A long serving Knight of Anathaeum in the Sanctum of the Dawn, Osuin has risen to the rank of Knight Pursuant. Ever loyal to the order and cause, he holds his post with pride and determination to work towards the betterment of all.
A mountain of a man, Osuin possesses a tall stature and hefty build. Even beneath plated armour, the man's bulk is readily apparent. His hair is a chestnut brown shade, kept to a medium length and often in a state of unkemptness from long periods spend beneath his helmet.
He wears a combination of plate and chain for armour. All forged by smiths in the order and earned piece by piece as he rose the ranks. While heavy, the armour is well-fitted and hardly encumbering after his decades of training with it.
He wears a combination of plate and chain for armour. All forged by smiths in the order and earned piece by piece as he rose the ranks. While heavy, the armour is well-fitted and hardly encumbering after his decades of training with it.
Skills and Abilities
A competent fighter, Osuin is talented in the use of the bow, polearms, swords and shields. Tutelage at Astenvale has also given him a sharp understanding of strategy and tactics.
Osuin has specialized in the Pursuit of Life, having obtained mastery over it. Focus and training has given him talent in self-fortification, enabling great feats of strength if time exists to prepare.
Osuin has specialized in the Pursuit of Life, having obtained mastery over it. Focus and training has given him talent in self-fortification, enabling great feats of strength if time exists to prepare.
A warm and cordial demeanour belies his imposing stature, and outside of official business his tone is remarkably affable and charismatic. Known for jokes and quips in his youth, his demeanour has grown more stoic since his promotion to Knight Pursuant. Beneath the surface of professionalism though, his jovial attitude remains.
Loyal to the order, Osuin has always been grateful for the turn of events that led him to become a Knight. The experience has left him with an attitude tilted towards optimism, ever seeking the best solution to a problem. This outlook has been both a blessing and a curse, as recent years as a pursuant has challenged the naivety of this thinking.
Loyal to the order, Osuin has always been grateful for the turn of events that led him to become a Knight. The experience has left him with an attitude tilted towards optimism, ever seeking the best solution to a problem. This outlook has been both a blessing and a curse, as recent years as a pursuant has challenged the naivety of this thinking.