Ichika Tsuri
Ichika Tsuri is the daughter of Matriarch Yuna Tsuri. Her family has been responsible for overseeing the Port Authority of Dornoch for generations and as the eldest daughter Ichika will assume the mantle of leadership upon the passing of her mother Yuna.
Given the importance of the port itself in Dornoch the family’s responsibility is incredibly important in overseeing not just the peaceful trade of goods into and out of the capital city but they are also tasked with ensuring that the fishermen and fisherwomen operating out of the ports are properly supplied and protected. Given the importance of fishing to feed not just the citizens of Dornoch but the entirety of the Erdeniin Dynasty the Tsuri family has maintained close ties with the Dynast for centuries.
As is tradition while the matriarch oversees operations at the port it is her eldest daughter’s responsibility to oversee and secure the distribution of seafood and trade goods throughout not just the city but the empire as a whole.
Ichika has short black hair which she usually wears loosely. Her bangs are kept very short to ensure that her hair isn’t obstructing her face. She has a slim form and is frequently found wearing a katana affixed to her belt. A large straw fishing hat is typically worn or at the very least dangling from her shoulders.
Though her eyes are brown they frequently light up gold as she uses her magic and the two earrings she wears at all times also light up as her magic is used.
Skills and Abilities
Illumination - The Tsuri hereditary magic made them perfect for commanding ships and ensuring that vessels could safely dock into the port. They can manipulate light to a degree that allows for darkness to never be a vision concern. At high intensities they can also cause a brilliant light that can result in temporary blindness to those who look at it. The downside is that the Tsuri family’s members radiate heat as they use these abilities. Though this heat is not harmful to those around extended use can cause their bodies to overheat and in some cases overuse can result in permanent damage or death as their internal organs literally “cook” from the use of their magic.
Bloom - Another side effect of the Tsuri magic is that while glowing and emanating heat plants and flowers around the magic user will rapidly bloom and grow. Historically, and sometimes still today, this would mean that direct family members and distant family members would be asked by the Dynast to visit agricultural centers during famine or droughts. Their magic was extremely useful to ensure successful harvests.
Kenbu - Ichika is an expert with katanas or wakizashis. Trained from a very young age she has consistently impressed tutors with her skills. The Kenbu style is a traditionally Dornoch style which is extremely elegant and beautiful to behold. The movements are rather fluid and nimble but the style itself is only effective in one-on-one combat. In situations where Ichika is outnumbered she is at a great disadvantage which is why the Kenbu style is predominantly used by the upper class or for sport. Most of the Pegasi uses alternative combat styles which are much more effective than Kenbu, although significantly less graceful looking.
Bloom - Another side effect of the Tsuri magic is that while glowing and emanating heat plants and flowers around the magic user will rapidly bloom and grow. Historically, and sometimes still today, this would mean that direct family members and distant family members would be asked by the Dynast to visit agricultural centers during famine or droughts. Their magic was extremely useful to ensure successful harvests.
Kenbu - Ichika is an expert with katanas or wakizashis. Trained from a very young age she has consistently impressed tutors with her skills. The Kenbu style is a traditionally Dornoch style which is extremely elegant and beautiful to behold. The movements are rather fluid and nimble but the style itself is only effective in one-on-one combat. In situations where Ichika is outnumbered she is at a great disadvantage which is why the Kenbu style is predominantly used by the upper class or for sport. Most of the Pegasi uses alternative combat styles which are much more effective than Kenbu, although significantly less graceful looking.
Headstrong and stubborn.