“Nevermind about the great conjurer from long ago, nor about your brute father, or that dim-witted oaf you call a brother, down in Ragash. You are the offspring of might and sorcery, and you will rise above them all.
The world is yours, take it”.
Ahrora to her son, Koltun

Koltun nar-Vansahr
Koltun has a warrior's physique. Well-built, with strong arms, a well-defined torso and muscular legs, his is an athletic figure that enables him to overpower the vast majority of opponents with relative ease.
He has his father’s fiery locks, and ashen skin, though, at his mother’s insistence, he has been branded with the blood-red tribal paintings of her tribe. His most striking attribute though, are his eyes. In step with his blazing hair, he also has a bright gaze, the tone of golden sand, and his eyes seem to glow whenever he casts.
The Blood Debt: The blood-red paintings throughout his body are The blood-red paintings throughout his body are the sacred tattoos of his mother’s tribe. Drawn from the blood of the beasts that roam the Blightlands, they symbolise a pact with Kir'uqul, an ancient demon of wrath. The tattoos have the ability to conjure the Blood Debt, a ritual tantamount to striking a deal with Kir'uqul. In order to seal it, Koltun draws a small amount of his own blood before battle as a down-payment - of sorts - to the demon. In exchange, he is granted some minor boons to his physical endurance, speed and strength, which increase with the more enemies he kills; his offerings to the Lord of wrath. Taken to the limit, he can become extremely quick and strong, overpowering any would dare cross his path. The effects however, do not last long and there is also a danger; should his blood offerings be deemed not enough - whether due to the small number of victims, or due to the low quality of his sacrifices - the demon will drain Koltun's vitality, to the point of death.
He has his father’s fiery locks, and ashen skin, though, at his mother’s insistence, he has been branded with the blood-red tribal paintings of her tribe. His most striking attribute though, are his eyes. In step with his blazing hair, he also has a bright gaze, the tone of golden sand, and his eyes seem to glow whenever he casts.
Skills and Abilities
Fire Mage: Proficient fire mage, capable of conjuring and manipulating flames. Uniquely, he practises the so-called technique of the ‘Holy Fire’ which he learned under the tutelage of his mother’s tribe. It imbues the flame - conjured or otherwise - with a divine arcane essence. This intertwining of spiritual and physical makes the fire inherently unstable, and causes it to explode the second it comes into contact with something material, unless the object in question - like a torch, or a weapon - is magically protected by a set of specific runes. When imbued with its holy essence, Kolt’s fire changes colour, taking on the full palette of the rainbow for its hues.The Blood Debt: The blood-red paintings throughout his body are The blood-red paintings throughout his body are the sacred tattoos of his mother’s tribe. Drawn from the blood of the beasts that roam the Blightlands, they symbolise a pact with Kir'uqul, an ancient demon of wrath. The tattoos have the ability to conjure the Blood Debt, a ritual tantamount to striking a deal with Kir'uqul. In order to seal it, Koltun draws a small amount of his own blood before battle as a down-payment - of sorts - to the demon. In exchange, he is granted some minor boons to his physical endurance, speed and strength, which increase with the more enemies he kills; his offerings to the Lord of wrath. Taken to the limit, he can become extremely quick and strong, overpowering any would dare cross his path. The effects however, do not last long and there is also a danger; should his blood offerings be deemed not enough - whether due to the small number of victims, or due to the low quality of his sacrifices - the demon will drain Koltun's vitality, to the point of death.
Dominant Traits:
- Arbitrary
- Ruthless
- Brash
- Arrogant
- Capricious
The epitome of too good, too young, Kolt exudes self-righteousness and entitlement. With a whimsical, cruel demeanour rivalled only by the most presumptuous of his siblings, Koltun truly embodies the very worst aspects of either of his parents: an imperious, merciless man with a natural penchant for chaos and destruction.
The Fyrestone[1]: