If you've got any lunch money it belongs to Jaxan.
Jaxan parts his hair however he wants and chews bubblegum in the middle of class, whether the teacher likes it or not.
Skills and Abilities
Highly proficient and lethal with any bladed weapons such as swords or knives. His specialty in younger days was a flail and a ball-and-chain but his magic has made some of those traditional weapons less useful.
Jaxan is a specialist in bone and blood magic. Frequently using his abilities to cover his body in hardened bone, grow tusks from his mouth, or create weapons from his own bones or those of fallen enemies. Many proctors have gushed about how destructive Jaxan would be on a battlefield as it finds itself littered with more and more fodder for his abilities.
Jaxan's affinity for blood magic allows him to use it to slice at enemies by launching it at foes with extreme velocity. He usually will use his own blood or an opponent's blood to strike at them.
Jaxan is a specialist in bone and blood magic. Frequently using his abilities to cover his body in hardened bone, grow tusks from his mouth, or create weapons from his own bones or those of fallen enemies. Many proctors have gushed about how destructive Jaxan would be on a battlefield as it finds itself littered with more and more fodder for his abilities.
Jaxan's affinity for blood magic allows him to use it to slice at enemies by launching it at foes with extreme velocity. He usually will use his own blood or an opponent's blood to strike at them.
He's a bully. What do you think his personality is?