdillon delivered, showing that sort of befuddlement that he'd been looking...