Logan Banick
Appearance and Equipment
* Groomed long brown hair down to his shoulders, trimmed beard, light green eyes, fair skin, 5'11", a soldier's fit frame.
* Usually wears stylized full plate armor, Fortune's Favor. Also wears a heavy, high-collared, three-tiered blue cloak with gold trim.
* Usually armed with a tower shield, The Northwarden, and a gladius, Shieldbreaker.
Skills and Abilities
The Northwarden: Logan's enchanted tower shield. An incredible and powerful item and the central piece of his kit, Logan uses the Northwarden as much for offense as he does for defense. The shield weighs nothing to Logan, is reinforced beyond mundane means for excellent defense against frontal attacks of both physical and magical attacks, and, its signature feature, can be deployed from and retracted into the central boss at a moment's notice.
Fortune's Favor: Logan's enchanted armor. While the Northwarden does provide superb defense against assaults from the front, battle is fluid and some magical attacks get around this. Fortune's Favor has a chance to nullify a magical attack which otherwise would have harmed Logan (a successful nullification does cost some of Logan's blood, however, so too many nullifications too quickly can actually prove to be a bad thing, and a weakness for a foe to exploit).
Shieldbreaker: Logan's enchanted gladius. The short blade's enchantment allows it to puncture, cleave through, or perhaps outright destroy with ease shields and wards of both a mundane and magical nature (though some shields may prove too powerful).
Anirian Knight: Seven years of service in the Anirian Guard has granted him martial proficiency, tactical and strategy acumen, and has seen him promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and inducted into Knighthood. His specialized role is that a heavy frontline trooper.
Personality and Characteristics
* Charismatic. Natural born leader. Seeks out responsibility, and holds himself accountable in failings thereof.
* Feels no need to boast, and finds it unbecoming in those who do. Humble and understated. Will readily admit to things he does not know, and has open ears to those who display merit, for no one man or woman is perfect, and in unity there is strength.
* Quick-witted, with a razor sharp cunning. Sanguine, always holds onto hope, even in the bleakest of situations, and can be inspiring in this regard.
* All about building people up, even if he has criticisms of them. Has a great tendency to place the welfare of others above his own.
* High energy in social interactions, can easily carry a conversation and light up a room with his magnetic personality. Has a genuine nature to him, in that he communicates an air of geniality and goodwill with people. Highly approachable and welcoming.
* Wonders about fate, destiny, and flirts with notions of fatalism. Generally though, keeps these philosophical musings to himself.
+ Completely sober. Has not, and does not, partake of any spirits.
+ Has a fascination with luck and chance. His armor is highly stylized, with decorative depictions of Lady Luck on his breastplate and pauldrons. Gambling is his occasional vice, though sometimes it does escape the reins of moderation.
+ Will often passively flip a coin when idle. Sometimes, when a decision has no clear answer and both sides are equally weighed in pros and cons, he'll flip a coin to determine his course of action. The question: was it fate, or chance?
+ Not wholly dismissive of his Banick blood, and does maintain loyalty to his family, but at times can find nobility tiring. Would rather be "just another one of the men."
+ Supporter of the Revolution. Prior to it, House politics were naught but dismaying, and he devoted his time to the Guard. Old habits do die hard, so even though the political situation has in his eyes improved, Logan is nonetheless hesitant to engage in it.
+ Moonlights as something several scores of ladies in Vel Anir have thoroughly enjoyed on a very hush-hush basis.