Ivy (character)
Ivy is an orphaned, vagrant beggar girl who lives on the streets of the Shallows. She is from a distant land, but she does not remember where, nor does she remember her parents.
Ivy is young girl with reddish-brown hair. When she first washed ashore in the Shallows, she wore a leaf top and a grass skirt. She still wears it from time to time, but she is most likely to wear a filthy, tattered, beige short-sleeved tunic and a pair of filthy, tattered, grey braises. She wears nothing on her barefeet. She is often very dirty and looks pretty malnourished from the trash pits, the streets, and sewers she sifts through everyday.
Skills and Abilities
Survival - Living on the streets has had her adapt to her new environment. She will sleep anywhere as long as she is warm. She’ll eat anything from anywhere, even if it was on the floor, or in the sewer. She can survive long periods without food or water, though often is ruinous to her health.
Swimming - Being from a sea-faring island (most likely) she is skilled at swimming. From the deepest pits of the sewers, to the open depths of swamps. She can dive deep to Catch fish or junk to sell.
Scavenger - She is able to scrounge the trash to find some food, money, clothing, or other things she needs to live, able to scrounge scraps or leftovers that have not rotted yet. This ends up making her filthy and untouchable, but at least she can find something to survive off of.
Beggary - She is skilled at begging, pleading for handouts from passers-by. She sometimes would do some tricks with her super-strength to earn more money, and sometimes she would have to look pitiful and hungry to gain sympathy.
Super-strength - She is pretty strong for a girl her age. It might be from where she came from, though unknown could explain her superhuman strength. She uses this to lift junk from the depths of the swamps, or she would use her strength to perform shows with heavy objects while she begs.
Nimble - A lightweight due to malnourishment, she is quite nimble and agile. She can quickly get away if people get rowdy around her. She can also slide into places that are hard to reach for others, where she would often sleep or watch the people below or above her.
Swimming - Being from a sea-faring island (most likely) she is skilled at swimming. From the deepest pits of the sewers, to the open depths of swamps. She can dive deep to Catch fish or junk to sell.
Scavenger - She is able to scrounge the trash to find some food, money, clothing, or other things she needs to live, able to scrounge scraps or leftovers that have not rotted yet. This ends up making her filthy and untouchable, but at least she can find something to survive off of.
Beggary - She is skilled at begging, pleading for handouts from passers-by. She sometimes would do some tricks with her super-strength to earn more money, and sometimes she would have to look pitiful and hungry to gain sympathy.
Super-strength - She is pretty strong for a girl her age. It might be from where she came from, though unknown could explain her superhuman strength. She uses this to lift junk from the depths of the swamps, or she would use her strength to perform shows with heavy objects while she begs.
Nimble - A lightweight due to malnourishment, she is quite nimble and agile. She can quickly get away if people get rowdy around her. She can also slide into places that are hard to reach for others, where she would often sleep or watch the people below or above her.
Ivy is kind, and good-natured. She would help other children who are downtrodden like her in finding food or money to survive. She is also shown to be insecure about herself, being unable to act on her own unless she feels someone is telling her what to do. Due to having to live alone on the streets, she developed a loneliness complex and makes her extremely interested in having and keeping friends.